Communicable diseases for the purpose of this chapter shall be taken to include any disease transmissible to man which is now or may hereafter be declared as such by ordinance, statute or the action of the New Jersey State Department of Health to be communicable, and they shall include and embrace anthrax, cholera, chicken pox, diphtheria (membranous croup), influenza, leprosy, malaria, measles, german measles, pneumonia (all forms), poliomyelitis, plague, scarlet fever, smallpox, typhoid fever, tuberculosis (all forms), trachoma, typhus fever, whooping cough, glanders, hydrophobia, trichinosis, yellow fever, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, and all such cases shall be reported to the Division of Health as is hereinafter provided.
Every physician shall, over his signature, notify the Division of Health in writing, giving the name of the disease, the name, address, age, color and sex of the patient, also the date of onset of the disease, within twelve (12) hours after his first professional attendance upon any person suffering with a communicable disease.
Any physician who shall be called to attend a patient whom he may suspect to be suffering from any of the above-mentioned diseases, except tuberculosis, but of which he may be in doubt, shall report the same to the Division of Health as a suspected case of communicable disease within twelve (12) hours from the time of his first professional visit, giving the information pertaining to the patient as required in the preceding section, and in case of suspected typhoid fever, the report may be delayed for five (5) days.
Whenever it shall be deemed necessary by the Division of Health to establish the true character of any disease which is suspected to be communicable, a medical examination of the person or persons affected by such disease may be ordered by said Division. Any person or persons interfering with or refusing to permit such examination shall be guilty of violating this Article.
No principal, teacher or superintendent of any school shall knowingly permit any child sick with any communicable disease, or any child residing in any house in which scarlet fever, diphtheria, smallpox, measles or epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis shall exist, to attend any school until such time as the Division of Health certifies to such teacher, principal or superintendent that the said child may attend school without danger of communicating the disease to others.
No person from any dwelling wherein a disease dangerous to the public health exists shall take any book or magazine to or from any circulating library. The Division of Health will inform the librarian of all cases of said diseases, and until a written permit is given he shall allow neither books nor magazines to be taken to or returned from a dwelling where such cases exist.
Any person in the City of Perth Amboy having a communicable disease shall be isolated as the Division of Health may direct, and all buildings, clothing, property, premises and vehicles which may be infected by emanations from such person shall be disinfected as the Division of Health may direct.
Every person residing in or working in the City of Perth Amboy who is found to be affected with a venereal disease shall immediately take proper treatment for the cure of such disease or be isolated.
No person shall knowingly bring or cause to be brought into the City of Perth Amboy any person infected with any communicable disease, except upon a permit granted by the Division of Health; and no person shall knowingly bring or cause to be brought into said city anything apt to propagate a communicable disease.
Every veterinarian or other person who is called to examine or professionally attend any animal within the City of Perth Amboy having the glanders or farcy, rabies, tuberculosis or any other communicable disease shall, within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter, report in writing to the Division of Health the following facts:
A statement of the location of such diseased animal.
The name and address of the owner thereof.
The type and character of the disease.
Every animal which is mad or which has hydrophobia or which shows symptoms thereof shall be at once killed or else securely confined until the diagnosis is accurately made. Every animal that has been exposed to such disease shall be at once confined in some secure place for such length of time as to show that such exposure has not given such animal said disease, and the body of any animal that has died of such disease or which, being suspected to have such disease, has been killed, shall be disposed of as may be directed by the Division of Health.