[1943 Code § 203.04; Ord. 2002-40, 7-15-2002, § 1; Ord. 2017-50, 10-16-2017, eff. 1-1-2018]
The regular meetings of the President and Board of Trustees
shall be held in the Village Hall on the first Monday of each and
every calendar month, at 6:00 p.m., except in the event a Village-observed
holiday falls on the first Monday of the month, then the regular meeting
shall be held on the second Monday of the month.
[Ord. 12-3-1984, § 1; Ord. 12-18-1989, § 1; Ord.
91-32, 1-6-1992, § 3; Ord. 95-02, 3-20-1995, § 2; Ord. 96-28, 10-21-1996, § 1; Ord. 98-30, 11-2-1998, § 1; Ord.
2004-22, 10-18-2004, § 2; Ord. 2008-24, 10-6-2008, § 2]
The annual salary of all Trustees shall be the sum of $12,000
per year for all Trustees, commencing in May 2007.
[1943 Code § 203.05]
Special meetings of the President and Board of Trustees shall
be called by the President or any three members of the Board of Trustees
by filing with the Village Clerk a written request for the holding
of such meeting, specifying in such request the business to be transacted
at such meeting; provided, that such written notice shall be deemed
waived if the President and all Trustees are present at such special
meeting. When convened, only such matters shall be considered at such
meeting as are included in the request to the Village Clerk for the
calling of such meeting.
[1943 Code § 203.05]
No vote of the President and Board of Trustees shall be reconsidered
or rescinded at a special meeting unless at such special meeting there
be present at large a number of Trustees as were present when the
vote was taken.
[1943 Code § 203.06]
A majority of the members of the President and Board of Trustees
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; and if
any member of the Board of Trustees shall absent himself from any
meeting thereof, or depart therefrom, before the adjournment thereof,
unless he be excused by the President, he shall be subject to a deduction
of compensation for such meeting.
[1943 Code § 203.08]
In case of the lack of a quorum at any meeting of the President
and Board of Trustees, whenever a majority of the members present
shall direct, the President or presiding officer shall direct the
Chief of Police or any police officer to go out and arrest and bring
in any and all absent members that can be found in the Village who
are not unable through sickness to attend; and any member of the Board
of Trustees who purposely absents himself from the Village to avoid
attending any meeting of the board, or refuses to be brought in when
found, shall be deemed guilty of disorderly conduct and be subject
to a fine of $25; and the President and Board of Trustees may, with
the concurrence of 2/3 of all the Trustees elect, expel such member,
in which event his seat shall be deemed vacant and shall be filled
by an election as in other cases of vacancy.
[1943 Code § 203.09]
Every member of the President and Board of Trustees shall vote
on all questions in which they are not directly and personally interested
which may be brought before the President and Board of Trustees for
action in such manner as to require a vote to be taken thereon, unless
such member be excused by a vote of 2/3 of all the members present.
[1943 Code § 203-16; Ord. 87-2, 6-1-1987, § 1; Ord. 5-16-1988, § 1; Ord. 89-25, 10-2-1989, § 1; Ord. 95-40, 11-20-1995, § 1; Ord. 97-35, 10-20-1997, § 1; Ord.
2002-27, 4-15-2002, § 1; Ord. 2011-20, 9-19-2011; per correspondence dated 2-16-2012; Ord. 2014-15, 4-7-2014]
(a) Meetings of Board of Trustees. Regular meetings of the President
and Board of Trustees shall be held on the first and third Monday
evenings of each month at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise ordered at a
regular meeting. Special meetings may be held at any time on call
of the President or any three or more Trustees; such call shall be
in writing, duly signed and shall be presented to the clerk, who shall
proceed immediately to prepare notices of the same, and shall cause
them to be served on the President and members of the Board of Trustees
in the usual manner; such notices shall describe, in brief, the nature
of objects of the call. At every special meeting the call for the
same shall be read and afterward filed by the clerk, and no business
other than that proposed by the call, shall be in order at such meeting.
(b) Order of Business:
(1) Calling of meeting to order by President.
(3) The reading of the minutes of the proceedings of the last meeting
or meetings; amendment and approval of the same, unless dispensed
with by the Board of Trustees.
(4) Consent agenda. (The corporate authorities may, by unanimous consent,
take a single vote by yeas and nays on the passing of any 2 or more
ordinances, resolutions or motions placed together for voting purposes
into a single group.)
Presentation of resolutions and ordinances.
(c) Priority of Business. All questions relating to the priority of business
shall be decided by the chair, without debate, subject to appeal.
(d) Order in Boardroom. The presiding officer shall preserve order and
decorum and may speak to points of order in preference to other members,
rising from his seat for that purpose; and he shall decide all questions
of order, subject to an appeal to the Board of Trustees, on which
appeal no member shall speak more than once without the unanimous
consent of the Board of Trustees.
(e) Decorum of Members. While the presiding officer is putting the question,
or while business is being transacted, no member shall walk across
or out of the boardroom except by consent of the Board of Trustees.
(f) Recognition of Members. Every member, previous to his speaking, making
a motion or seconding the same, shall address himself to the presiding
officer and say "Mr. President," but shall not proceed with his remarks
until recognized and named by the chairman.
(g) Recognition of Members "To The Floor." When two or more members seek
to be recognized on a matter at once, the presiding officer shall
name the member who is to speak first.
(h) Maintaining Order in Boardroom. In case of any disturbance or disorderly
conduct, the presiding officer shall have the power to require the
boardroom to be cleared if necessary.
(i) Member Leaving Room When Board in Session. No member shall be allowed
to leave the board while it is in session unless excused by the presiding
officer; and for attempting to do so, or for persistent violation
of any other rule or order, he may be restrained or otherwise dealt
with as the President of the board may direct.
(j) Required to Vote Unless Excused. Every member who shall be present
when a question is stated from the chair, shall vote thereon, unless
excused by the board, or unless he is directly interested in the question,
in which case he shall not vote.
(k) Limitation on Debate. No member, without leave of the board, shall
speak more than once upon the same subject, until every member desirous
of speaking shall have spoken; and no member shall speak longer than
three minutes at any one time, except by consent of the board.
(l) Communication by Members - How - Presented. When a member wishes
to present a communication, petition, order, resolution or other original
matter, he shall seek recognition from the presiding officer, as set
forth above, and briefly state its nature before presenting same.
(m) Motion in Possession of Board. After a motion or resolution is stated
by the presiding officer, it shall be deemed to be in possession of
the board, but may be withdrawn at any time before decision or amendment,
by unanimous consent of the board.
(n) Privilege of Proposer. No motion shall be put or debated unless it
be seconded. When a motion is seconded, it shall be stated by the
presiding officer before debate, and the proposer of the motion shall
be entitled to the floor.
(o) Division of Question. If the question under consideration contains
several distinct propositions, any member may have the same divided
when the question admits of division.
(p) Special Order. Any matter before the board may be set down as a special
order of business at a time certain, if 2/3 of the Trustees present
vote in the affirmative, but not otherwise.
(q) Mover's Name Recorded. In all cases where an ordinance, a resolution
or a motion is entered on the minutes of the board, the name of the
member moving the same shall be entered also.
(r) Order of Motion on Question in Debate. When the question is under
debate, the only motion in order shall be:
(1) To adjourn to a day certain.
(3) To lay on the table the previous question.
(7) To postpone indefinitely or to a day certain.
Subsections (r)(2), (r)(3) and (r)(4) of this section shall
be decided without debate.
(s) Motion to Adjourn - When Not in Order. A motion to adjourn the board
shall always be in order, except as follows:
(1) When a member is in possession of the floor.
(2) While the yeas and nays are being called.
(3) When a member or the members are voting.
(4) When adjournment was the last preceding motion.
(5) When it has been decided that the previous question shall be taken.
(t) Motion to Adjourn. When Debatable. A motion simply to adjourn cannot
be amended and is not debatable, but a motion to adjourn to a time
named may be and is open to debate.
(u) Motion to Lay on the Table. A motion to simply lay on the table is
not debatable; but a motion to lay on the table and publish, or on
any other condition, is subject to amendment and debate. A motion
to take a subject matter from the table may be proposed at the same
meeting, providing 2/3 of the Trustees present vote therefor.
(v) Motion to Lay on Table - Limited. A motion to lay any particular
proposition on the table shall apply to the proposition only.
(w) Adoption of Ordinance. An ordinance may be adopted at the same meeting
at which it is proposed.
(x) Motion to Refer. A motion to refer to a standing committee shall
take precedence of a similar motion for a special committee.
(y) Motion to Amend. A motion to amend an amendment shall be in order,
but one to amend an amendment to an amendment shall not be in order.
(z) Amendment on Different Subject Not in Order. An amendment modifying
the intention of a motion shall be in order; but an amendment relating
to a different subject shall not be in order.
(aa) Motion to "Strike Out and Insert." On an amendment to "strike out
and insert," the paragraph to be amended shall be first read as it
stands, and the words proposed to be stricken out, and those to be
inserted, and finally the paragraph as it will stand if so amended,
shall be read.
(bb) Audit of Bills. All bills, accompanied by the proper voucher, shall
be referred to the finance committee for approval and recommendation
for payment, and the finance committee shall have the power to call
upon any Village officer or officers for information concerning bills
before it. Upon the approval for payment of such bills and vouchers
by the corporate authorities, the Finance Director shall have authority
to pay the same. Any bill or bills or vouchers adversely reported
by the finance committee shall be, on the request of any two Trustees,
subject to a motion for payment thereof, said motion to be determined
by a majority vote of all members then holding office on the Village
(cc) Robert's Rules of Order. The rules of parliamentary practice comprised
in "Robert's Rules Of Order" shall govern the board in all cases to
which they are applicable, and to which they are not inconsistent
to the standard rules of this board.
(dd) Temporary Chairman. In the event of the absence of the President,
acting President and deputy President from any regular or special
meeting of the Village board, the corporate authorities may elect
one of their members to act as a temporary chairman. The temporary
chairman shall have only the powers of a presiding officer and a right
to vote only in the capacity as Trustee on any ordinance, resolution,
or motion.
[Ord. 88-32, 12-19-1988, § 1; Ord. 2014-15, 4-7-2014; Ord. 2014-34, 9-15-2014]
In order to secure the rights of the citizens of the Village
to a fair and just representation before their elected officials,
and to guarantee to those duly elected officials an orderly and dignified
forum in which to represent the rights of said citizens, no person
shall be allowed to engage in any activity that will disturb or disrupt
the orderly proceedings of the Village board. In order to attain this
objective the following rules of conduct are hereby established:
(a) Any person who seeks to address the Village board, at the time allotted
by the board for public comment, shall be permitted to speak only
upon recognition of the presiding officer and such person shall adhere
to the following provisions:
Each person addressing the Village board shall state his name
for the record.
Each person shall be granted no more than three minutes per
meeting in order to address the Village board, unless such time is
extended by the presiding officer.
Questions and/or commentary shall be limited to municipal business.
Commentary shall be directed to the presiding officer unless
that officer permits the individual to address the board members or
other officers present.
Questions and/or commentary shall take place in a professional
manner which displays mutual respect.
Profanity shall not be used in any form or manner.
Questions regarding specific elected officials, officers or
employees of the municipality will not be entertained. Questions of
this type may be addressed, in writing, to the presiding officer,
who shall determine the appropriate method of response.
(b) Members of the audience will not engage in conversation while the
meetings of the Village board are in session.
(c) Members of the audience will not be permitted free movement about
the meeting room while meetings of the Village board are in session.
Members of the audience may enter and leave the meeting room at any
time, provided such entrance or exit is made quietly and in an orderly
(d) Cameras, including still cameras, movie cameras, and television cameras
using flashlights or lighting equipment other than the normal light
furnished in the meeting room will not be allowed while meetings of
the Village board are in session unless otherwise permitted by the
presiding officer.
(e) Battery operated recording equipment will be permitted, provided
the operation thereof is silent. The microphone or pick up shall not
be placed in the section of the meeting room designated for the Board
of Trustees unless otherwise permitted by the presiding officer.
(f) No equipment may be set up or used in any manner so as to obstruct
the view of any person in the audience.
(g) Individuals who appear to be visibly intoxicated shall not be allowed
to attend a Village board meeting or address the Village board.
(h) The consumption of any solid or liquid food product or the smoking
of any tobacco product is prohibited at any meeting of the Village
board while such meetings are in session.
(i) The presiding officer at each meeting of the Village board or his
designee shall be responsible for the enforcement of the provisions
of this section and shall be empowered to reprimand and/or eject any
and all persons violating the provisions of this section.
[Ord. 87-1A, 6-1-1987, § 1; Ord. 2002-27, 4-15-2002, § 2]
There is hereby created the office of deputy Village President.
The deputy Village President shall be a Trustee of the Village and
shall be appointed by the Village President, with the advice and consent
of the Board of Trustees, and shall exercise the powers and perform
the duties as the Village board prescribes. The deputy Village President
shall assist the Village President in the performance of his duties,
as directed by the Village President.
If a majority of the Village board members present at a regular
meeting or at a special meeting, agree at such meeting that an emergency
exists within the municipality during: a) a vacancy in the office
of Village President or b) during the temporary absence or disability
of the Village President which incapacitates him from the performance
of his duties, but does not create a vacancy in the office, the deputy
Village President shall assume the duties of President pro tem. The
President pro tem, during this absence or disability, shall perform
the duties and possess all the rights and powers of the President,
but shall not be entitled to vote both as President pro tem and as
Trustee. The President pro tem shall cease performing the duties of
the President upon: a) the election of an acting President as a result
of a vacancy in the office of President; or b) the return or resumption
of capacity of the President.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of deputy Village President,
the corporate authorities may exercise the rights and powers provided
in Section 3.1-35-35(a) of the Illinois Municipal Code.
[Repealed by Ord. 87-1, 5-18-1987, § 1; Ord.
2002-27, 4-15-2002, § 2]
[1943 Code § 203.10; Ord. 95-11, 6-5-1995, § 1]
The yeas and nays shall be taken upon the passage of all ordinances
and all propositions to create any liability against the Village,
or for the expenditure or appropriation of its money, and in all other
cases at the request of any member, which shall be entered on the
journal of its proceedings; and the concurrence of a majority of all
the members elected to the Board of Trustees, including the President,
shall be necessary to the passage of any such ordinance or proposition.