Any nonconforming use or structure or any lawful use on a nonconforming lot may be continued on the lot or in the structure so occupied. Nothing in this article shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of a violation of any Zoning Ordinance heretofore adopted or to make lawful any unlawful nonconforming use or structure.
No nonconforming use nor structure nor any lawful use on a nonconforming lot shall be enlarged, extended, reconstructed or structurally altered, except that such structure or use may be structurally altered to correct an unsafe condition. A nonconforming structure or a lawful structure on a nonconforming lot may be restored or repaired in the event of partial destruction thereof.
Notwithstanding other sections of this article, a nonconforming structure or a structure on a nonconforming lot may be enlarged except as to height, provided that:
Such structure does not contain a nonconforming use.
The enlargement will not increase the nonconformity of the nonconforming features.
The enlargement will not violate any other provisions of this chapter.
An existing open porch may only be enclosed in cases where there is no expansion or addition and the renovation would not be detrimental to public health, safety and general welfare.