[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the Borough of Lawnside 7-20-1966 by Ord. No. 110-1966. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The system of numbering all buildings and lots of land in the Borough of Lawnside shown on the map entitled "House Numbering Map, Borough of Lawnside, Camden County, New Jersey," made by John G. Reutter, Borough Engineer, dated May 1966, consisting of 13 separate sheets or pages and lodged in the office of the Borough Clerk, providing a number for all buildings and lots in the borough and hereby made a part of this chapter, is hereby assigned to those buildings and lots.
Upon any subdivision or resubdivision of land in the borough which results in a lot or lots other than those delineated on said map, the Borough Engineer shall assign a number to each lot resulting from the subdivision or resubdivision, which numbers shall be in proper numerical sequence in relation to the numbers assigned to other lots fronting on the same street, and he shall record the same upon the said map.
No subdivision or resubdivision of land requiring approval by the Planning Board shall be approved by it unless a number shall be assigned by the Borough Engineer to each lot therein for the building erected or to be erected on it.
The number so assigned to each building shall be displayed by the owner or occupant on the front of the building or in the front yard in numerals at least three inches in height at or near the front entrance to the building or premises and so located as to be visible to persons passing by the premises on the abutting street.
No certificate of compliance or building permit shall be issued for occupancy of any building hereafter erected or enlarged unless the provisions of the foregoing sections shall have been complied with.
[Amended 11-3-1976 by Ord. No. 9-1976]
The occupant or owner of any building who shall not comply with the provisions of § 49-4 of this chapter within three months after notice of the number assigned to the building shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $500 or be imprisoned for a term not to exceed 90 days, or both, in the discretion of the Judge.