[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Lawnside 3-6-2013 by Ord. No. 04-FY2013. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known as Chapter 55, entitled Rules of Use and Operation of the Wayne R. Bryant Senior Community Center.
The Business Administrator shall be responsible for the operation of the facility and shall report to the Mayor and the Recreation Committee. The Recreation Committee shall administer the policies and procedures adopted by the Governing Body. The Mayor and the Borough Council shall establish the policies and procedures to be used by the Business Administrator and the Recreation Committee and amend them as needed from time to time. The Mayor and Borough Council, their agents, assigns, and delegates have the discretion to require additional security, documentation, or insurance coverage for events.
Reservations for the use of the Community Center shall be made in writing on the Wayne R. Bryant Senior Community Center Rental Request Application Form ("the application") provided by the borough for that purpose. In addition, the renter must execute the application and acknowledge that they (the renter) have received, read, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions set forth in the application, Center rules and regulations, and policies and procedures.
The renter must identify and provide the names, addresses, and contact information of all persons/entities requesting the rental reservation, the organization represented, and the specific nature of the proposed use for the rental reservation.
Telephone inquiries are not binding and do not constitute a reservation.
All events shall conclude by 2:00 a.m. No extension shall be permitted.
The renter must be at least 25 years of age and must provide a government-issued photo ID at the time the application is submitted.
A reservation will be considered firm only when the application has been signed by the renter and approved by the Borough Administrator or his/her designee, all fees have been paid in full, and all permits, licenses and other required documents have been submitted as detailed in this document.
Center staff will not permit individuals into the reserved facility until the renter is present. Individuals will not be permitted into the facility before the specific event start time.
Taping, tacking, nailing, or otherwise affixing decorations to the walls and ceilings of the Center is prohibited. In addition, glitter, rice, birdseed or other similar items are not permitted to be thrown in or around the Center.
Smoking or use of any tobacco products in the Center or anywhere on the property is prohibited.
Community Center equipment, supplies or materials shall not be removed.
No organization may store equipment or other property at the Center.
Animals and/or pets are prohibited from the Center and surrounding property.
The sale of food or alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
Open flame candles are prohibited inside the Center. Smoke or bubble machines are also prohibited.
Security personnel must be present, from beginning to end, during dances, cabarets or similar-type events where dancing occurs. If off-duty Lawnside police officers are used, renter will pay the borough, at least 14 days prior to event, $75 per hour, per officer.
Lewd, lascivious, and illegal activities including but not limited to exotic dancing, strip tease, wet t-shirt contests, lingerie parties, gambling, etc. are prohibited. Any violation will result in the immediate closure of the event and prosecution to the full extent of the law.
Any damage to the Center property shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The Mayor and Borough Council shall have the right to modify, amend, or change any and all rules set forth in this policy and procedures document.
The Borough of Lawnside shall have the authority to make administrative determinations or suggestions on a case-by-case basis, including canceling any event without liability or recourse.
Reservations are not final until all fees have been paid in full and all required permits, licenses and other required documents have been submitted. Borough staff will notify the applicant if the reservation is incomplete and has not been finalized.
Opening and closing fee: The opening and closing fee shall be in the amount totaling $25, $50 on holidays). The opening and closing fee shall be paid by money order or certified check.
Nonresident fees:
Whole hall: $1,100 plus refundable security deposit of $200.
Half hall: $675 plus refundable security deposit of $200.
Resident fees:
Whole hall: $725 plus refundable security deposit of $150.
Half hall: $375 plus refundable security deposit of $100.
All meals served after funerals are $200 (no security deposit required) plus opening and closing fee.
A renter's security deposit will be forfeited if the renter fails to utilize the Center consistent with the terms and conditions set forth in the Community Center Policies and Procedures and Community Center Rules and Regulations.
A rental may be changed from the whole facility to half the facility, as long as, the renter notifies the borough representative in writing at least 14 days prior to the event. The renter will forfeit $50 of their security deposit.
If a renter wishes to amend or modify the Rental Request Form, then the renter must notify the borough representative of the same no later than 14 days prior to the event. Amendments and modifications to the Rental Request Form may require additional fees.
An event must be cancelled two weeks prior to the date specified on the Rental Request Form in order to have the security deposit refunded. All other cancellations will result in forfeiture of the security deposit.
All rental fees, deposit, opening and closing fees, and additional required documentation must be received by the borough at least 14 days prior to the date of the event or the event will be canceled and the security deposit will be forfeited.
Community based organizations may request exemption from certain fees under these policies that are approved by Mayor and Borough Council. Community based organizations include but are not limited to churches, nonprofit organizations, charities, and community service organizations. Two fee waivers per year may be granted.
These organizations must provide proof of insurance as stated in these policies and procedures.
It is the responsibility of the renter to secure acceptable insurance coverage for his/her event. The renter shall provide and maintain general liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000. The Borough of Lawnside must be named as an additional insured.
If alcoholic beverages are served, then liquor liability in an amount not less than $1,000,000 will be required. The Borough of Lawnside must be named as an additional insured.
The renter must provide a copy of the certificate of insurance naming the borough as an additional insured. Use of the Community Center, will be denied if satisfactory proof of the required insurance is not received at least 14 days prior to the event.
The renter is required to obtain all required licenses. Use of the Community Center will be denied if satisfactory proof of licensure has not been received at least 14 days prior to the event.
All caterers must be appropriately licensed.
General cleanup of the inside and outside of the property is the renter's responsibility. The renter shall make sure all food, rental equipment, gifts, decorations, and trash are removed from the Community Center at the end of the event.
Center staff will conduct a pre-event walkthrough with the renter. At this time Renter must note anything broken or in need of repair.
All trash must be placed in designated trash receptacles.
At the end of an event the renter must contact the Police non-emergency phone number (856-783-4900).
Center staff will conduct a post-event walkthrough with the renter. Failure to utilize the Center according to all policies, procedures, rules, and regulations determined by the Borough of Lawnside will result in forfeiture of all or part of the security deposit.
Any and all damages to the property shall be the responsibility of the renter.
Security personnel may be required for any affair, function, activity or event starting on or after 7:00 p.m. Security personnel may consist of either off-duty Lawnside Police personnel or SORA-licensed private security. It is required that there be at least four security personnel for use of the whole hall and at least two security personnel for use of half the hall.
If the applicant intends to supply private security, then applicant shall provide the borough approved, licensed and bonded security personnel at applicant's expense. At least 14 days prior to the event, applicant shall submit security arrangements to the Borough Administrator for review and approval. The Borough Administrator may require that an appropriate security presence be available before commencement of the function, as well as at the conclusion of same.
The requirement for security shall be determined and scheduled by the Business Administrator in consultation with the Police Department's ranking officer. For standard rentals, security is required from one hour prior to the arrival of the guests and until all of the attendees and all of the outside vendors have left the property and the Community Center has been closed.
Security personnel shall be present throughout all affairs, functions, activities, or events when alcohol is being served or otherwise provided or allowed in or on the facility grounds. Applicant is responsible for complying with all laws concerning the possession and consumption of same.
The security personnel act as independent contractors. However the security personnel are required to remain on site until the facilities are vacated and closed.
It is recommended that whenever there is an affair, function, activity or event in question as to the type and purpose of the rental of the Center, that the ranking police officer be consulted during the decision making-process. Also, notice in advance will be given to the Police Department that all officers who are on duty during the time of the affair, function, activity or event will periodically conduct police checks inside the Center while the affair, function, activity or event is in progress. During the entire affair, function, activity or event at the Center, the officers on duty will make entries in their patrol logs as to when the officers conducted police checks of the Center.
No firearms or weapons of any type shall be permitted at any affair, function, activity or event and are prohibited from the Community Center and borough property.
Borough staff have a right to enter and inspect all events while they are taking place.
The unauthorized sale of alcohol is prohibited.
The renter is responsible for ensuring compliance with all state, county, and municipal statutes, regulations, codes, ordinances and laws. This includes obtaining any and all applicable permits and licenses and paying any fees and costs related thereto.
Any questions as to the need for, and requirements for obtaining the appropriate license and/or permit should be directed to:
State of New Jersey
Dept. of Law and Public Safety
Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control
140 East Front Street
5th Floor
P.O. Box 087
Trenton, NJ 08265
Phone: 609-984-2830
Website: http://www.nj.gov/lps/abc/index.html
Serving alcoholic beverages to minors is strictly prohibited. The renter's failure to comply, monitor, and enforce this law is grounds for terminating the event and forfeiture of all deposits and fees. Injuries caused to any person as a result of alcoholic beverages being served and/or consumed by a minor on borough property shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant.
Alcohol may be consumed only in the room(s) reserved for such use as set forth in the Rental Request Application Form. Alcohol is specifically prohibited in the lobby area or outside the Community Center.
Security personnel will be monitoring the event and shall have the authority to suspend the serving of alcohol and/or close the event. If it is necessary to contact the police department for any disturbances caused by the renter, clients, or guests, then the renter shall be liable for all police and any additional charges or costs incurred by the borough.
If alcohol is served, additional liquor liability insurance must be obtained and proof thereof must be provided, in addition to ABC permit, to the borough at least 14 days before the date of the event.