[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the Borough of Lawnside 7-5-1972 by Ord. No. 160-1972. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Certain words in this chapter, as hereinafter used, are defined as follows:
A hand-drawn or -propelled vehicle or wheeled container made of metal, wood or other material such as is generally provided by merchants for carting or carrying merchandise or foodstuffs to automobiles or other places.
Includes individuals, corporations, partnerships or associations.
Includes streets, avenues, roads, alleys, highways, boulevards, concourses, driveways, culverts, parking lots, parking areas and places used by the general public.
The owner or owners of shopping carts used in connection with any retail business and intended for use by patrons in carrying articles of merchandise shall clearly designate on each cart the name and the address of each owner or owners.
It shall be unlawful for any owner or owners to permit any carts to be left unattended or abandoned on any public streets or public place within the Borough of Lawnside, County of Camden.
[Added 11-3-1976 by Ord. No. 9-1976]
The Chief of Police is authorized to remove and impound or cause to be removed and impounded any cart found abandoned or discarded or left in any of the prohibited areas described herein and to deliver it to any borough-owned or -leased storage facilities available for such purpose. Within five days after the removal of the cart to the storage facilities, the Chief of Police shall, by ordinary mail, notify the owner thereof at the address indicated on the identification tag or plate that the impounded cart may be redeemed for the sum of $1 within seven days from the date of said notice for redemption. Where any such property remains unclaimed or unredeemed for a period of five days beyond the date fixed for redemption, or where a cart impounded has no identification tag or plate and is not claimed or redeemed within said five-day period after impounding, the Chief of Police shall give at least five days' public notice in a newspaper circulating in the Borough of Lawnside, fixing a place, date, time and the terms for a public sale to the highest bidder of such property. The Chief of Police shall conduct such sale within a reasonable period of time after impoundment. Where any such property shall remain unsold at public sale, the Chief of Police may dismantle, destroy or otherwise sell or dispose of such property. Any public sale or other disposition of property pursuant to this chapter shall be without liability to the borough, to the owner of such property or to any other person lawfully entitled thereto or having an interest therein.
[Added 11-3-1976 by Ord. No. 9-1976]
Within 30 days after such property is redeemed or disposed of by public sale, the Chief of Police shall pay over to the Borough Treasurer the amount received for said redemption or the proceeds of the sale or other disposition of the property and at the same time shall deliver to said Treasurer a detailed statement concerning said redemption, including the identity of the property, the name and address of and the amount received from the redemptor or the purchaser and the costs and expenses incurred by the borough.
It shall be unlawful for any person to remove a cart, as defined herein, from the property of any retail establishment.
[Amended 11-3-1976 by Ord. No. 9-1976]
Any person who shall violate the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding $500 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 90 days, or both such fine and imprisonment.