[1942 Code C.1 § 28]
In addition to the authority and duties imposed on the City Engineer by the Third Class City Code, the City Engineer shall be vested with authority, and it shall be his duty, to level, lay out, measure and fix the grades of all the streets and sidewalks, as shall be designated by ordinance or resolution of Council.
[1942 Code C.1 § 29]
The City Engineer shall take charge of all original drafts, maps and survey instruments, or other property pertaining to his office and belonging to the City, and produce the same when required by Council, or to his successor in office.
[1942 Code C.1 § 30]
The City Engineer shall furnish Council, or any City department, with such plans, estimates and measurements as may from time to time be required by ordinances or resolutions of Council, or any City department, and shall make all monthly and final estimates and present the same to the proper department.
[1942 Code C.1 § 31]
The City Engineer shall superintend the construction of sewers, paving and such other constructions and improvements as Council may from time to time direct.
[1942 Code C.1 § 33]
It shall be the duty of the City Engineer to furnish the City Solicitor with descriptions and boundaries of all properties upon which it may be necessary to file liens to secure the payment of City taxes, claims for permanent improvement assessments, frontage tax and water rent, at such times as the City Solicitor may require the same.
Editor's Note: Section 127.06 was repealed by Ord. 26-1984, 85 § 1, passed 9-24-1984.