[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the Township of Monroe 4-5-76 by Ord. No. 280. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Games of chance, commonly known as "bingo" and "raffles," as provided by the Laws of the State of New Jersey, 1954, Chapters 5 and 6, may be conducted in the Township of Monroe, in the County of Middlesex, on the first day of the week commonly known and designated as "Sunday," provided the applicant for the license to conduct such game otherwise qualifies under the provisions of the aforementioned statutes of the State of New Jersey and the rules and regulations of the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission and, specifically, provided that the organization conducting the games is a charitable, religious, educational, patriotic, fire company, first-aid organization or other type of organization specifically qualifying under the provisions of the aforementioned statutes.
The Township Council of the Township of Monroe or the persons duly authorized by the Township Council of the Township of Monroe shall be permitted to issue a license for the holding, operating and conducting of games of chance on the first day of the week commonly known as "Sunday." The requirements for the issuance of said license and for the manner of holding, operating or conducting such games of chance shall meet all the requirements of any federal, state, county or municipal statutes.
[Added 10-1-07 by Ord. No. O-10-2007-037]
The Municipal Clerk is hereby delegated the authority to act as the "issuing authority" to approve the granting of "bingo" and "raffle" licenses.
[Added 10-1-07 by Ord. No. O-10-2007-037]
The fees for bingo and raffle licenses shall be in accordance with Chapter 39 of the Code entitled "Fees."