[1983 Code]
There is hereby created the office of Village Treasurer. He shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees.
[1983 Code]
The Village Treasurer shall receive as compensation such sum as shall be set in the annual appropriation ordinance.
[1983 Code]
The Village Treasurer shall give a bond, before entering upon the duties of his office, in the sum required by the Board of Trustees, and such amount shall not be less than that required by Statute. This bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duties as the Treasurer, and shall be conditioned to indemnify the Village for any loss by reason of any neglect of duty or any wrongful act of the Treasurer.
[1983 Code]
The Village Treasurer shall take the customary oath of office prescribed by statute before entering upon the duties of his office. His subscribed oath shall be filed in the office of the Village Clerk.
[1983 Code]
The Village Treasurer shall have the power and perform the duties provided by Statute and by the ordinances of the Village. Among other things, it shall be his duty as follows:
To receive all monies due or belonging to the Village and pay all orders or warrants, including special assessment and other bonds and interest coupons, authorized by the Board of Trustees and duly executed by the proper officers of the Village.
To keep, or cause to be kept, suitable books of account, showing in a simple and methodical manner all monies received by him, and from whom and on what account or fund they have been received, and all monies paid out by him, to whom and on what account or fund paid, and for what purpose. The books shall be balanced by him monthly. He shall keep a register of all warrants, which shall describe each warrant, showing the date, amount and number, the fund from which paid, the name of the person to whom paid, and when paid.
To keep a separate account for taxes which are levied for a specific purpose.
To make a monthly report of his transactions as Treasurer to the President and Board of Trustees together with canceled vouchers covering all transactions embraced in said report. The report shall show the state of the treasury as of the date of the account. He shall accompany the account with a statement of all money received into the treasury and on what account, together with warrants redeemed and paid by him. On the day the account is rendered, the warrants with all vouchers shall be delivered to the Village Clerk and filed together with the monthly account in the Clerk's office.
Within 30 days after the end of the fiscal year, he must make out an annual report, which must show:
All monies received by the Village, indicating the total amounts, in the aggregate, received in each account of the Village.
A statement showing the state of the Village treasury at the close of the fiscal year.
The annual report must be filed with the Village Clerk. A copy of such report, as filed with the Village Clerk and bearing the affidavit of the Village Clerk that such copy is a true and correct copy of the one filed with him, that said report was published, the date of publication and the name of the paper in which published shall be filed with the County Collector before September 1 as required by Statute.
He shall deposit the Village funds in such depositories as may be selected from time to time as provided by law; and he shall keep the deposit of the Village money separate and distinct from his own money, and shall not make private or personal use of any Village money.