[Ord. 26-1964, 65 § 1, passed 9-14-1964]
Any natural person, partnership, association, firm or corporation.
Includes any motion picture show, circus, menagerie or carnival, or any other exhibition, show or amusement whatever of any nature or kind, for which an admission fee is charged or for which money or any other nature of reward is in any manner demanded or received. The term "public entertainment" does not include any lecture on current affairs or on any scientific, literary, historical, religious or literary subject, nor shall such term include any church or school affair or any performance or exhibition conducted for benevolent, civic, cultural or charitable purposes.
[Ord. 26-1964, 65 § 2, passed 9-14-1964]
No person, either as principal or agent, shall conduct or hold any public entertainment in the City without first having obtained a license therefor from the City Clerk. Such license shall state the type of public entertainment for which it is granted and the term for which it is to continue in effect. No person, under any such license, shall conduct any type of public entertainment other than the type designated thereon, nor shall any person, under any such license, continue to conduct any public entertainment after the expiration of such license.
[Ord. 26-1964, 65 § 3, passed 9-14-1964; Ord. 39-1988, 89 § 89 1, passed 1-9-1988]
Application for a license for a public entertainment shall be made to the City Clerk in advance of such public entertainment and, upon issuance of such license, the fee, which shall be for the use of the City, shall be paid to the City Treasurer by the person to whom such license is issued, or by his agent. The rates for such licenses shall be as follows:
Menagerie, not connected with a circus or other type of public entertainment, for which a fee is specified in this section, for each day or part thereof
One-ring circus, for each day or part thereof
Circus having more than one ring, for each day or part thereof
Carnival or tent show, for each day or part thereof
Merry-go-round or other entertainment ride, not connected with a carnival, for each week or part thereof
Poolroom or billiard room, for each year or part thereof, per table
Bowling alley, for each year or part thereof, per alley
Skating rink, for each year or part thereof
Theater or movie house, for each year or part thereof
Any other type of public entertainment, not specified above, for each day or part thereof
[Ord. 40-1970, 71 § 3, passed 5-24-1971]
Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall be fined not more than $300 and/or be imprisoned for not more than 90 days.