[HISTORY: Adopted by the Council of the Borough of Lawnside 4-14-1965 by Ord. No. 98-1965; amended in its entirety 12-7-2022 by Ord. No. 15-2022. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Every person who shall engage in or carry on any business within the limits of the Borough of Lawnside, for the purpose of this chapter, shall be deemed required to obtain a mercantile license.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes businesses, trades, callings, professions and vocations.
Includes persons, firms, copartnerships and corporations.
Every person who shall engage in or carry on any business within the limits of the Borough of Lawnside, in using any vehicle, stand, store or other place or thing, to sell or offer any goods or thing for which a license is required by the terms of this chapter, shall submit a mercantile license application to the Borough Clerk annually by January 30 of each year.
The mercantile license application shall give:
Applicant/business owner or officers' name, address, contact phone number and email address.
Business location.
Business description.
Business type.
The number of other equipment (vending machines, washers, dryers), if applicable.
The number of signs, freestanding signs and dimensions, if applicable.
Time for applying for license. The owner of any newly acquired business shall submit a mercantile license application to the Borough Clerk upon zoning permit approval and a passing certificate of occupancy inspection. No business operations can initiate without issuance of a mercantile license.
The fees herein imposed for such licenses are imposed for revenue and regulation.
All business owners shall pay the required annual mercantile license fees annually by January 30 of each year. Any business owner who does not pay the required annual mercantile license fees by January 30 shall be assessed a late fee of $50 at the time of application.
A mercantile license with the municipality name, business location, licensing year, and a mercantile license serial number shall be issued to the business owner after payment has been received by the Borough Clerk to conduct business operations in the municipality.
The mercantile license shall expire on December 31 of the licensing year.
Any business owner found to be transacting business without the required license is subject to cease of business operations until the business is in compliance and required fees are received by the Borough Clerk and subject to a fine of $100 per day for violation of the terms aforementioned in this chapter.
The license fees to be paid annually for conducting businesses within the limits of the Borough of Lawnside, in using any vehicle, stand, store or other place or thing, to sell or offer any goods or thing for which a license is required by the terms of this chapter, shall be:
Business Type
Amusements, carnival, festival (licensed for a 7-day period)
$300 plus $25 for each amusement unit/game/ride
$75 each day
Automatic slot machines including jukebox/music
$75 each unit
Automobile accessories, dealership, paint body shop, repairs, service station
Beauty shop
Billiard hall
$100 plus $25 each table
Dance hall requiring police protection
Department store
Up to 5,000 square feet
5,001 square feet to 10,000 square feet
Over 10,000 square feet
Dry cleaners
Electrical goods and supplies
Florists/garden tools and supplies
Food store/supermarket
Up to 5,000 square feet
5,001 square feet to 10,000 square feet
Over 10,000 square feet
Food truck vendor
$75 per day
Funeral home
Insurance agency
$100 plus $45 registration fee per rental unit
$100 plus $25 for each washer and dryer
Movie theaters, multiscreen complex
$500 plus $75 each screen
Music, musical devices and instruments
Newsstand including books and magazines
Photography and videography studio
Radio and TV sales and services
Up to 25 square feet
26 square feet to 50 square feet
51 square feet to 75 square feet
76 square feet to 100 square feet
Over 100 square feet
$150 per year
Storage facility
Up to 100 units
101 units to 150 units
151 units to 200 units
Over 200 units
Transportation services
Vending machines
$75 each unit
Wholesale dealers and distributors
Other business not herein classified
No license shall be granted for any theater, scenic theater, moving-picture show, electric illusion or other exhibition or amusement until the Chief of the Electrical Bureau, Building Inspector and Chief Engineer of the Fire Department certify in writing to the Borough Clerk that the applicant has complied with all the ordinances and regulations respecting protection of life and property relating to such places. The certificate of license shall be conspicuously displayed on the premises where the business is conducted.
No person, persons or business owner shall be allowed to transact any business within the Borough of Lawnside under any license granted under this chapter except the business for which such license was granted. No license provided for by this chapter shall be transferred from one person/business to another person/business. A valid mercantile license that is in compliance for the current year is deemed acceptable for place-to-place transfer if originated by same person, persons or business owner.
It shall be a condition to the issuance of any and all licenses under this chapter that the said business shall be used and operated only for lawful purposes.
No mercantile license shall be issued to any person who has not complied with the laws of the State of New Jersey or the ordinances of the Borough of Lawnside providing regulations respecting the safety of persons who may have occasion to use the premises, place or thing licensed. For any licensed person, persons or business owner who fails to comply with such laws or ordinances after due notice and opportunity to be heard, the Council of the Borough of Lawnside may revoke such license.
Every person conducting a business required to be licensed hereby shall permit the Borough Clerk or or other official designated by the governing body to have access to any building or premises for the purpose of ascertaining whether there has been compliance with the provisions of this chapter and other ordinances and to determine the fees to be paid, and any refusal thereof shall be deemed a violation of this chapter and be subject to the penalties hereof.
Any proper officer is hereby authorized and directed to use such of the police force of the Borough as is necessary to execute and enforce all necessary and lawful police regulations as may best protect and facilitate the carrying on of the several businesses, trades and occupations licensed by this chapter.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be punished for each offense by a fine not to exceed $500 or by imprisonment for any term not exceeding 90 days in the county jail or in any place provided by the municipality for the detention of prisoners, or both. The Judge before whom any person is convicted of violating this chapter shall have power to impose any fine or term of imprisonment not exceeding the maximum fixed in this chapter. In default of the payment of any fine imposed hereunder, any person convicted of any violation may, in the discretion of the Judge by whom he was convicted, be imprisoned in the county jail or place of detention provided by the municipality for any term not exceeding 90 days.