Any person shall be regarded as practicing midwifery within the meaning of this Article who shall publicly profess by advertisement, sign or card or otherwise to be a midwife or who shall for a fee attend to women in childbirth.
Before any person other than a physician duly licensed to practice medicine in this state begins the practice of midwifery in the City of Perth Amboy, she shall be required to personally register her name and address in the office of the Division of Health of the said city. Any midwife changing her name or address shall forthwith report such change to the said Division of Health.
No person practicing midwifery in Perth Amboy shall prescribe or administer any drug or medicine, except some preparation of ergot after the birth of the head of the infant, or household remedies, nor shall she attend other than normal cases of labor.
Every midwife shall immediately upon the passage of this chapter and at the expiration of every calendar year thereafter, so long as she shall practice midwifery in the City of Perth Amboy, register her name and address at the office of the Division of Health.
No midwife shall in any case of labor use instruments of any kind nor assist labor by any artificial, forcible or mechanical means, nor perform version nor attempt to remove adherent placenta.
Midwives shall always secure the immediate services of a reputable licensed physician whenever any abnormal signs or symptoms appear in mother, infant or expectant mother.
The Division of Health of the City of Perth Amboy shall have the power to promulgate such rules regulating the practice of midwifery in said city as shall be necessary to safeguard the health of infants, mothers or expectant mothers, which rules shall be approved by the Division of Health of the said city.[1] Copies of such rules shall be served upon persons practicing midwifery in said city.
Editor's Note: A copy of the rules for midwives that were promulgated by the former Department of Health is on file in the office of the Division of Health.