[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Monroe 3-31-08 by Ord. No. O-3-2008-005. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Editor's Note: Former Chapter 56, Industrial Commission previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance Nos. 289 and 3-88-4, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. O-8-98-030 which created the Economic Development Commission. The Economic Development Commission was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. O-3-2008-005.]
A local Open Space and Farmland Preservation Commission to be known as the "Open Space and Farmland Preservation Commission of the Township of Monroe" is hereby created.
The Open Space and Farmland Preservation Commission shall consist of five members, to be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Township Council. Each member shall be a qualified voter of the State of New Jersey. One member shall be appointed for a one year, one member for two years, one member for three years, one member for four years and one member for five years. At the expiration of each of the above terms, the new member shall be appointed for a term of five years. Vacancies in the membership of the Commission, occurring for whatever cause, shall be promptly filled by appointment by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Township Council for the unexpired term thereof. Members shall serve for the respective terms and until their successors are appointed and qualified.
Members shall only be qualified to serve on the Commission if they possess the following: experience or demonstrated interest in the area of environmental awareness or programs promoting the preservation of open space; knowledge of the environmental and open space goals and needs of the Township, and commitment to the achievement of such goals and needs of the Township.
The members and officers of the Commission shall serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for any expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
The Mayor shall choose annually from and among the members a Chairman. The members of the Commission shall choose from and among its members such other officers as it may deem necessary. The Mayor shall be an ex officio member thereof, but shall not have voting privileges.
The Commission shall establish reasonable and effective procedures for the management of its affairs.
The Commission shall possess the following powers and duties:
To create, establish and promote the open space and farmland preservation goals and needs of the Township;
To establish and develop programs, projects, or other action to achieve the open space and farmland preservation goals and needs of the Township;
To establish and develop such programs and projects that will encourage developers and businesses to conform to the open space and farmland preservation goals of the Township;
To serve in an advisory capacity to the Township Council and to make such recommendations to it that will most effectively contribute to the establishment and achievement of the open space and farmland preservation goals and needs of the Township;
To study and analyze various municipalities in the state, with a view toward determining the most effective and workable open space and farmland preservation plan for the Township;
To carry out such other advisory, educational and informational action as will foster the open space and farmland preservation goals and needs of the Township.
The governing body may annually appropriate such sums as is reasonably necessary for the Commission to carry out its functions. The Commission shall not exceed its budget, and monies received from the Township shall be expended only for the purposes for which they have been appropriated. Any unused balance at the end of the fiscal year shall revert to the general fund of the Township.
The Commission shall maintain complete and accurate records of all monies expended by it.