[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Nutley 9-5-2000 by Ord. No. 2643 (Ch. 4 of the 1978 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Cable television franchise — See Ch. A720.
There is hereby created the Cable Access Committee of Nutley (CACON).
The functions of CACON shall be to:
Inventory, catalogue and make available on a regular basis the public access programming capabilities of the Township of Nutley, the educational systems within the municipality and other relevant entities.
Advertise and otherwise inform the public on a regular basis of the public access programming capabilities of the Township of Nutley, the educational systems and other relevant entities.
Promote local public access programming within the entire community, including but not limited to all activities of all departments of local government, the public library, the academic and extracurricular activities of the school systems, including high school, junior high school, grammar schools and nonpublic schools, and cultural and holiday events of a general interest to the community at large.
Inventory, catalogue and make available the names, addresses and telephone numbers and affiliations of every individual nonprofit corporation, educational group or other community-based entity interested in utilizing the public access programming capabilities of the municipality.
Create a methodology to be utilized in placing programming onto the municipality's local public access channel, quality control, approving and disapproving of programming and prioritizing and scheduling programming.
Educate representatives of interested community-based entities and individuals regarding the process of creating programming and placing programming onto the municipality's local public access channel.
Encourage and foster curriculum development within the school systems and volunteer efforts by members of the community, students, faculty and any professionals in the area of cable programming.
Promote and encourage the development of fee-generating programming to the extent permitted under the law for the sole purpose of meeting the expenses of programming and making the cable programming efforts within the municipality self-sufficient.
Report to the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Nutley on a semiannual basis, said reports to be due no later than September 1 and March 1 of each and every year. The reports shall include a detailed explanation of the Committee's efforts to fulfill its functions as set forth herein, a list of all persons or other entities, together with addresses and phone numbers, involved in any way in the programming efforts of the municipality and inventory of all property utilized in the programming efforts of the municipality, and its whereabouts, an income and expense statement detailing the expenses of programming, any fees generated thereby and any other matters which may be requested by the Board of Commissioners.
Such other functions that may be necessary to carry out and give effect to the functions more fully set forth herein.
CACON shall consist of nine members as follows:
The Mayor or his/her designee.
A member of the governing body appointed by the governing body.
The Director of the Nutley Library.
A member of the faculty of Nutley High School who is also designated as an educational media specialist, appointed by the Nutley High School administrator having direct supervisory responsibility over the library-media center at Nutley High School.
A member of the student body of Nutley High School appointed by the joint decision of those faculty members of Nutley High School who are also designated as educational media specialists.
The Superintendent of Schools of Nutley or his/her designee.
The President of the Nutley Board of Education.
A citizen of Nutley who is also a parent of any grammar school student appointed by the governing body.
Another citizen of Nutley as appointed by the governing body.
The term of office of the nine members shall be as follows:
The term of office for the Mayor or designee, the Superintendent of Schools or designee, the President of the Nutley Board of Education and the Library Director shall correspond to the term of office, except that in the case of a designee, he/she shall serve at the will of the Mayor or Superintendent, as the case may be.
The term of office for the member of the governing body shall be for three years or terminate at the completion of their term of office, whichever comes first.
The term of office for a member of the faculty of Nutley High School shall be for one year for the first term and for two years thereafter, commencing on May 1 and terminating on April 30 of the subsequent year.
The term of office for a member of the student body of the high school and for the parent of a grammar school student shall be for one year, commencing on May 1 and terminating April 30 of the subsequent year.
The term of office for another citizen of Nutley shall be for one year.
CACON shall be and is empowered to create such committees and subcommittees and it shall deem appropriate to it in carrying out the functions established herein, provided that they are answerable directly to the Cable Access Committee established herein.