The City of Perth Amboy finds and declares that the quality
of life in Perth Amboy cannot be maintained or enhanced by disregarding
the historical and architectural heritage of the City and by countenancing
the destruction of such cultural assets. The historic heritage of
the City is among its most valued and important educational, cultural
and economic assets. As a matter of public policy, the protection,
enhancement, perpetuation and use of improvements of special character
or aesthetic interest or value is a public necessity and is required
in the interest of the health, prosperity, safety and welfare of the
people. Therefore, the City of Perth Amboy wishes to provide for the
protection of historic districts, sites, structures, and other landmarks
and open spaces within the City in order to:
A. Protect and improve the quality of its environment through identification,
recognition, conservation, maintenance and enhancement of historic
districts, sites, structures, and other landmarks and open spaces
that constitute or reflect distinctive features of the political,
economic, social, cultural or architectural history of the City and
its distinctive physical features.
B. Safeguard the City's historic, aesthetic and cultural heritage
as embodied and reflected in such historic districts, sites, structures,
and other landmarks and open spaces.
C. Foster appropriate use and wider public knowledge and appreciation
of such historic districts, sites, structures, and other landmarks
and open spaces.
D. Foster a sense of community and a feeling of civic pride in the beauty
and noble accomplishments of the past.
E. Enhance the City's attractiveness to heritage tourists and other
visitors, and increase the support and stimulus to business and industry
thereby provided.
F. Make the City more attractive and encourage residents to remain in
Perth Amboy as well as attract new residents.
G. Strengthen the economy of Perth Amboy and stabilize and improve property
values herein.
H. Promote the use of landmarks for the education, pleasure and welfare
of the people of Perth Amboy and its visitors.
I. Prevent the unnecessary demolition or destruction of historic resources,
and promote adaptive reuse when feasible.
J. Prevent the destruction of archaeological resources that could yield
useful information about the history and heritage of the City, state,
and nation.
K. Resist and restrain environmental influences adverse to such purposes.
L. Encourage private and public efforts in support of such purposes
and, by furthering such purposes, promote the public welfare, strengthen
the cultural and educational life of the City and make the City a
more attractive and desirable place to live and work.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated.
The development of a new use for an older building or for
a building originally designed for a different purpose.
The municipal official designated by ordinance to be the
City's primary contact and point person for historic preservation.
Among other things, this person reviews permits and applications for
projects that involve historic sites and landmarks, works with and
is liaison to the Historic Preservation Commission, and who is responsible
for coordinating, promoting, and implementing the City's historic
preservation program.
Any additions, changes, or rearrangement in the supporting
members of a building such as walls, foundations, columns, beams,
girders, posts or piers; or any additions to or enlargements of an
existing structure requiring walls, foundations, columns, beams, girders,
posts or piers; or the moving of a structure from one location or
position to another. Within historic districts, any additions, changes
or modifications for a building, structure, object, site or landscape
feature that is not classified as a minor alteration or ordinary repair.
Replacement or renewal of existing work of a building, structure,
object, site or landscape feature with the same or equivalent materials
or equipment parts, which are made in the ordinary course of maintenance
and that do not in any way affect health, fire or structural safety
of the building, structure, object, site or landscape feature or affect
the design or integrity of the historic fabric of the building, structure,
object, site or landscape feature.
A document attesting that proposed work within a historic
district or affecting a historic site or other landmark building,
structure, object, site or landscape feature, has been reviewed and
deemed appropriate and consistent with the purpose of this chapter
by the Commission.
A document issued by the State Historic Preservation Office
to historic sites and other landmarks that are deemed eligible for
listing in the New Jersey Register of Historic Places, but have not
yet been listed. A COE makes the site or landmark eligible to receive
funds from the New Jersey Historic Trust or county preservation programs.
A document attesting that proposed work within a historic
district or affecting a landmark building, structure, object, site
or landscape feature has been reviewed by the Administrative Officer
and/or the Historic Preservation Commission and is not detrimental
to an historic district, site, or landmark on which the work is to
be done or neighboring buildings, structures, objects, sites or landscape
City of Perth Amboy.
The legislative body or governing body of the City of Perth
A resource in a historic district or cluster that contributes
to its historical significance and association and that shall be afforded
the same considerations as landmarks.
The dismantling or demolishing of all or part of a building,
structure, object, site or landscape feature.
A negative change in the quality or characteristics of the
historical, architectural, archaeological or cultural significance
of a historic district, historic site, or other landmark.
The process of determining whether identified properties
meet defined criteria or historical, architectural, archaeological
or cultural significance.
Various tools and structures, primarily of vegetation and
soil, that manage stormwater and reduce stormwater runoff.
An area defined as such by the City Council in accordance
with the procedure set forth herein, or by a state or federal authority,
and which may contain within definable geographic boundaries one or
more landmarks or clusters, including their accessory buildings, fences
and other appurtenances and natural resources, having historical,
cultural, architectural, and archaeological significance. The District
may have within its boundaries other buildings or structures, that
while not of such historical, cultural, architectural or archaeological
significance as to be designated landmarks, nevertheless contribute
to the overall visual characteristics of the landmark or landmarks
in the district.
The Perth Amboy Historic Preservation Commission, also referred
to as "the Commission" and/or "the HCP," and which shall have and
exercise the purely advisory and recommendatory functions set forth
Any real property, human-made structure, natural object,
vista or configuration, or any portion or group of the foregoing,
of historical, archaeological, cultural, scenic, or architectural
significance. An historic site may also be referred to as a "landmark"
or "historical landmark" in this chapter.
Those districts, buildings, objects, artifacts, records,
sites, landmarks, structures or landscape features of historical,
cultural, architectural or archaeological importance, and whose demolition,
destruction or alteration would constitute an irreplaceable loss to
the quality, character, and heritage of Perth Amboy.
The ability of a property or element to convey its historical,
architectural, or cultural significance; the retention of those essential
characteristics and features that enable a property to effectively
convey its significance.
A building, object, site, structure or landscape feature
that detracts from a landmark, historic district or cluster of historical
significance because of its incompatibility with the historic district's
or cluster's sense of time and place and historical development;
or its incompatibility with the scale, height, materials, texture
or color of the landmark, district, or cluster.
A listing of cultural, historical, architectural, and archaeological
resources prepared by the City, state or federal government, or a
recognized local historic authority, following standards set forth
by federal, state and City regulations for evaluation of such properties.
Any body of water, stream, rock, plant, shrub, tree, path,
walkway, road, plaza, fountain, wall, sculpture or other form of natural
or artificial landscaping.
Either an exact or an approximate replication. If not an
exact replication, the approximate replication shall be so designed
as to achieve a harmonious result that exhibits the color, texture
and dimensions of the original feature(s).
The Municipal Land Use Law.
A series of individual listings of sites of historical, cultural,
or architectural significance that are linked by a common theme rather
than enclosed in a specific historic district boundary. Perth Amboy's
buildings that feature architectural terra cotta, by way of example,
are such a grouping.
The National Register of Historic Places is the official
list of the nation's historical, cultural, architectural, and
archaeological resources worthy of preservation. It includes districts,
sites, structures, buildings, and objects of local, state, and national
The New Jersey Register of Historic Places is New Jersey's
official list of historical, cultural, architectural, and archaeological
resources of local, state, and national interest.
An application that proposes the inclusion of a site, district,
landmark, structure, building, or object, in the listings that compose
the National Register of Historic Places or the New Jersey Register
of Historic Places.
A resource in a historic district or cluster that does not
contribute to the historic architectural qualities, historic associations
or archaeological values for which a resource is significant. Such
properties were either not present during the period of significance;
no longer possesses historic integrity reflecting their character;
are incapable of yielding important information about the period due
to alterations, disturbances, additions or other changes; or do not
independently meet the National Register of New Jersey Register criteria.
A document attesting that an emergency situation exists,
as certified by the Administrative Officer, requiring an immediate
issuance of a building permit or other permit to commence to stabilize,
secure, repair or protect a landmark building, structure, object,
site or landscape feature.
Replacement or renewal of the existing fabric of a building
or a structure, site, object or landscape feature or of parts of the
service equipment therein, with the same material or equipment parts;
or work that does not affect the design or integrity of the historic
fabric of the landmark building, structure, object, site or landscape
feature; or any routine and cyclic work scheduled to mitigate wear
and deterioration of a historic property.
A pavement system that allows water to filter through the
paving material or the grout between pavers into the soil or any underground
storage reservoir
Any required approval, including but not limited to a construction
permit, demolition permit, or zoning permit.
Any use of land or buildings as permitted by this chapter
in the zone in which it is situated.
The act or process of applying measures to sustain the existing
form, integrity and materials of a building or structure. Work generally
focuses upon the ongoing maintenance and repair of historic materials
and features, rather than extensive replacement and new construction.
New exterior additions are not within the scope of this treatment;
however, the limited and sensitive upgrading of mechanical, electrical,
and plumbing systems and other code-required work to make properties
functional is appropriate within a preservation project.
The act or process of reassembling, reproducing or replacing
by new construction the form, detail and appearance of a property
and its setting as it appeared at a particular period of time by means
of the removal of later work, or by the replacement of missing earlier
work or by reuse of original materials for historical preservation
The act or process of making possible a compatible contemporary
use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while
preserving those portions or features which convey its historical,
cultural, or architectural values.
The act or process of accurately recovering the form and
details of a building, object, site or structure and its setting as
it appeared at a particular period of time by means of the removal
of later work or by the replacement of missing earlier work.
An opinion of eligibility for listing in the New Jersey Register
and National Register issued by the State Historic Preservation Office
(SHPO) in response to a federally funded activity that would have
an effect on properties not yet listed.
The location of a significant event, a prehistoric or historic
occupation or activity, or the location of a building, structure,
object, or landscape feature, whether standing, ruined or vanished,
where the location itself maintains historical, cultural, architectural,
or archaeological value, regardless of the value of any existing structure.
The visual character of the street, including but not limited
to the architecture, building setbacks and height, fences, storefronts,
signs, lighting, parking areas, materials, color, sidewalks, curbing
and landscaping.
Permission to depart from the requirements of an ordinance
with respect to the submission of required documents, and/or compliance
with particular design standards.
There is hereby created in and for the City of Perth Amboy a
Historic Preservation Commission pursuant to and in conformance with
N.J.S.A. 40:55D-107 et seq.
The Historic Preservation Commission shall select a Chairman
and Vice Chairman from its members and select a Secretary, who may
or may not be a member of the Historic Preservation Commission or
a municipal employee.
The Commission shall create rules and procedures for the transaction
of its business subject to the following regulations:
A. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of five (5)
of the Commission's members, including the Chairman or, in his
absence, the Vice Chairman.
B. The Secretary shall keep minutes and records of all meetings and
proceedings, including voting records, attendance, resolutions, findings,
determinations and decisions. All such material shall be public records.
C. All meetings shall comply with the Open Public Meetings Act (N.J.S.A.
10:4-6 et seq.).
D. Alternate members may participate in discussions of the proceedings
but may not vote, except in the absence or disqualification of a regular
member. A vote shall not be delayed in order that a regular member
may vote instead of an alternate member. In the event that a choice
must be made as to which alternate member is to vote, Alternate No.
1 shall vote.
E. No member of the Historic Preservation Commission shall be permitted
to act on any matter in which he has, either directly or indirectly,
any personal or financial interest.
F. A member of the Historic Preservation Commission may (after public
hearing if the member requests it) be removed by the governing body
for cause.
The Commission members shall serve without compensation but
shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of official
business. The governing body shall make provision in its budget and
appropriate funds for the expenses of the Commission.
The Historic Preservation Commission may employ, contract for
and fix the compensation of experts and other staff and services as
it shall deem necessary. The Commission shall obtain its legal counsel
from the Corporation Counsel at the rate of compensation determined
by the governing body unless the governing body, by appropriation,
provides for separate legal counsel for the Commission. Expenditures
pursuant to this section shall not exceed, exclusive of gifts or grants,
the amount appropriated by the governing body for the Commission's
There shall be an Administrative Officer for historic preservation.
The Historic Preservation Commission shall have the responsibility
A. Prepare a survey of historic sites of the City pursuant to criteria
identified in the survey report.
B. Make recommendations to the Planning Board on the Historic Preservation
Element of the Master Plan and on the implications for preservation
of historic sites of any other Master Plan elements.
C. Advise the Planning Board and the City Council on the inclusion of
historic sites in the recommended capital improvement program.
D. Advise the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, Redevelopment Commission,
and the City Council, on applications for development and variance
relief, with regard to historic sites, historic districts, landmarks,
and other historical, cultural, architectural, or archaeological resources
designated herein or hereby, or in any element of the Master Plan.
E. Review applications for demolition or partial demolition involving
historic sites, historic districts, or other landmarks of historical,
cultural, or architectural importance.
F. Carry out such other advisory, educational and informational functions
as will promote historic preservation in the City of Perth Amboy.
G. Provide an annual report to the Planning Board, the Board of Adjustment,
and the City Council on the state of historic preservation in the
City and recommend measures to improve the same.
The Historic Preservation Commission shall be a purely recommendatory
body, without any independent power or authority to effectuate historic
or similar designations.
In accordance with Section
258-12, the City Council, Planning Board, the City Historian, the Commission or any person therein identified, may recommend designation of historic sites, landmarks, or historic districts that are in accordance with the National Register and New Jersey Register criteria and that possess one or more of the following attributes:
A. Association with events that have made a significant contribution
to the broad patterns of our history; or
B. Association with the lives of persons significant in our past; or
C. Embodiment of the distinctive characteristics of a type, period or
method of construction, architecture, or engineering; or
D. Identification with the work of a builder, designer, artist, architect
or landscape architect whose work has influenced the development of
the City, state or nation; or
E. Embodiment of elements of design, detail, material, or craftsmanship
that render a structure architecturally significant or structurally
innovative; or
F. Unique location or singular physical characteristics that make a
district or landmark an established or familiar visual feature; or
G. Ability or potential ability to yield historical or archaeological
information important in prehistory or history; or
H. Character, interest, or value as part of the development, heritage
or cultural characteristics of the City, state or nation.
The following sites shall be deemed historic sites or landmarks for the purposes of this chapter as a result of their current listing on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places and/or the National Register of Historic Places, their possession of a Certificate of Eligibility or a SHPO Opinion, or possessing one or more of the criteria listed in §
258-13 above, and as a result of their having been designated locally as having historical, architectural, cultural, or archaeological significance for the City, state, and nation.
A. Perth Amboy City Hall (ID#1897).
260 High Street
NR: 1/12/1981 (NR Reference #: 81000394)
SR: 10/3/1980
B. Surveyor General's Office (ID#1897).
260 High Street
NR: 1/12/1981 (NR Reference #: 81000394)
SR: 10/3/1980
C. Proprietary House (ID#1900).
149 Kearny Avenue
NR: 2/24/1971 (NR Reference #: 71000509)
SR: 9/11/1970
(aka The Westminster; William Franklin House)
D. St. Peter's Episcopal Church and Graveyard (ID#1902).
Rector and Gordon Streets
NR: 5/12/1977 (NR Reference #: 77000885)
SR: 9/26/1975
E. Simpson Methodist Church (ID#1903).
High and Jefferson Streets
NR: 4/6/1979 (NR Reference #: 79001510)
SR: 1/21/1979
F. Lawrence Kearny House (ID#1894).
63 Catalpa Avenue
NR: 5/28/1976 (NR Reference #: 76001166)
SR: 9/16/1975
(aka Kearny Cottage)
G. Perth Amboy Ferry Slip (ID#1898).
East end of Smith Street
NR: 11/28/1978 (NR Reference #: 78001773)
SR: 7/12/1978
H. Perth Amboy Railroad Station (ID#1899).
East of Elm Street, between Smith and Market Streets
NR: 6/22/1984 (NR Reference #: 84002735)
SR: 3/17/1984
(Thematic Nomination of Operating Passenger Railroad Stations
I. Perth Amboy Post Office
205 Jefferson Street
SR: 1/31/1986
(Thematic Nomination of Significant Post Offices)
J. Raritan Copper Works (ID#1901).
Main Lab (This is the only building still standing from the
original complex.)
South end of Elm Street
SR: 11/27/1978
DOE: 3/7/1978
SHPO Opinion: 12/23/1977
K. Perth Amboy Public Library (ID# 4999).
196 Jefferson Street
COE: 8/11/2010
Upon notification to the Mayor, City Council, City Clerk, or other City official by the New Jersey Historic Preservation Office or the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places that an historic site has been added to the New Jersey Register of Historic Places and/or the National Register of Historic Places, the administrative officer shall notify the Historic Preservation Commission of such additional historic site, landmark, or historic district and shall cause § 258-14 to be amended to include such additional historic site, landmark, or historic district.
Referral of Applications from the Planning Board and Board of
Adjustment. The Planning Board and Board of Adjustment shall submit
to the Historic Preservation Commission a copy of every application
submitted to either Board for development in historic zoning districts
or on historic sites and other landmarks designated herein, on the
Zoning or Official Map, or in any component element of the Master
This referral shall be made when the application for development
is deemed complete, or is scheduled for a hearing, whichever occurs
sooner. Failure to refer the application as required shall not invalidate
any hearing or proceeding. The Historic Preservation Commission may
provide its advice, which shall be conveyed through its delegation
of one (1) of its members, or staff, or consultants the Commission
may hire, to testify orally at the hearing on the application and
to explain any written reports which may have been submitted.
Referral of Permits from Code Enforcement. All applications
for issuance for permits pertaining to historic sites, landmarks,
or property in historic districts shall be referred to the Historic
Preservation Commission for a written decision on the application,
concerning any aspects of the proposed change.
The Historic Preservation Commission shall report to the Administrative
Officer within forty-five (45) days of the referral of an application.
If, within the forty-five (45) day period, the Historic Preservation
Commission recommends to the Administrative Officer against the issuance
of a permit to be used, the Administrative Officer shall deny issuance
of the permit or include the conditions in the permit, as the case
may be. Failure to report within the forty-five (45) day period shall
be deemed to constitute a report in favor of issuance of the permit
and without the recommendation of conditions of the permit.
No permit for a historic site or landmark, shall be issued or
amended nor shall any construction, alteration, minor alteration,
ordinary maintenance and repair or demolition be started on any historic
site or other landmark building nor on any sign, building, structure,
object, site or landscape feature within a designated historic district,
whether or not a construction permit is required, prior to filing
of an application for review by the Historic Preservation Commission
or the issuance of either a Certificate of Appropriateness or a Certificate
of No Effect.
A. When required. A Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Commission
shall be required before work can begin for any of the following activities
within a historic district or on a historic site or other landmark:
(1) Demolition or relocation of any building, improvement, or structure;
(2) Change in the exterior appearance of any building, improvement, place
or structure by addition, reconstruction, alteration or repair; other
than ordinary maintenance and repair as defined herein; or
(3) Any addition to or new construction of a principal or accessory building
or structure; or
(4) Any additions or signs of exterior lighting or changes to same.
B. When not required. A Certificate of Appropriateness shall not be
required for any of the following:
(1) Changes to the interior of structures; or
(2) Changes to the exterior of structures that strictly meet the standards
for ordinary maintenance and repair as defined in this chapter and
as determined by the Administrative Officer in keeping with the procedures
set forth below.
The Administrative Officer shall determine whether this proposed
work strictly meets this chapter's definition of ordinary maintenance
and repair and may request appropriate documentation to conduct his
or her review. If the proposed work does not strictly meet this chapter's
definition of ordinary maintenance and repair, the Administrative
Officer shall refer the application to the full Commission.
If the Administrative Officer has any doubt as to whether the
work constitutes ordinary maintenance and repair, the Administrative
Officer shall refer the request to the Commission.
No fee or application shall be required for the Administrative
Officer's review.
C. Application for review. Application for a Certificate of Appropriateness
or a Certificate of No Effect shall be made on forms available at
the office of Code Enforcement. A completed application form shall
be returned to the Administrative Officer or Code Enforcement accompanied
(1) Appropriate architectural drawings and other information to show
the proposed alterations, additions, changes or new construction.
(2) Current photograph(s) showing facade(s), if applicable.
(3) A property survey, if available;
(4) In the case of applications for approval of the demolition or relocation
of a building or structure only, current and archival photographs
of the interior and exterior of said structure to document its condition;
(5) If the proposed changes are to be presented to the Planning Board
or Board of Adjustment, the same documentation for submission to those
Boards shall be submitted to the Commission in addition to the above-required