[1983 Code]
Assistance to Control. The Board of Health of the Village by a vote of four or more of its members has the authority to request the assistance of any air pollution agency or department of the state or the county, in the event it is necessary, to abate or terminate any major air pollution problem in the Village.
Dense Smoke, Inspection, Notice. It shall be unlawful to cause or permit the emission of dense smoke from any fire, chimney, engine, oil burner or any other agency in the Village so as to cause annoyance or discomfort to the residents thereof.
For the purpose of testing and grading the density of smoke, the Ringelmann Smoke Chart is published and used by the United States Geological Survey, shall be and is hereby defined as and declared to be "dense" when it is of a degree of density of number three of said chart, or greater, for more than six minutes in any one hour whether such period of time is consecutive or not.
The Building Inspector is directed and authorized to make examination of any building, structure or premises on which a smoke nuisance has been known to exist subsequent to the passage of this chapter, for the purpose of determining whether or not there exists any condition or defect in such building, structure or premises which caused such smoke nuisance to exist, or which might cause such smoke nuisance to recur at some future time. In the event such examination discloses that such condition or defect does exist and that by reason thereof such smoke nuisance may be expected to recur at some future time, the Building Inspector shall cause the following notice to be served upon the person owning or operating such building, structure or premises, or upon the person in charge, possession or control of such building, structure or premises:
"To __________
You are hereby notified that on the __________ day of _____/_____/_____, 19_____, at the hour of __________ o'clock __________ .M., a smoke nuisance existed or was caused to occur on the following described premises; __________ and that an examination of said premises by the Building Inspector of the Village of Thornton discloses said building, structure or premises to be defective or that a condition exists which may cause recurrence of such nuisance, which defect or condition should be corrected and is as follows: __________. You are further notified that in the event said defect or condition is not corrected within 10 days from the receipt of this notice, and such nuisance again recurs, then you shall be subject to prosecution and a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $100 for each and every violation.
Building Inspector of the Village of Thornton, Illinois"
It shall be the duty of the person owning or operating such building, structure or premises or the person in charge, possession or control thereof, upon whom said notice is served, to cause the condition or defect referred to in said notice to be corrected within five days after the receipt of said notice, or within such extension of time as may be allowed by said Building Inspector. In the event any such person shall fail to correct such condition or defect within said five-day period, or extension of time, and a similar nuisance thereafter recurs on said building, structure or premises which is caused by the condition or defect mentioned in said notice, such person shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $500.
No person shall cause or allow the escape into the open air of such quantities of ash dust, soot, cinders, acid or other fumes, dirt or other material, or noxious gasses in such place or manner as to cause injury, detriment, nuisance or annoyance to any person or to the public or to endanger the comfort, repose, health or safety of any such person or the public, or in such a manner as to cause or have a natural tendency to cause injury or damage to business or property. Each day that such violation continues shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense.
All persons participating in any violation of this provision either as owners, proprietors, lessees, agents, tenants, managers, superintendents, captains, engineers, firemen, janitors or otherwise, shall be severally liable therefor.
[1983 Code]
Prohibition. It shall be unlawful and a nuisance for any person to obstruct or pollute any watercourse, stream or source of water supply in the Village.
Pools. Any stagnant or unsafe pool of water in the Village is hereby declared to be a nuisance. It shall be unlawful for any person to permit any such nuisance to remain or exist on any property under the ownership or control of any said person.
[1983 Code]
If any person is found guilty of the violation of any one or more of the above-described unlawful acts, that person shall be fined not less than $25 and not more than $500 for each and every violation.