[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the Borough of Lawnside 2-3-1971 by Ord. No. 144-1971. Amendments noted where applicable.]
A department known as the "Department of Public Works of the Borough of Lawnside" is hereby established, to have jurisdiction over municipal roads and other public works projects as designated by the Borough Council.
The Borough Council hereby establishes the position of Superintendent of Public Works of the Borough of Lawnside.
The Superintendent of Public Works shall be the executive and responsible officer of the Department of Public Works, and he shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Borough Council. The term of said officer shall be one year, commencing January 1 of each year, with compensation as provided in the Salary Ordinance.[1] Should the office become vacant during any term, it shall be filled by a similar appointment but for the unexpired term only.
Editor's Note: As to salaries and compensation, see Ch. 3, Art. VIII.
The Superintendent of Public Works shall perform the following duties:
The Superintendent of Public Works shall have full charge and management of the Department and of the other officers and employees in said Department as may from time to time be authorized by resolution of the Borough Council.
He shall keep accurate records and books of account of all his transactions as Superintendent of Public Works and of the work and transactions of his office. He shall prepare budget recommendations for the Department and shall have full charge and management of the properties and equipment belonging or assigned to the Department of Public Works.
He shall render to the Borough Council such reports, recommendations, drawings or other documents as may be required, at regular stated intervals or upon special request therefor. He shall hold himself available for consultation and advice to all municipal officials and municipal boards or commissions.
The Superintendent of Public Works shall have direct charge and management of the maintenance and/or repair of all streets, sewers, drainage and other public works projects as designated by the Borough Council. In addition, he shall coordinate the work of the Department of Public Works with the work of the other borough departments as it applies to public works projects. He shall be available for advice, guidance and consultation to the other departments of the borough.
[Added 2-7-1985 by Ord. No. 1-1985]
The Borough Council hereby establishes the position of Repairman of Public Works of the Borough of Lawnside.
[Added 2-7-1985 by Ord. No. 1-1985]
The Repairman of Public Works shall perform the following duties:
Loading, unloading and applying salt and sand to streets and roads and loading and unloading hot patch, cold patch or other such materials used to repair and maintain streets and roads.
Cutting brush, mowing grass, planting and maintaining shrubbery, flowers, trees, lawns, etc.
Emptying refuse containers, loading refuse and disposing of the refuse at an assigned place.
Engaging in installing, maintaining and repairing water mains, pipes, valves, pumps, hydrants and other such equipment involved in the operation, adjustment and regulation of sewage and/or water treatment plants and other related facilities.
Engaging in the installation, painting and repairing and maintenance of road and street signs.
Cleaning and maintaining public parks.
Cleaning and maintaining public buildings and grounds.
Operating snow plows, using snow shovels and otherwise keeping streets, roads, sidewalks, etc., clear of snow.
Operating, checking, servicing and making minor repairs to cars, trucks, tractors, road graders, compressors, generators, lawnmowers, hedge cutters and other such Streets and Roads, Sewer, Parks, and other such Departments' equipment.
Doing related work as required.