[History: Adopted by the Township Council 11-7-18 by Ord. No. O-10-2018-034. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Editor's Note: Former Ch. 87, Scavengers, adopted 2-13-79 as Ord. No. 378, was repealed 4-4-88 by Ord. No. 4-88-9.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An individual or business that voluntarily registers video surveillance camera(s) or camera(s) with the Monroe Township Police Department.
The list of individuals or businesses who, pursuant to and in accordance with this chapter, registers their private video surveillance camera(s) or camera(s) on their property in the municipality with the Monroe Township Police Department.
A device installed outside a residence or business which, for security purposes, captures footage of an area outside of the residence or business.
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:48-1.6, N.J.S.A. 40:48-1.7 and N.J.S.A. 40A:48-2, the Township authorizes and creates a Registry, which shall permit any person who owns private video surveillance camera(s) or camera(s) at a residence or business in Monroe Township to voluntarily register same with the Monroe Township Police Department for the sole purpose of assisting law enforcement investigations of criminal activity occurring within the vicinity of the camera(s) locations.
The registration of a camera does not and shall not constitute a waiver of any rights granted under the Constitution of the United States or the State of New Jersey or any other law.
In order to be on the Registry, an individual or business, shall fill out an application form available at the Monroe Township Police Department or through the website of the Police Department, and provide the following information in order for the video surveillance camera(s) or camera(s) on their property to be placed on the Registry:
Name of Registrant;
Address of residence or business;
Contact information; i.e., telephone number, e-mail address;
Type of property; i.e., residential or commercial;
Recording period; i.e., motion sensor, constant, business hours only;
If images and/or video are saved to a digital video recorder (DVR) style device;
Duration of data storage;
Description of area(s) recorded;
Third party monitoring;
If the registrant will grant access to Police Department if needed; and
If the registrant is proficient in memorializing/ downloading data.
The Registry shall be available for the exclusive use by the Monroe Township Police Department and other law enforcement officials investigating criminal activity within the vicinity of the video surveillance camera(s) or camera(s). When appropriate for criminal investigative purposes, the Monroe Township Police Department may request camera footage from the Registrant. Granting access to the footage is entirely voluntary on the part of the Registrant. Registering video surveillance camera(s) or camera(s) does not convey any rights to the Monroe Township Police Department or other law enforcement officials with regard to such camera(s) or footage.
The location of video surveillance camera(s) or camera(s) voluntarily provided by the public for the Registry shall be confidential and not disclosed to the general public. The Registry shall be used solely as a tool to assist law enforcement in investigating criminal activity that occurred in the vicinity of the video surveillance camera(s) or camera(s) and shall not be considered a public record pursuant to N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1 et seq.
Video surveillance camera(s) or camera(s) placed on the Registry will be removed at the request of the Registrant at any time upon written request to the Monroe Township Police Department.