[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee (now Council) of the Township of Monroe 11-3-65 by Ord. No. 141; amended in its entirety 8-1-05 by Ord. No. 0-8-2005-045. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The owner of every existing building or structure and the owner of every building or structure hereafter constructed or acquired which may be occupied or used by human beings, including but not limited to dwellings and commercial and industrial structures located within 200 feet of any right-of-way or easement along the line of a sewer collection system owned or operated by the Monroe Township Municipal Utilities Authority and available to serve said building or structure, shall be required to make application to the Monroe Township Municipal Utilities Authority to connect to said line and to pay the applicable fee for connection with said sewer collection system. This connection shall be made at the owner's own expense. For the purpose of this chapter, said 200 feet shall be measured from the nearest sideline of said right-of-way or easement to the nearest point of said building or structure.
Limited installment agreements for payment.
[Added 12-29-14 by Ord. No. O-12-2014-036]
The Monroe Township Business Administrator is hereby authorized to enter into an installment agreement with any owner of real property in the Township of Monroe to pay sanitary sewer and water service connection fees in installments for a period not to exceed 60 months where those fees, in aggregate, are less than $5,000.
All agreements entered into by the Monroe Township Utility Department, pursuant to this subsection, shall set forth in the agreement an interest rate accruing on the outstanding balance in an amount not more than the annual interest rate, or less than 1% below the annual interest rate, charged by the Monroe Township Utility Department for delinquent accounts.
Where the Monroe Township Utility Department has entered into an installment agreement, pursuant to this subsection, but owner has failed to make timely payments pursuant to the agreement, the unpaid balance and accrued interest shall be a lien on the owner's real property.
The Business Administrator for the Township of Monroe is authorized to execute, on behalf of the Township of Monroe, installment agreements complying with this subsection.
Amounts in excess of $5,000 shall require approval of the Monroe Township Council.
The owner of every existing house, building or structure which is or may be occupied or used by human beings and which is located within 200 feet of any right-of-way or easement along the line of any sewer system now or hereafter constructed or acquired in the Township of Monroe shall, within 180 days after the date of notice on which the services of such sewer collection systems are made available to such house, building or structure, connect to the sewer collection system.
Where sewer mains are installed without the use of public (i.e. Monroe Township or Monroe Township Municipal Utilities Authority funds, the time for payment of connection fees may be extended for a period of up to five years from the date of notice that sewers are available for connection. The time for making physical connection may be extended for a period of up to 10 years from the date of said notice.
The owner of every house, building or structure who shall be required to connect with the sewerage system of the Authority, as set forth in Subsections A, B, and C above, shall further be required to pump out and totally evacuate any septic tank or cesspool associated with the subject property and to fill same with suitable soil-type material so as to completely fill the inside volume of said septic tank or cesspool structure.
If any such house, building or structure referred to in Section 92-1B above shall be used for industrial or commercial purposes, the owner thereof shall, within 180 days after the date on which the notice of services of such sewer systems are made available to such house, building or structure, install such facilities regardless of distance from right-of-way or easement or need for a grinder pump as are necessary to connect such facilities with the sewerage collection system constituting a part of the utility system of the Authority under and pursuant to rules and regulations of the Authority which are on file in the office of the Authority. The owner of any such industrial or commercial building must make application and provide sufficient information to the Monroe Township M.U.A. to establish proper sizing and sewer collection demands.
The installation and connections required to be made pursuant to the provisions of Sections 92-1 and 92-2 of this chapter shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Authority, which rules and regulations are on file in the office of the Authority.
In no event shall any connection or tie-in fee be required by the Monroe Township Municipal Utilities Authority from the owner of any structure or building connected to an existing public sewer collection system which may be hereafter acquired by the Monroe Township Municipal Utilities Authority by purchase, condemnation or otherwise.
The engineer for the Monroe Township Municipal Utilities Authority or his authorized agent is hereby empowered to inspect and examine any such proposed connection and to approve or disapprove the manner, method and materials utilized in making such connection.
When such sewer collection system in any such street of the Township is available to furnish sewer service, notice shall be given by the Monroe Township Municipal Utilities Authority to all property owners along the lines of said sewer collection system to connect their buildings therewith in accordance with the terms of this chapter. Said notice shall be addressed to the said owner of the Township, shall describe the property by lot and block designation as appears on the Tax Map of the Township and by the street address, and shall state that under the terms of this chapter the owner is required to connect the building or buildings on said property with the sewer collection system. Said notice shall further inform the owner as to the penalty which may be imposed for failure to comply with said notice in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
Said notice may be served on the owner personally or by leaving it at his usual place of abode with a member of his family above the age of 18 years if the owner has a place of abode within the Township of Monroe, or said notice may be served within or without the limits of the Township by mailing the same by regular mail to the last known post office address of the said owner as the same appears on the last tax duplicate of the Township.
If the owner of any house, building or structure referred to in Sections 92-1 and 92-2 hereof this chapter shall fail to make any connection required by this chapter within the prescribed time frames in notice as set forth in Section 92-6 hereof, the authority may proceed to implement the provisions of Section 92-9 "Violations and penalties."
The owner of any house, building or structure who shall be required to connect into the sewerage system owned or operated by the Monroe Township Municipal Utilities Authority pursuant to the provisions of this chapter may, within 10 days of receipt of notification of the required connection, petition the Monroe Township Municipal Utilities Authority for relief from the required connection.
All petitions must be in writing and be signed by the petitioner. The petitioner must set forth all facts and matters relied upon and specifically state the extent of the relief requested.
Whenever the Monroe Township Municipal Utilities Authority determines that good cause has been shown and in order to prevent undue hardship to the petitioner, it may, in its discretion, grant reasonable extensions of the time within which any required connection must be made. Extensions of time to connect may be for a period no greater than 12 months in duration. A petitioner may, however, file a subsequent petition for a further extension of time, provided that said petition is filed at least 10 days prior to the expiration date of the extension period previously granted by the Monroe Township Municipal Utilities Authority.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a penalty of not more than $500 for each violation. A violation of this chapter shall not be considered a continuing violation on a day-to-day basis. However, a new violation shall be deemed to have occurred 30 days after the prior violation.