[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the Township of Monroe 3-6-00 by Ord. No. 0-3-2000-004. Amendments noted where applicable.]
A consensus exists in Monroe Township to continue to value and enjoy our ancestral trees as cultural and natural resources, contributing to the scenic enhancement of the Township's environs and the high quality of life and happiness of its citizenry.
A tree, commonly referred to as the "Monroe Oak" which is depicted on the Official Seal of the Township, is located at Block 45, Lot 1, ("the property") on the northerly corner of Applegarth and Prospect Plains Roads 15 feet, one inch from the edge of said roadways in the County of Middlesex 100 foot right-of-way.
During an inspection of the "Monroe Oak" conducted September, 1998 by a certified tree expert, New Jersey License #231, the following evaluations of the tree were made:
The "Monroe Oak" is a white oak standing 65 feet in height;
The growth rate of the tree is normal and upon an increment borer sample, the age of the tree is estimated to be between 390 and 450 years;
The trunk circumference is 17 feet, seven inches or 211 inches;
The widest crown spread was measured at 110 feet, the narrowest crown spread width at 90 feet, resulting in the average crown spread being 100 feet.
The intent and purpose of this chapter is to preserve the "Monroe Oak" and designate it as a tree having historic value within the Township of Monroe, and thus making it the common property of the citizens of the Township to be protected and maintained by the Township.
The "Monroe Oak" is hereby designated a historic tree.
The "Monroe Oak" shall not be removed unless, in the opinion of the Township Council:
Said tree is so diseased or infested as to endanger the public or to be a danger to other trees; or
Said tree is dead and its continued presence would cause endangerment to the public, the property owner or an adjoining property owner; or
Said tree is detrimental to health or safety.
In order to foster the longevity of the "Monroe Oak," no person shall pave over the roots or scrape away topsoil, thereby exposing roots or otherwise harm such tree within its drip line. The drip line is defined as a line connecting the tips of the outermost branches of a tree projected vertically onto the ground.
Any person performing line clearance operations requiring tree trimming or pruning of the "Monroe Oak" shall first obtain written approval from the Monroe Township Conservation Officer 30 days prior to such activity.
Any person or persons who cause(s) damage to the "Monroe Oak" shall be held liable for such damage. The Township shall have the right to cure any damage to the "Monroe Oak" and bill the cost to the party causing the damage.
Any person who intentionally causes harm or injury to the "Monroe Oak" shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than $50,000, or imprisoned for a term not to exceed one year, or both.
In addition to the owner of the property or such other person or persons having the right of possession in the property upon which the "Monroe Oak" is located, the Township shall have the unfettered right to enter upon the property at any time for the sole purpose of inspecting, maintaining and protecting the "Monroe Oak."