[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Pine Beach 11-11-1975 by Ord. No. 75-06-242. Amendments noted where applicable.]
All persons having a claim against the Borough of Pine Beach for moneys due on account of goods or services rendered, whether by contract or otherwise, shall submit such claim to the Borough Clerk by voucher in a form approved by the Mayor and Council. The Borough Clerk shall provide copies of such voucher to any person who alleges a claim against the borough for payment of such goods and services.
The voucher shall show the name and address of the claimant; shall indicate by whose order the goods or services were rendered, the date of delivery of such goods or services, a description thereof and the amount of the claim; and shall be certified by the claimant as being true and correct. Upon receipt of the voucher, the Borough Clerk shall submit the same to the official of the Borough of Pine Beach who shall have ordered or approved the rendering of the goods and services. Such official shall examine the voucher and if true, correct and reasonable, shall certify the voucher for payment. If said official shall not approve of the goods or services rendered or the amount of the claim therefor, he shall disapprove the voucher and notify the Borough Clerk accordingly, who shall thereupon notify the claimant of the disapproval and the reason therefore.
All vouchers approved for payment not less than seven days prior to a meeting of the Mayor and Council shall be submitted to the governing body for consideration at the next succeeding meeting. Approved vouchers shall require an affirmative majority vote of the Borough Council for payment, the Mayor to have no vote except in the event of a tie.
Vouchers approved for payment shall be paid by check drawn on the Municipal Treasurer (Pursuant to § 22-7 of this Code, the Chief Financial Officer shall perform the duties of the Municipal Treasurer) or other custodian of funds of the borough and be signed by the Mayor or other chief executive officer and be countersigned by the Municipal Treasurer or other custodian of funds.