[History: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Monroe 4-1-13 by Ord. No. O-4-2013-006. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Council for the Township of Monroe hereby authorizes and directs the Monroe Township Business Administrator to create and implement a set of policies and procedures for use at the Senior Center, Community Center, Municipal Complex and Library.
Policies and procedures for the use of the various municipal facilities shall be on file in the Office of the Township Clerk and posted for public view at each of the facilities.
[Added 12-3-18 by Ord. No. O-11-2018-038]
The bulletin boards located in the Township Municipal Building and other Township owned facilities are only intended for official notices regarding Monroe Township and/or other Township entities (ie: Fire Districts, Board of Education etc.) policies, procedures, meetings and special events. Only authorized personnel may post, remove or alter any notice.