[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee (now Council) of the Township of Monroe 10-4-71 by Ord. No. 205.. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Editor's Note: For provisions pertaining to the Division of Fire, First Aid and Civil Defense, and the Bureau of Fire, see Ch. 3, Administration of Government, § 3-50.]
There is hereby authorized and established the Monroe Township Fire Department, to be composed of three companies, to be known as Monroe Township Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, Inc., Central Monroe Volunteer Fire Company and Applegarth Volunteer Engine Company No. 1, Inc., and such additional companies as the Township Council may authorize and approve.
[Amended 5-7-73 by Ord. No. 23; 10-6-1975 by Ord. No. 276]
No person, except present members of the above companies, shall hereafter become a member of the Fire Department of the Township of Monroe or any unit thereof unless above the age of 18 years and not over the age of 40 years, a citizen of the United States and of good moral character. He shall be physically fit to perform the duties of a fireman, evidenced by a certificate to that effect by a practicing physician of the State of New Jersey, after physical examination for that purpose.
Every member of the Fire Department shall, in each and every year, perform at least 60% of duty, to be composed of actual attendance and duty at fires and drills, and a record of such attendance and duty shall be kept by the Chief of the Fire Department and reported to the municipal officers annually.
Every person seeking to join the Fire Department shall make application to the company or unit which he desires to join, and upon his election to membership by vote of a majority of the unit present and voting, he shall become a member in good standing of the Fire Department after approval of his membership by the Chief and confirmation by the municipal officers, and his name shall be entered on a roll of firemen kept by the Municipal Clerk.
Exemption certificates may be issued to members of the Fire Department who shall have served seven years in active duty, under municipal control, as required by law of April 29, 1935, as amended May 26, 1936.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40:47-52 et seq. Those provisions were repealed by Chapter 197 of the Laws of 1971. Current provisions may be found in N.J.S.A. 40A:14-55 et seq.