[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Nutley 6-18-1996 by Ord. No. 2484 (Ch. 16 of the 1978 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Municipal Court — See Ch. 34.
There is hereby established a Department of Law.
Within the Department of Law there shall be a Township Attorney, an Assistant Township Attorney, who shall also serve as Township Prosecutor, and such other persons as the Board of Commissioners shall deem necessary. All members of the Department shall be designated and appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the Board of Commissioners.
The Department of Law shall be responsible to perform the following duties:
Advise the members of the governing body and the other officers and boards of the Township, when permitted by law, in matters relating to their duties and the business of the Township when requested to do so.
Prepare necessary resolutions, ordinances, agreements, deeds and other documents in connection with the business of the Township when requested to do so.
Examine titles and acquisition of property and conduct litigation, suits, appeals and actions where the Township is a party, on behalf of or in defense of the Township, or any legal proceedings where the rights or interests of the Township are involved.
Prosecute violations of the Township ordinances when requested to do so. Prosecute appeals of municipal ordinances over which the Nutley Municipal Court has original jurisdiction. Prosecute violations of state statutes over which the Nutley Municipal Court has jurisdiction.
Supervise the activities of all legal affairs being performed on behalf of the Township of Nutley, any subdivisions thereof or the governing body or its members.
Perform such other services relating to the legal affairs of the Township of Nutley as the Mayor may call upon him to render.
Perform all other duties pertinent to the office of law officer of the Township of Nutley and the Township Prosecutor.
The salary of the members of the Department of Law shall be the amount now and hereafter fixed in the annual Salary Ordinance,[1] and said salary shall be full compensation for the duties hereafter performed, and no additional compensation or fees shall be paid for the performance of such duties.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 154, Salaries and Compensation.
In addition to salary, members of the Department of Law shall be reimbursed for all necessary cash disbursements paid by them in the performance of any said duties.