[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Monroe 3-5-2018 by Ord. No. O-2-2018-001. Amendments noted where applicable.]
There shall be created a Cable Television Advisory Committee (CTAC) whose purpose shall be to:
Ascertain by means of survey or other investigations the needs of the community in relation to cable television, telephone, FIOS®, internet and any other related needs and desires and make recommendations to the Township Council of the results of their findings in connection with these services provided by all companies licensed to operate in the Township.
Participate in the Franchise renewal process in conjunction with the Township Council;
Monitor progress of all franchised providers to ensure compliance with franchise requirements and State regulations;
Compile and forward complaints to the Office of Cable Television or applicable office as per N.J.S.A. 48:5A-1.
The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Township Council, shall appoint the members of the CTAC for a term of one year expiring on December 31 of each year. The CTAC shall consist of nine members as follows:
One representative of the Board of Education.
One representative of the Township Library.
One representative of the Mayor Senior Advisory Committee.
One Township staff representative.
Four members of the general public.
One member of the Township Council who shall serve as Chairperson.
In addition, the Mayor shall appoint a Vice Chairperson from the appointed members and a Secretary.
The Chairperson shall establish a meeting schedule which shall be open to the public.
All members of the Committee shall each have one equal vote on all policy decisions.