[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the Township of Monroe 8-2-76 by Ord. No. 292. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall, within the limits of the Township of Monroe:
Upon apprehension, be unable to give a good account of himself, or engage in an illegal occupation or be in the Township of Monroe for an unlawful purpose. In any prosecutor, under this subsection the fact that the person apprehended cannot give a good account of himself or is engaged in an illegal occupation is prima facie evidence that he is present in this Township for an unlawful purpose.
Have in his possession any picklock, key, crowbar, pick, bit or other implement, with intent to break and enter into any buildings, or have upon him any offensive or dangerous weapon with intent to assault any person.
Use or pretend to use or have any skill in physiognomy, palmistry or like crafty science, or pretend to tell destinies or fortunes.
By work, act or other means, willfully and maliciously give or cause to be given a false alarm or false police alarm.
Have in his possession or custody any ticket or tickets, slip or slips, paper, document or memorandum in any way pertaining to the business of a numbers game.
Willfully or maliciously take down, remove or injure any notice, advertisement or other placard legally and publicly set up by an officer or person in accordance with law, before the time to which such notice, advertisement or placard relates.
Commit an assault and battery.
Fight with another person or persons, commit or attempt to commit assaults and batteries upon each other, either in public or in a private place, or aid, assist or abet the same.
Utter loud and offensive, profane or indecent language in any public street or other public place, which language is likely to incite the hearer to an immediate breach of the peace.
In any place, public or private.
Address or make audible and offensive remarks to or concerning any passing person or other persons.
Obstruct, molest or interfere with any person lawfully therein.
Telephone another and address to such person any lewd, lascivious, indecent or disgusting remarks, or repeatedly telephone another for the purpose of annoying or molesting such person. Any offense committed under this Subsection A(9)(c) may be deemed to have taken place at either the place at which the telephone call was made or the place at which the telephone call was received.
Be under the influence of intoxicating liquor, loiter or create a disturbance in any public street or public or quasi-public place or any public conveyance, or go in or upon any private property not his own without the permission of the owner or other person having authority to grant such permission.
Dump on open fields or other private or public property, without first obtaining the permission of the owner or person in charge of such property, any abandoned automobile, automobile parts, junk or other trash or refuse.
Maliciously destroy, deface, damage or injure property, either personal or real.
Cast, shoot or throw anything at, against or into any vehicle, railroad car or other facility or transportation.
Discard or abandon in any public or private place accessible to children, whether or not such children are trespassers, any refrigerator, ice box, chest or other similar container, having a capacity of 11/2 cubic feet or more, with an attached lid or door which may be opened and fastened shut by means of an attached latch, or, being the owner, lessee or manager of such place, knowingly permit such abandoned or discarded refrigerator, ice box, chest or similar container to remain there in such condition.
Trespass on private property and surreptitiously or sneakingly invade the privacy of another by peering into the windows or other openings of dwelling places located thereon for no lawful purpose.
Operate any radio, phonograph, jukebox or other sound-producing instrument, device or apparatus at such loud volume or at such unreasonable hours as to disturb the peace and quiet of his neighbors or the neighborhood generally.
Permit, make or continue or cause to be permitted, made or continued any unnecessary noise which shall disturb the comfort, rest and peace of any person or persons being in his, her or their place of abode or at any public or private meeting.
No person shall indulge in, use or utter any loud and offensive, violent, indecent or profane language in the presence or hearing of another, which would tend to create a disturbance, which would tend to disturb the public peace and good order or which would be detrimental to the security, health, morals or general welfare of the neighborhood.
Appear on any street, road, avenue, park or other public place in a state of nudity, make any indecent exposure of his or her person, commit or do any lewd or indecent act or behave in a lewd or indecent manner.
Sell or offer to sell any indecent picture, book or thing or exhibit or perform any indecent, immoral or lewd play or other representation.
Solicit, invite or in any manner suggest by word of mouth or any writing or other communication or by any device whatsoever any lewd, lascivious or other immoral act.
Go about from door to door or place himself or herself on any sidewalk, street or store or other public place or places to beg or gather alms.
Enter any building or any public or private lands and break, injure or deface such building or any part thereof or the fences, outhouses or other property belonging to or connected with such building.
Interfere with or hinder any member of any fire company, first-aid squad, police department or civil defense member while engaged in the performance of his duties or on practice duty; nor shall any person disobey any order of any firemen while on active duty at any fire within the limits of the Township, of any member of the first-aid squad while on active duty or of any civil defense member while on active duty; nor shall any person ride over or otherwise damage any fire hose or otherwise interfere with, damage or destroy any property or equipment of any fire company, first-aid squad or civil defense organization within the limits of the Township.
Enter upon or trespass upon the land or property of any other person or upon the lands and premises of the Township of Monroe or of any public or quasi-public body, without lawful permission so to do.
Abandon any automobile or other vehicle upon any street, avenue, lane or road in the Township of Monroe. It shall be prima facie proof of abandonment of the said automobile or other vehicle shall so remain for a period in excess of seven days.
Trespass upon any public place designated for the disposal of trash or garbage or set fires in, upon or near said premises at any time or for any purpose whatsoever.
Keep or harbor any dog which shall disturb the neighborhood by excessive barking, whining or howling.
Remove, change, alter, obstruct, destroy, tap, shut off or interfere in any way whatsoever with any water or sewer line or any utility or any mechanical device connected thereto on any property, either public or private.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places.
[Added 1-5-81 by Ord. No. 2-81]
Drink, imbibe or consume any alcoholic beverages in or upon:
A public street, lane, roadway, avenue, sidewalk, public parking place, park, playground, recreation area or any other public or quasi-public place.
A public conveyance.
A private motor vehicle while the same is in motion or parking in any public street, lane, public parking lot or public or quasi-public place.
Any private property, not his or her own, without the express permission of the owner or other person having authority to grant such permission.
For the purpose of this subsection, "alcoholic beverage" shall be deemed to mean any fluid or solid capable of being converted into a fluid, suitable for human consumption and having an alcoholic content of more than one-half of one per centum (1/2 of 1%) by volume, including alcohol, beer, lager beer, ale, porter, naturally fermented wine, treated wine, blended wine, fortified wine, sparkling wine, distilled liquors, blended distilled liquors and any brewed, fermented or distilled liquors fit for use for beverage purposes or any mixture of the same and fruit juices.
Intentionally enter upon or trespass upon the land or property of any person without permission for the purpose of tampering with or committing the theft, or unlawful taking, of a motor vehicle.
[Added 2-6-2023 by Ord. No. O-1-2023-004]
All other riotous conduct, indecent conduct, breach of the peace and vagrancy not hereinabove specifically mentioned are hereby prohibited.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any unemancipated person under the age of 18 years.
[Added 2-10-78 by Ord. No. 357]
Either or both natural parents of a minor, the legal guardians of such minor or any other adult persons who have voluntarily or otherwise assumed the responsibilities of natural parents with respect to custody, care and control of said minor. For the purposes of enforcement of this chapter, the term "parent" shall not apply to natural parents, legal guardians or other persons whose responsibility for the custody and control of such minor is transferred to another person or otherwise terminated by court order or by the emancipation of said minor by marriage, military service or other circumstances. Persons claiming the benefit of any such termination or transfer of responsibilities shall bear the burden of establishing the same under any proceedings hereunder.
[Added 2-10-78 by Ord. No. 357]
Whenever appropriate in connection with the context, includes "corporate," "partnership," "association" and "individual" and shall include the plural.
Includes any of the following acts:
[Added 2-10-78 by Ord. No. 357]
Defacing, damaging or destroying public property or the private property of another within the Township of Monroe.
Committing an assault or assault and battery upon another in the Township of Monroe.
Robbery, stealing or larceny, including shoplifting.
Knowingly receiving stolen property.
Any breaking and entering or entering without breaking into the property of another with the intent to steal.
Threatening another with the intention of extorting money or anything of value.
Possession and/or use of a controlled dangerous substance, as same shall be defined under Title 24, Revised Statutes of New Jersey.
Juvenile delinquency based upon any of the above or similar offenses.
The masculine pronoun shall include the feminine or neuter.
[Added 2-10-78 by Ord. No. 3571]
It shall be unlawful for any parent to assist, aid, abet, allow, permit, suffer or encourage a minor to commit a violation of the public peace as defined herein, either by overt act, by failure to act or by lack of supervision and control over such minor. Whenever a minor shall be taken into custody or detained for the commission of any such violation of the peace within the Township of Monroe, the parents of such minor shall be immediately notified by the Police Department of such custody or detention and the reasons therefor and of the responsibility of parents under this chapter. When a minor is charged with a violation of the public peace, as defined herein, and the Court makes an adjudication of delinquency, the Chief of Police, or his designated agent, shall forthwith serve written notice of such adjudication of delinquency upon the parents, together with a written warning in a form approved by the Township Attorney of the penalties and other provisions of this chapter.
All fines imposed and collected under and by virtue of this chapter shall be paid into the treasury of the Township.
[Amended 2-6-2023 by Ord. No. O-1-2023-004]
Any person who shall violate any of the terms or provisions of this chapter or who shall commit or do any act or thing prohibited in this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof before the Municipal Judge, be imprisoned for a term not exceeding 90 days or shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceeding $200, or both. In default of any fine imposed hereunder, any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter may, in the discretion of the Municipal Judge, be imprisoned for a term not exceeding 90 days. In addition to any other penalty, including imprisonment prescribed by this section, the minimum fine for a violation of § 76-1A(31) shall be $1,000 for the first offense and $2,000 for each second or subsequent offense. Each property trespassed upon, or vehicle tampered or targeted for theft or unlawful removal, shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
All members of the Police Department and all special police officers shall have authority to arrest any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter within his presence or sight, without first obtaining a warrant for said arrest, and to bring said violator forthwith before the Municipal Judge, In all cases where said violations are not committed in the presence or sight of said police officers, the person witnessing said violation shall first make a sworn complaint before the judicial officer aforesaid, who shall thereupon issue a warrant for the arrest and apprehension of the person charged with said offence. Police officers may sign complaints on information and belief, provided that they set forth the source of their information and the basis of their belief, when for any reason the person witnessing the violation refuses to or does not sign a complaint.