In every place of business or industrial establishment, there shall be provided suitable, adequate and convenient water closets and washing facilities, separate for each sex and plainly so designated, of such number, in such location and so constructed, lighted, ventilated, arranged and maintained as may be determined by such reasonable rules and regulations as the Division of Health may adopt. No person shall be allowed to use a closet or privy provided for the use of persons of the opposite sex. If any such establishment is so located that a connection with the sewer system is, in the opinion of the Division of Health, impossible or inpracticable, it shall provide such suitable toilet and washing facilities as the Division may require.
In every establishment where persons are employed, there shall be provided within reasonable access a sufficient number of proper water closets. Where persons of both sexes are employed together, separate water closet compartments or toilet rooms shall be provided for each sex and shall be plainly designated for the use of persons of each sex.
The number of seats shall not be less than one (1) to every fifteen (15) persons or fraction thereof, based upon the maximum number of persons of either sex employed at one time.
Water closets and urinals must be readily accessible to the persons for whose use they are designated. In no case may a closet be located more than one hundred (100) feet distant from the regular place of work of the persons for whose use it is designated, except where service elevators, accessible to the employees, are provided. In tenant factories, mercantile or office buildings, the owner shall provide separate toilets within reasonable access, as above defined, for the common use of the tenants.
In theaters and amusement places, one (1) toilet for every two hundred (200) persons shall be provided.
Existing installations. Every water closet in every building where both sexes are employed shall be in a compartment completely separated from every other water closet, and said water closets shall be enclosed in a suitable toilet room. The structure containing the water closets shall not be used for any other purposes than for water closet purposes.
All installations. The enclosing walls shall be substantially constructed and designed to secure privacy. All outside walls, unless constructed of glazed tile, bricks, etc., shall be kept well painted with a light-colored oil paint impervious to moisture.
Every water closet compartment shall be ventilated directly to the outside air by windows, skylight or other suitable openings.
Future installations. The minimum amount of window space for every toilet room in which one (1) urinal or seat is hereafter installed shall be four (4) square feet, and for each additional urinal or seat one (1) square foot additional window space shall be provided.
All installations.
All windows must be so constructed that the upper or lower sashes may be readily opened for at least one-half (1/2) their total area.
Every toilet room or water closet compartment shall be so lighted that all parts of the room or compartment are easily visible at all times during working hours. If daylight is not sufficient for the purpose, artificial illumination shall be maintained.
In all water closet compartments hereafter constructed, there shall be at least ten (10) square feet of floor space and eighty (80) cubic feet of air space per urinal or seat installed.
Future installations. The floor of every water closet compartment hereafter installed and the sidewalls to a height of nine (9) inches shall be constructed of material impervious to moisture and which has a smooth surface.
All installations. The floors of all water closet compartments and toilet rooms shall be kept in good repair and free from cracks, holes and moisture.
Hereafter whenever urinals are installed, the floors in front for a distance of at least twenty-four (24) inches shall slope to the drain. All urinals shall be made of impervious noncorrosive materials and shall be individual and of the vertical mold slab type.
All toilets and urinals shall be kept clean. Regular and thorough cleanings shall be practiced. Disinfection alone shall not be relied upon.
An adequate supply of toilet paper shall be provided in each and every water closet compartment, and said toilet paper shall be kept in a fixture attached to the walls of the compartment.
All water closets, traps, flush tanks and pipes shall be effectively protected against freezing.