[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Nutley 12-21-1948 by Ord. No. 1152 (Ch. 42 of the 1978 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Claims approval; refunds — See Ch. 23.
Salaries and compensation — See Ch. 154.
There is hereby created and authorized an account to be opened in the Bank of Nutley, which shall be known as "Township of Nutley Payroll Account," and upon and after the effective date of this chapter, all employees of the Township of Nutley in whatsoever department they may be shall be paid their respective salaries and wages by check drawn on the said payroll account herein mentioned.
The Treasurer shall present at each regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners for approval vouchers drawn to the order of the Township of Nutley Payroll Account as follows: In advance for all employees whose salaries are on an annual or weekly basis when such salaries are due and payable prior to the next regular meeting of the governing body, and for all employees whose salaries are on an hourly or daily basis, at the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners next succeeding the end of their payroll period.
At each regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners, the Treasurer shall submit for approval or ratification, as the case may be, the necessary payroll amounts due the several officers and employees for compensation. Payrolls shall be considered by the governing body in due course and approved if found to be correct. The Treasurer shall then draw checks on said payroll account to the employees entitled to payment therefrom, which said checks shall be signed by the Treasurer. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Acting Treasurer shall have the authority to sign checks in accordance with resolutions previously adopted.
In case of error or adjustment in the payroll, the Treasurer shall and it shall be his duty to see that such error or adjustment is properly corrected and appropriate record made thereof.
Such officers as may be or who are presently designated by the governing body are hereby authorized to sign checks drawn in favor of the payroll account upon due notice that the appropriate payrolls have been approved by the Board of Commissioners and by the proper certifying authorities.