[Adopted 6-15-1943 by Ord. No. 1004 (Ch. 7 of the 1978 Code)]
All moneys deposited with the Township of Nutley
for the payment of certain work to be performed and materials furnished
by the Township of Nutley, or for the security for the performance
of certain acts in accordance with the ordinances and regulations
of the Township of Nutley, shall be paid into a special trust account.
Upon completion of the work by the Township
of Nutley or the performance of the act for which security has been
given, the director in charge of the department performing the work
or having supervision over said act shall issue a certificate stating
therein the amounts to be charged against each deposit and the amounts
to be refunded and to whom, and said certificate shall be delivered
to the Township Treasurer.
Upon receipt of such certificate the Township
Treasurer shall draw the necessary check or checks upon the trust
account for the refunds designated in said certificate, sign the same
as Township Treasurer and deliver or cause to be delivered said check
to the payee named therein.
Such refund check or checks shall only require
the signature of the Township Treasurer, and the depository is hereby
authorized to pay out of said trust account moneys upon the delivery
to it of checks signed by the Township Treasurer.
[Adopted 10-2-2012 by Ord. No. 3220]
The Chief Financial Officer will comply with the certification
requirements of N.J.S.A. 40A:5-16b; ascertaining the existence of
proper and sufficient appropriations for the payments to be made and
determining that there is legal authority for the payments.
All interim payments of public assistance claims will be approved
by the Director of Public Affairs and a designee that the Director
deems responsible for this program.
Checks drawn on the Township of Nutley in payment of said claims
will be signed by all authorized signers designated by Township resolution.
All interim payments shall be approved in the manner prescribed
by rules made and promulgated by the Division of Local Government
All interim payments must be submitted for approval of the Board
of Commissioners at the next regularly scheduled meeting.