[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Lawnside 7-5-1989 by Ord. No. 7-1989. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No businesses showing X-rated movies or live sex acts shall be allowed to be conducted within the Borough of Lawnside.
Massage parlors shall not be allowed within the Borough of Lawnside.
No business dealing with indecent or obscene materials, acts or paraphernalia shall be allowed to be conducted within the Borough of Lawnside.
All magazines which feature nudity or which would normally be considered X-rated must be kept out of reach and out of sight of minors and may not be prominently displayed. Such magazines may be kept behind the sales counter or in other locations where access to same is not available to minors.
This chapter shall take effect immediately upon final passage and publication according to law.
Community impact statements must be filed with the Borough Clerk by all businesses which are not family-oriented. No business license shall be issued to any proposed business which is determined by the Borough Administrator to be oriented towards serving or attracting a special population of customers or patrons and not oriented toward activities reasonably related to the health, education, safety and welfare of the family, until said business has first prepared and submitted to the Borough a community impact statement, as hereinafter described.
Businesses which are not family-oriented and which may have an adverse impact upon family commerce, recreation, education and worship should be encouraged to locate in other communities where the patronage would be more probable and profitable and where their impact would be more acceptable. In order to identify such businesses to determine whether or not they should be licensed and what special requirements, if any, should be imposed, the Borough of Lawnside shall require a study and review of the probable impact on the community of any proposed business activity oriented towards serving or attracting a special population of customers and not oriented toward activities reasonably related to the health, education, safety and welfare of the family.
Community impact statements shall contain the following elements:
A detailed description of the proposed business; names and addresses of all owners and shareholders, officers and directors thereof; proposed location; description of building and facilities; description of merchandise or services to be sold or otherwise provided; proposed hours of operation; profile of expected customers; projected market area; reference to other similar business operations.
An analysis of the existing business community within a 300-foot radius of the proposed location, including the following factors, at a minimum:
Type of businesses.
Profile of customers.
Market area.
Economic growth/deterioration.
Property values.
Proximity of residential neighborhoods.
Proximity of schools, churches and public facilities.
The impact of the proposed business upon the factors described in Subsection B above.
The impact of proposed business upon the physical health, mental health and social health, and social environment of the Lawnside Borough community.
The names, addresses and signatures of a majority of the eligible registered voters of the Borough of Lawnside attesting to the fact that by evidence of their signature, those signing the community impact statement gave no objection to the type of business to be conducted under Subsection A above.
Alternative locations for the proposed business and/or alternative business for the proposed location.
A completed community impact statement, together with 20 copies, shall be filed by the applicant with the Borough Clerk, Borough Administrator, Clerk to the Borough Planning Board Engineer, Police Department, the Secretary of the Lawnside School Board, and to any other parties requesting the same. The Borough Clerk may assess a charge for the cost of copying any completed community impact statement issued to private parties.
The Clerk shall invite comment, to be made within 30 days, on the community impact statement from the above-identified parties. Within 60 days the Administrator shall make recommendations to the Borough Council on whether the applicant's business license shall be granted or denied and/or whether certain steps shall be taken by the applicant to reduce the adverse impact of its proposed business on the Lawnside community.
The Borough Council shall then schedule a public hearing for the purpose of considering issuance of the business license to the applicant. At the conclusion of the public hearing and any continuances thereof, the Borough Council shall either grant or deny the business license or grant the business license subject to conditions.
It shall be valid grounds for the denial of a business license if the Borough Council finds that a proposed business will have a significant adverse impact upon the community and will be significantly inconsistent with the purposes of this chapter. The possibility of mitigating measures agreed to by the applicant shall be taken into account.
No business license shall be denied solely on the basis of the content of written, audio or visual communications sold or made available to customers unless the same is found to be obscene as defined by N.J.S.A. 2C:34-2 et seq.
All procedural elements of this chapter shall have retroactive as well as prospective application to any and all businesses that have not received a final and unconditional business license on the date of enactment hereof. The substantive elements of this chapter are deemed to be necessary for the immediate protection of the public health, safety and general welfare and shall also apply to aid businesses.
The Borough Council shall maintain continuing jurisdiction to review the license of all businesses which were granted after Borough Council review of the business's community impact statements in order to assure that the public interest is served by the businesses having been issued the same.
Review proceedings may be initiated in any of the following ways:
Upon written request of the Mayor or Council member on any of the following grounds:
Violation of the Lawnside Borough Code, including but not limited to zoning, subdivision, building, plumbing, mechanical or fire code of the borough or of the borough's anti-obscenity Ordinance.
Conducting activities other than as described in the community impact statement.
Violation of any condition of the business license.
If there has been a material change in the licensee's business activities and/or in the merchandise or services provided to customers, which change may have adverse impact on the community in violation of the goals and purposes of this chapter.
Upon petition filed with the Borough Administrator of not fewer than 25 property owners or tenants of 50% of all of the property owners or tenants within a 300-foot radius of the subject business, stating that said business has a significant adverse impact on the community and is significantly inconsistent with the criteria for family-oriented businesses established by this chapter.
Upon receipt of a request for review proceedings, the Borough Council shall set a date for a public hearing and direct the Borough Clerk to mail the licensee notice.
The Borough Clerk shall send the licensee notice of the date, time and place of the public hearing by mail to the licensee's business address as stated on its business license. Notices shall also be mailed to those persons whose names and addresses appear on the petition, if such was filed.
After the public hearing, the Borough Council may revoke the business license on any of the following grounds:
The licensee has made a materially false, incomplete or misleading statement in any application for the business license or in the community impact statement.
The nature of the business and/or the character of the surrounding area has so changed, such that the business will have a significant adverse impact upon the community and will be significantly inconsistent with the purposes of this chapter.
There are material violations of zoning, subdivision, building, plumbing, mechanical or fire codes of the borough or of any other ordinances of the borough.
The licensee has failed or refused to comply with any mitigating measures or conditions imposed by the Council.
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than $500 and each day that the violation continues shall be a separate offense, punishable by a separate fine.
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this chapter shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality thereof shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this chapter.
This chapter shall take effect upon final passage and publication according to law.