The Fire Chief shall be appointed by the President by and with the consent and advice of the Board of Trustees. His appointment shall be from May 1 to April 30.
The Chief of the Fire Department shall have sole and absolute control and command over all persons connected with the fire service of the Village. He shall be subject to the authority of the Village President.
It shall be the duty of the Fire Chief, if within his power, to attend all emergency responses occurring in the Village, and in case of his absence from any emergency response, it shall be the duty of the officer in command of the fire company first on the ground at such emergency response to take charge of the department, and during the absence of the Chief, he shall have and exercise all the powers of the Chief of the Fire Department.
The Fire Chief shall have the custody, subject to the direction of the Village President and Board of Trustees, and be accountable and responsible for, all property and equipment belonging to the Fire Department.
The Chief of the Fire Department shall assign fire investigators, arson investigators, assistant investigators and/or inspectors to determine the cause and origin of every fire occurring within the Village of Thornton.
Such investigation shall begin as soon as practical upon the occurrence of such a fire. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be notified of the determination of cause and origin and reports shall be made as needed to both the Illinois State Fire Marshall and the Thornton Fire Department.
All arson investigations shall be conducted by a duly appointed arson investigator, which person shall be appointed by the Fire Chief. The position of arson investigator shall not be considered a rank, but rather an assignment of duty and shall be exempt under the rules and regulations of the Fire and Police Commission of the Village of Thornton.
The arson investigator shall be a sworn employee of the Thornton Fire Department and shall be classified as a peace officer in accordance with 20 ILCS 2910/1.
Any person so classified shall possess the same powers of arrest, search and seizure and the securing and service of warrants as sheriffs of counties and police officers within the jurisdiction of their political subdivision. While in the actual investigation and matters incident thereto, such person may carry weapons as may be necessary, but only if that person has satisfactorily completed a training program offered and approved by the Illinois Local Governmental Law Enforcement Officer's Training Board which substantially conforms to standards promulgated pursuant to the Illinois Police Training Act and "An Act in relation to firearms training for peace offices" approved August 29, 1975 as amended. Any persons granted the powers numerated by this chapter or the state statute may exercise such powers only during the actual investigation of the cause, origin and circumstances of such fires or explosions that are suspected to be arson or arson-related crimes.
If the fire is of suspicious origin, the Police Chief shall be immediately notified of the fact. The Fire Chief shall take charge of the physical evidence, shall notify the proper authorities designated by law to pursue the investigation of such matters and shall further cooperate with the authorities in the collection of evidence and in the prosecution of the case.
The Chief of the Fire Department shall, at least four times in every year, examine into the condition of the apparatus and hoses and report the same to the President and Board of Trustees at the next subsequent meeting, together with such recommendations as he may deem advisable in the premises.
[4-5-1999; amended 9-18-2006(1); 3-21-2012(4)]
The Chief of the Fire Department shall, on or before July 1st of each year, make a full and complete report of all activities of the Fire Department for the preceding fiscal year, together with such recommendations as may be appropriate. Such report shall also show, as nearly as can be ascertained, the number of fires, causes thereof, of accidents by fire and the number of and a brief description of the buildings destroyed or injured, together with the names of the owners and occupants, the amount of property destroyed by fire and insurance thereon, and shall include such other statistics and suggestions as he may deem advisable.