[Amended 4-14-1992 by Ord. No. 92-05-426]
Upon applying to the Zoning Officer for a zoning or occupancy permit or upon applying to the Planning Board for any conditional use permits or for any variances for all the uses of land within the borough, other than single- and two-family dwellings and their customary accessory uses or signs and alterations or renovations where there is no change, enlargement or diminution of an existing use, the applicant shall submit with said application 12 copies of a site plan.
[Amended 4-14-1992 by Ord. No. 92-05-426]
A site plan shall be a true and accurate plot plan drawn at a scale not smaller than one inch equals 50 feet and not larger than one inch equals 10 feet, shall be consistent with the sizes permitted under the New Jersey Map Filing Law (P.L. 1960, c. 141 (See N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq.)) and shall include and show the following information [maximum sheet size, 24 by 36 inches]:
The name and address of the applicant and the owner and the name, address and title of the person preparing the plan, maps (including appropriate map titles) and accompanying data.
An appropriate place for the signatures of the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Board and, where applicable, the County Engineer and County Planning Board Secretary.
The Municipal Tax Map lot and block numbers of the lot or lots shown on the plan, tax sheet number (if applicable) and key location map. The owners within 200 feet of the lot or lots, along with a small key map giving the general location of the tract to the remainder of the community, shall also be included.
The date the map was prepared and subsequent revision dates, together with a notation describing the substance of each revision, scale (including a graphic scale) and North arrow.
The zone district in which the lot or lots are located and a schedule of the zone requirements, indicating how the project compares to that schedule.
All existing and proposed setback dimensions, landscaped areas, trees over six inches in diameter (unless waived by the Planning Board) fencing, flood hazard areas based upon one-hundred-year storms and all dimensions and areas needed to confirm conformity to the Zoning Ordinance, such as but not limited to building area, lot lines, setbacks, buffers and yard areas.
All existing and proposed signs and lighting standards, utility poles and their size, type of construction and location.
The existing and proposed principal building or structure and all accessory buildings or structures, if any, and finished grade elevations at all corners of said buildings. The size, height, location, arrangement and use of all existing and proposed structures and signs shall also be indicated, including proposed total building coverage in acres or square footage and percent of the lot coverage, with an architect's scaled elevations of the front, side and rear of any structure, and a sign to be erected or modified to the extent necessary to apprise the Planning Board of the scope of the proposed work. Any existing structures on the site shall be identified either to remain or to be removed. There should also be a description of the proposed use, which would include the number of employees, number of shifts to be worked, any type of truck traffic, with particular emphasis on noise, glare, vibration, heat, odor, air and water pollution, safety hazards, outdoor storage of materials, any screening and anticipated expansion. Floor plans should be submitted where multiple-dwelling units or more than one use are proposed that have different parking standards.
Existing topography based upon New Jersey Geodetic Control Survey data and proposed grading with a maximum of two-foot contour intervals where slopes are less than 10%. Where slopes are greater than 10%, the maximum contour interval may be five feet.
The location, type and size of all existing and proposed streams and easements and flood hazard areas based on one-hundred-year storms, catch basins, storm drainage facilities and utilities, together with all required design data supporting the adequacy of the existing or the proposed facility to handle future storm flows.
The location, type and size of all existing and proposed curbs, sidewalks, driveways, fences, retaining walls, parking space areas and the layouts thereof, together with the dimensions of all the foregoing on the site in question and within 100 feet of said site.
The location, size and description of all existing and proposed rights-of-way, easements and other encumbrances which may affect the lot or lots in question and the location, size and description of any lands to be dedicated to the borough or to the County of Ocean. The total tract acreage to 1/10 of an acre and a boundary survey of the tract, certified by a licensed land surveyor, shall also be provided. In addition, existing and proposed streets and street names should be indicated on the map.
The location and size of the entire lot or lots in question and any contiguous lots owned by the applicant or in which the applicant has a direct or indirect interest, even though only a portion of the entire property is involved in the site plan for which approval is sought, with a description of the interest of the applicant in each of said lots; provided, however, that where it is physically impossible to show such entire lot or lots or contiguous lots on one map, a key map thereof shall be submitted.
The location, names and widths of all existing and proposed streets, including cross sections and profiles abutting the lot or lots in question and within 200 feet of said lot.
Any and all other information and data necessary to meet any of the requirements of this chapter or other borough ordinances not listed above.
The signature and seal of a licensed land surveyor and/or professional engineer and/or architect licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey and responsible for the preparation of the site plan.
[Added 9-12-2007 by Ord. No. 07-08-653]
Information required for all variances and approvals under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-34, and for single- or multifamily residential construction on conforming lots not requiring variances:
Disclosure affidavit required by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 listing the names and addresses of all stock-holders or individual partners owning at least 10% of the stock of any class;
As a condition for any approval required under this act, no taxes or assessments for local improvements or liens may be due or delinquent on the property for which the application is made. The Tax Collector will provide proof that no taxes or assessments for local improvements or liens are due and delinquent prior to approval;
Affidavit of ownership. If the applicant is not the owner the applicant's interest in the land as tenant, contract purchaser, lien holder, etc. with the consent of the landowner annexed.
Technical checklist:
For additions or improvements to existing single-family, multifamily, owner-occupied houses or rental structures 10 copies of a plot plan of the property in question based on a survey prepared by a licensed land surveyor containing sufficient information regarding the application drawn to scale and showing all applicable setbacks, lot size, lot coverage, distance to adjacent structures and other bulk requirements.
For all other applications, 10 copies of a plot plan of the property in question prepared by a licensed land surveyor or engineer containing the following information:
Drawn to an appropriate scale but not greater than one inch equals 50 feet and not to be combined with the 100-foot radius map.
Clearly depicted on a sheet size no smaller than 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches.
Including a current survey of the property with the lot, metes and bounds and the direction and distance to the nearest intersecting street.
All existing or proposed easements and/or lands dedicated to public use.
All existing and proposed buildings and structures with all dimensions, height, lot coverage and with front, side and rear yard set back dimensions indicated and with required setback lines shown.
All buildings and structures located on all adjacent properties with dimension and setbacks noted.
Locations of doors and windows of each abutting side of building(s) adjacent to the property in question.
Any existing or proposed sidewalks and driveways as well as their composition.
The name of the street(s) and the composition and width of the surface of the street(s) which the lots abuts.
Sufficient street elevations (center line, gutter and top of curb, if applicable) and existing and proposed lot elevations, specifying those for the finished first floor and garage floor elevations of the proposed structure related to the abutting street elevations. The lowest floor of any structure, including the garage, first floors and any floor intended as usable space (other than area conforming to the definition set forth in the IBC and IRC Code, Uniform Construction Code) according to the NAVD88 (North American Vertical Datum of 1988) and the source of the datum so noted with bench mark noted on the plan.
Drainage flow arrows shall be provided to clearly depict the directions of stormwater runoff.
Grading or the creation of sump conditions on adjacent lots will be shown, together with permission granted by the owner of said adjacent lots.
The limits of clearing and soil disturbances, and any trees to be saved.
The location of any freshwater wetlands or a statement on the plan that none exist.
A 200-foot radius map showing the structures and uses and the relationship to all affected lands, structures and the property in question. The plan shall be notarized, if prepared by the applicant as to the truthfulness and accuracy thereof or be certified by an engineer or land surveyor licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey. No combined plot plan and 200-foot radius maps will be accepted.
Plans or renderings for the intended use or variance showing any building or structure to be erected, with an elevation of each side of the building being shown; if a new principal structure is proposed, including a structure on an undersized lot, complete set of detailed building plans that demonstrate compliance with the building code and adequately describe its appearance so as to allow the Board to determine that the appearance is compatible with the character of the neighborhood.
A certified list of the property owners within 200 feet of the subject property.
Form of notice to be mailed to property owners within 200 feet of the subject property.
Photographs of all structures within 200 feet, mounted with explanations as to locations, direction of view, lot and block.
The following additional information shall be required for currently undeveloped properties which require variances by virtue of being undersized:
Information in the form of title binders or similarly constructed documents which clearly trace the chain of ownership of the property from the adoption of the Zoning Ordinance which made the property nonconforming. All documents shall be duly signed and sealed by the owner, purchaser and/or applicant and shall be witnessed by a notary public of the State of New Jersey.
Contract for sale of the property should it have been recently purchased.
Verification from the Pine Beach Sewer Department and Pine Beach Water Department that potable water and sanitary sewer lines are available to the property or that alternative means are proposed for sewage disposal or potable water service.
A detailed landscape plan of the property illustrating the type, size and location of vegetation to remain as well as that to be planted. Details of the merchaims for the retention of trees and planting of vegetation along adjoining property line shall be included.
Complete design plans for retaining walls, including all construction details, design calculations, soil borings and soil data verified by a New Jersey licensed professional engineer (if applicable).
Four copies of a detailed grading and stormwater management plan prepared by a licensed professional engineer prepared in accordance with the following standards:
The plan shall be accompanied by a certification from a New Jersey licensed professional engineer that the plan has been prepared by him, and include all the hereinafter listed items. Said certification shall further set forth that the proposed grading and floor elevation will not detrimentally impact upon any adjoining property owner. If applicable, said certification shall further set forth that said plan conforms to an approved site grading plan or, if not, that the changes are not significant to that approval and will in no way further impact adjoining properties. Further, the certification shall set forth that the plan provides for the proper on-site runoff that is adequate to prevent ponding, sewer erosion and positive drainage away from the proposed building construction and the new stormwater rules regarding groundwater recharge.
The map prepared shall be based on survey measurements, and must contain the following:
Drawn to scale of not more than one inch equals 10 feet or less than one inch equal 50 feet.
Show the location of all new construction and all existing structures on the site.
Distances from lot lines to existing structures, adjacent structures and proposed improvements.
Zoning setback lines to establish buildable area available for development.
Property lines and dimensions based upon the deed of record, filed map of record or current outbound survey.
Building dimensions of existing structures and proposed alterations.
Existing and proposed contour lines, with reference datum to NAVD88 and bench mark for the tract upon which the dwelling or other structure is to be constructed. Contour lines shall be at one foot intervals along each street center line, edge of pavement or stormwater gutter, at the top of a curbline and extend for 50 feet either side of the property in question with spot elevations at each corner at fifty foot intervals.
Proposed spot elevations shall be provided at the corners of proposed structures or structural appurtenances, first floor elevations for dwelling and garages, driveways, sidewalks, curbing, swales, and graded areas.
Total area of the tract and the total area upland or buildable areas.
Gross floor area of the proposed improvements.
The floor area of various uses on the premises.
The percentage of lot coverage.
The existing and proposed sidewalk, curb and fence locations, including the type of material to be used for the construction of each.
The existing and proposed driveway locations and the type of material to be used.
The location and identification of flood zones, conservation easements and wetlands areas.
The location and identification of all utility, drainage, sight triangle and other easements affecting the development of the tract.
The area reserved for proposed and future septic/well facilities, if applicable.
Precise stormwater flow direction arrows must be provided for both on-site and off-site conditions.
Location of all existing utilities and proposed connections thereto, and any required utility relocations.
The width of street rights-of-way, the width of street pavements and the material composition of the street surface.
A north arrow shall be shown.
If a dwelling is to be constructed, provide finish floor grades of house and garage and description of house style (ranch, bi-level, two-story) and critical grade that applies.
Describe building to be constructed, basement, crawl space or slab construction and provide architectural elevations to adequately describe its appearance.
Delineate limits of lot clearing.
Road opening permit from the Borough Department of Public Works, permit required if approved.
Indicate utility connections to the Borough of Pine Beach Sewer Department and Pine Beach Water Department infrastructure lines, permits required if approved.
Septic system approval from the Ocean County Health Department, if applicable.
Army Corps of Engineers and NJDEP approved wetlands and wetlands buffer delineation, if applicable.
The lot(s) shall be graded in accordance with the following design criteria:
The land shall be graded so that the stormwater from each lot shall drain directly to the street. If not possible to drain directly to the street, it shall be drained to a system of interior yard drainage approved by the Borough Engineer.
The minimum slope of the yard surface shall be 1/4 inch per foot or 2% away from the proposed building toward the lot's property line.
The maximum grade for lawns and disturbed areas within five feet of a building shall be 10% and for lawns more than five feet from a building, 25%, except for the driveway, the maximum grade of which shall be 10%.
The minimum slope for drainage swales shall be 1 1/2%.
Proposed contours shall, in the case of an approved subdivision, be consistent with an overall grading and drainage plan. In the case of an individual lot, the proposed contours shall meet existing contours at, or within, the property lines of the lot in questions. In any event, the proposed grading of the lot shall not disturb nor change the existing drainage pattern of adjacent lots. Drainage flow arrows shall be provided to clearly depict the direction of stormwater runoff. No sump conditions shall be created and no grading on adjacent lots shall be permitted unless said adjacent lots are being concurrently developed as part of a subdivision by the same developer/builder or unless permission has been granted by the owner of said adjoining lot.
Foundation as-built plan (all construction). Prior to framing inspection, placing the modular units or prefab unit the foundation as constructed, the New Jersey licensed land surveyor shall submit to the Zoning Officer four copies of a plan showing the setbacks and elevations as to said as-built foundation and specifically showing the top of block elevation and any other critical floor elevation.
Final as-built plan (all construction). Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the Zoning Officer shall require four copies of an As-Built Plan be submitted. The plans utilized for a request for Certificate of Occupancy, accompanied by a copy of the initial review plans, shall be reviewed by the Borough Engineer, who will, in addition to said review, cause an on-site inspection and submit a written report to the Zoning Officer and Construction Official as to the status of all improvements required and as-built conditions that conform satisfactorily to the approved plans or, if not, report that same neither satisfies the intent of the procedural outline herein or does not conform.
The As-Built Plans shall show the following:
Property line and dimensions.
Existing elevations of the lot and adjacent roadway, as well as contours and critical spot elevations to clearly define surface flow.
Finish floor grades of house and garage and description of house style (ranch, bi-level, two story) and critical grade that applies.
All setbacks for structure.
Describe building constructed: basement, crawl space or slab construction.
Where applicable, sufficient information to show any impact on adjoining properties if any.
All completed improvements such as walks, drives, curbs, landscaping, etc., shall be shown.
Fees (all construction). Unless covered under minor subdivision, major subdivision or site plan:
Initial grading plan review fee: $175. (Submit with grading plan.)
Revisions to a grading plan: $75.
As-Built review: $275. (Submit with Final As-Built Plan.)
Reinspection of site/report preparation: $85.
Inspection: $500 escrow.
[Added 9-25-1995 by Ord. No. 95-13-477]
Editor's Note: The Development Plan Checklist is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The Planning Board shall review the site plan and proposed development to determine that said plan and development will comply with this chapter and other ordinances of the borough and other applicable laws and will conform to the Master Plan and other land use standards and regulations established by the borough and its boards and agencies. In making such determinations, the Planning Board shall consider:
The height, bulk and area of the buildings.
The setback distances from all property lines and spacing of buildings on the site.
The size, location and type of signs.
The size, location, construction and proposed improvement of all buffer strips, screening and areas to be landscaped.
The size, location and arrangement of all off-street parking areas and loading areas.
The relationship of the proposed development to the existing buildings and structures in the general vicinity and area.
The lighting of buildings, signs and grounds.
The proposed number of shifts to be worked and the maximum number of employees on each shift and/or the hours of operation for a commercial use.
The effect of the proposed use and development upon the environment.
The relationship of the proposed project to the health, safety and general welfare of the public and the effect which said project would have upon the Master Plan or land use standards adopted by the Planning Board.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
The following performance standards shall be observed in the consideration of a site plan approval:
The proposed use or development shall be consistent with the Master Plan or land use plan of the borough as adopted by the Planning Board.
Said plan shall provide for adequate water supply and waste and sewage disposal facilities.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
Adequate access and off-street parking and loading facilities for employees and visitors shall be provided for all commercial uses.
Suitable fencing, where necessary for health and safety, or screening and landscaping or other buffer areas shall be provided as may be required in order to maintain the character and good appearance of the site and the neighborhood.
No operation shall be permitted or be carried on in such a manner as to unreasonably endanger life or property or cause or be likely to cause fire, explosion, radiation and similar hazards or produce objectionable smoke, heat, glare, vibration or noise, irrespective of whether the same is confined within the premises covered under the site plan or beyond any property lines thereof.
The storage of all raw materials, fuels, finished products, machinery and equipment, including company-owned or -operated trucks and motor vehicles, that are not within an entirely enclosed building, shall be limited to side or rear yards, provided that the same are adequately screened so as not to be visible from the street or from adjoining residential properties.
The emission of noxious, toxic or corrosive fuel, gases or odors or the exhaust of waste, dust or other substances beyond safe levels shall not be permitted.
The Planning Board may require as a condition of site plan approval that the applicant install improvements to the site, including but not limited to curbs, sidewalks, drainage facilities, utilities, roadways, buffer plantings, site stabilization, lighting and other items that may be required by the Borough Engineer and/or the Planning Board and in connection therewith may require the posting of a suitable performance guaranty with the borough in accordance with § 175-73 of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
[Amended 4-12-2001 by Ord. No. 01-02-548]
The Planning Board, where applicable pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law, (See N.J.S.A. 40:55-1 et seq.) shall either approve, approve with conditions or disapprove the site plan. In the event that the Board disapproves the site plan, the reasons for its disapproval shall be stated in writing.
Any interested party may appeal to the governing body any final decision of the Planning Board which approves an application for development pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-70. Such appeal shall be made in accordance with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-17. The appeal shall be made within 10 days of the date of the publication of the final decision of the Board.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
Any action taken by the Planning Board hereunder shall be subject to the provisions of Sections 8 and 17 of the Municipal Land Use Law [P.L. 1975, c. 291 (N.J.S.A. 40:55D-17 and 40:55D26)].
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.