[Ord. No. 1620 §1, 9-25-2006]
Proposed street improvements within the City shall conform to the pattern established in the major street plan as adopted by the City of Hermann.
Street improvements shall be designed to conform to applicable codes, regulations, ordinances and the provisions set forth in these criteria as established by the City of Hermann. Plans for said improvements shall be submitted to the City's consulting engineer for approval and shall include all information as may be required or described hereinafter.
Deviations and/or alternatives from the established design criteria set forth herein shall be authorized upon final approval of the City's consulting engineer and only after a review of the submitted plans and written justification for said design alternative is provided from the project's design engineer.
[Ord. No. 1620 §1, 9-25-2006]
The classification of streets shall be generally defined as follows:
Local streets. A street designed to provide access to abutting property from collector and arterial streets.
Collector frontage streets. Streets which, in addition to serving abutting properties, intercept local streets, connect with community facilities and carry neighborhood traffic to the arterial street systems. Commercial streets serve areas predominately zoned for commercial or industrial uses.
Arterial streets. A street or road of considerable continuity which serves or is intended to serve as a principal traffic way between separated areas or districts and which is the main means of access to the collector street system, highways or expressways.
[Ord. No. 1620 §1, 9-25-2006]
Design Table.
Minimum right-of-way width
60 feet
50 feet
Minimum number of lanes
Minimum lane width (feet)
12 feet
12 feet
Street width (BOC to BOC) (feet)
36 feet
28 feet
Minimum street light spacing (feet)
300 feet
400 feet
Minimum compacted subgrade depth (inches)
6 inches
6 inches
Minimum aggregate base course depth Type 1 or Type 2 (inches)
10 inches
8 inches
Minimum asphaltic concrete pavement depth (inches)
6 inches
4 inches
Volume range (trips per day)
1,000 — 4,500
Less than 1,000
Design speed (mph)
35 mph
35 mph
Maximum road grade
Minimum road grade
Minimum interior corner radius of pavement (feet)
50 feet
25 feet
Minimum stopping sight distance
300 feet
250 feet
Minimum intersection spacing
500 feet
300 feet
Maximum intersection spacing
1,400 feet
Minimum horizontal curve radiiu
300 feet
280 feet
Minimum length of vertical curve
100 feet K=40
100 K=30
Minimum driveway entrance spacing (feet)
200 feet
One per property
Minimum sidewalk width (feet)
5 feet (one side)
5 feet (one side)
Parking permitted
One side only
Storm sewers
Curb and gutter type
Roll back
Off-Center Street Intersections. A minimum centerline-to-centerline dimension of one hundred fifty (150) feet shall separate off-center street intersections.
Intersection Vertical Alignment. In all cases where a higher functional street intersects with a lower functional street, normal street crown shall be maintained on the higher functional street. Where streets of equal function intersect, street grades shall coincide in the center of the intersection with reduced ride ability for both streets or a warping of the cross slope for both streets.
Minimum Angle Of Intersection. All intersections shall meet at approximately a ninety degree (90°) angle. Skewed intersections should be avoided and in no case will the angle be less than sixty degrees (60°).
Maximum Gradient. The maximum gradient for streets as noted in Subsection (A) may be exceeded only upon written approval of the City's consulting engineer. Such approval will only be granted in unusual cases where grades within the acceptable limits cannot be obtained.
Grading Gradients. The finished grade within the limits of the right-of-way shall slope from one-quarter (¼) inch vertical to one (1) foot horizontal minimum, to one-half (½) inch vertical to one (1) foot horizontal maximum measured above the back of the curb. The grading gradients may be varied only upon written approval of the City's consulting engineer.
Tangent Length. The minimum tangent length between reverse curves shall be fifty (50) feet for local streets and one hundred (100) feet for collector and arterial streets, except that no tangent will be required for radii longer than five hundred (500) feet.
Connections To Existing Pavements. Where a new street is to connect to an existing street, all deteriorated or cracked asphalt within five (5) feet of the connection point shall be removed to a point where sound material is found. If full-depth pavement removal is required, the subgrade will be recompacted to ninety-five percent (95%) to standard density.
Storm Drainage. All storm drainage works constructed in connection with street improvements shall be designed in accordance with the design criteria for storm sewers and appurtenances.
Cul-de-sacs. At locations where streets are to be terminated and a vehicular connection between adjacent streets is not required, a cul-de-sac may be required. Such cul-de-sac shall be constructed with a minimum radius of forty-five (45) feet to the back of the curb.
Temporary Turnarounds. At locations where streets are to be temporarily terminated which will be extended at a later date and said street extends beyond the intersection of an adjacent street more than five (5) lots, a temporary cul-de-sac shall be constructed with a minimum radius of forty-five (45) feet. The temporary cul-de-sac shall be constructed of asphaltic concrete with a minimum depth of six (6) inches. Curb and gutter will not be required. The cul-de-sac shall be constructed within the limits of a permanent construction right-of-way.
Monument Boxes. Monument boxes conforming to the standard drawings shall be installed at all quarter section corners as involved in the street construction.
Other Design Criteria. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) or other applicable AASHTO design guides shall in accordance with the most current edition of "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" author all other street design elements not contained within this criteria.
Driveway Elevations. Driveways shall attain top of curb elevation within the right-of-way. Driveway grades within right-of-way shall be eight percent (8%) maximum until curb height is reached. Break-over grades for crest drives shall be eight percent (8%) maximum and sag drives shall be twelve percent (12%) maximum. Driveway elevation shall be not more than six (6) inches above or below the normal shoulder elevation at the right-of-way line to allow for a smooth sidewalk profile.
[Ord. No. 1620 §1, 9-25-2006]
This Section sets forth the minimum technical criteria for the analysis and design of drainage systems. All development plans submitted for approval to the City of Hermann must be accompanied by an adequate storm drainage system analysis and design in accordance with the criteria as hereinafter described and shall be performed by a licensed professional engineer in the State of Missouri.
The criteria set forth in this Section shall apply primarily to that element of the drainage system outside the limits of the 100-year regulatory floodplain unless otherwise noted. Improvements within the limits of the 100-year floodplain shall conform to requirements set forth in applicable City Codes and ordinances and the regulations of any other agency having jurisdiction over such area.
Minimum Standards Of Analysis. Unless otherwise approved by the City's consulting engineer, the following criteria will be utilized to determine the adequacy of any storm drainage facility design submitted for approval.
Methodology of analysis. In determining the amount of stormwater runoff resulting from a development and the amount of flow at various points throughout the drainage system, it is important for the designer to relate the methodology to be utilized in his calculations to the proportionate size of the tributary watershed areas. In developments where the area contributing runoff is one hundred (100) acres or less, the Rational Method of calculating the quantity of runoff shall be utilized. Developments where the area contributing runoff exceeds one hundred (100) acres shall be designed using the unit hydrography method (SCS) or other methodologies approved by the City's consulting engineer.
Criteria for drainage system. All calculations relating to runoff analysis shall be based upon the proposed land use and shall take into consideration any contributing runoff from areas adjacent to the development site. Stormwater runoff analysis from adjacent existing developed areas shall be based upon current land usage and topographical features. Property adjacent to the study area that is undeveloped shall be considered as fully developed in accordance with the most probable anticipated future land use. Such land use shall be determined from the City Comprehensive Plan and the City Zoning Map. In the event that the future land use of a specific undeveloped property cannot be adequately projected from available information, the average runoff coefficient © to be used shall not be less than sixty-five hundredths (0.65) for use in the Rational Method or an appropriate equivalent value as approved by the City's consulting engineer for any other method. The most likely flow pattern to be utilized for an undeveloped area shall be based upon existing natural topographical features.
Average land slopes in both developed and undeveloped areas may be utilized to calculate runoff rates. The exception to this shall be in areas with existing well-defined drainage patterns and slopes; in which case the actual slope shall be used.
Existing runoff flow rates and velocities at locations of discharge from adjacent upstream developments shall be utilized in the drainage system design. Drainage facilities shall be designed to minimize the velocity of overland flow so as not to cause erosion damage. In areas where excessive velocities exist, adequate dissipating structures shall be provided as required to result in velocities appropriate for the type of erosion control to be utilized or as specified in this criteria.
The primary function of roadways within a development shall be reserved for the conveyance of traffic. The use of these facilities as a storm runoff facility shall be restricted to the requirements established and set forth in these design criteria.
The utilization of on-site or on-stream detention and natural drainage ways is recommended and encouraged where feasible. Relocation of existing natural drainage ways will not be approved unless such relocation has been substantiated as a result of a thorough and complete analysis of the resultant consequences.
The designer shall consider all problem areas of his design and analysis to prevent the transfer of these problems from one location to another. All points of drainage outfall shall be designed to preclude creation of downstream flooding problems and hazards to the public. Approval will not be given to any project that involves the construction of any structure or the placement of fill material that will hinder or impair surface or subsurface drainage from surrounding areas.
Minimum Acceptable Standards Of Design. Storm water runoff shall be carried by enclosed systems or open channels on the basis of criteria established in this Section and subject to the final approval of the City's consulting engineer.
Open channels. Open channels, natural or improved, may be placed to the rear or side of properties upon approval of the City's consulting engineer where the design provides adequate protection to the adjacent property and structures. Such protection shall be through the provision of a 50-year floodplain setback and a minimum clearance from the top of bank to any building of thirty (30) feet.
Enclosed systems. Runoff from drainage areas outside of established or proposed right-of-ways greater than three (3) acres in size shall be collected and transported in an enclosed system. Enclosed systems shall also be utilized within the limits of established or proposed right-of-way for roadways and streets. The drainage system shall remain enclosed until the flow rate is such that the runoff from the design storm for a development can no longer be contained within a seventy-two (72) inch R.C.P. equivalent conduit and an open channel can be entered without negative impact.
At the point of intersection and discharge with the receiving open channel, an energy-dissipating structure acceptable to the City's consulting engineer shall be provided to limit the discharge velocity from the enclosed system to not more than five (5) fps.
Where storm drainage facilities are located along side property lines, such systems shall be enclosed to a point at least thirty (30) feet beyond the rear corner of adjacent buildings unless otherwise directed or approved by the City's consulting engineer. A surface swale shall be designed over this area to contain additional runoff from a 50-year storm.
Complete side and rear drainage systems meeting the criteria established previously shall be provided along the boundaries of new subdivisions or developments by the developer or property owner.
Design storm frequencies. The minimum rainfall event to be utilized in determining the intensity of rainfall for storm flow calculations shall be based on the following land uses:
Table of Storm Return Frequency
Storm Return
Land Use/Zoning Frequency
10 year
25 year
25 year
Parks, open space, etc.
10 year
Open channels
25 year
Storm drainage systems having more than one (1) land use or zoning classification tributary to the system shall be designed on the basis of the highest runoff producing land use comprising thirty percent (30%) or more of the total tributary area.
Runoff computation. The Rational Method of calculating stormwater quantities, Q = KCiA shall be used with the following definitions of terms and arbitrary values:
Where "Q" is the quantity of runoff in cubic feet per second and is the basis for design of the storm drainage system.
Where "K" is a dimensionless coefficient to account for antecedent precipitation.
Where "C" is the weighted coefficient of runoff from the tributary area. Coefficient of runoffs are specified in the "Table of Coefficient of Runoff".
Where "i" is intensity of rainfall in inches per hour and shall be determined for the yearly frequency or as derived from intensity duration curves to support this criteria.
Where "A" is the area in acres contributing to the drainage system. All upstream tributary areas are to be considered as fully developed as zoned or planned at the time of design.
Coefficient of Runoff Table
Land Use/Zoning Classification Runoff Coefficient ("C")
Business areas
Neighborhood areas
Single-family areas
Multi-family areas and mobile home parks
Churches and schools
Light areas
Moderate areas
Public use:
School areas
Church areas
Parks and cemeteries
Open space areas
Permanent unimproved areas
As an alternate to the above coefficients or for areas not specifically listed above, a composite runoff coefficient based on the percentage of the different types of surfaces involved shall be used.
Coefficients with respect to surface type shall not be less than those listed in the following table:
Surface Coefficient Table
Surface Type
Coefficient ("C")
Roof areas
Time of concentration ("TC") equals the overland flow time to the most upstream inlet or other point of entry to the system plus the time of flow in the system upstream from the point under construction. (TC = Ti + Tt)
Inlet time "Ti" shall be calculated utilizing the following formula but shall not be less than five (5.0) minutes or greater than fifteen (15.0) minutes:
Ti = 1.8 x (1.1 — C) x D ½ minutes S ⅓
Travel time ("Tt") shall be calculated as the length of travel in the channelized system divided by the velocity of flow. Velocity shall be calculated by Manning's equation assuming all system elements are flowing full without surcharge.
When the upstream channel is unimproved, it shall be assumed that future construction of drainage system improvements will increase the velocity of flow. Velocity used for calculating "Tt" shall be:
Velocity Table
Average Channel Slope (percent)
Velocity (fps)
Less than 2%
7 fps
2% to 5%
10 fps
Greater than 5%
15 fps
Antecedent precipitation. "K" represents the frequency factor used to account for antecedent precipitation and shall have the following values. The product of K x C shall not exceed one (1.0).
Antecedent Precipitation Factors
Storm Return Period (years)
Frequency ("K")
10 years
25 years
50 years
100 years
Pipe sizing. Pipe sizes in integrated underground systems shall be determined in accordance with the Manning Formula Q = A (1.49) AR 0.67 S 0.5n
Manning's roughness coefficients shall be used for the values of "n" in the Manning Formula.
The minimum size storm sewer size shall be twelve (12) inches in diameter (fifteen (15) inches for CMP).
Storm sewers and inlets shall be of sufficient capacity to adequately carry the anticipated runoff from the design storm. Capacity shall be rated at either inlet or outlet control, whichever condition indicates the least capacity. The drainage system and appurtenant storm inlets shall commence at all locations where the allowable street capacity for the conveyance of stormwater runoff is exceeded or where there is a possibility of ponding.
All storm drainage systems shall be designed so as to maintain a minimum velocity of flow of two (2) FPS feet per second and a maximum velocity of fifteen (15) feet per second when flowing full. All systems discharging at a velocity in excess of five (5) feet per second shall be designed with an acceptable energy-dissipating structure.
Depth. All storm drainage lines shall have a minimum cover of eighteen (18) inches where practical. Cover may be decreased to avoid conflicts or on short laterals as approved by the City's consulting engineer. Special bedding and backfill may be required where cover is less than eighteen (18) inches.
Curb inlet, junction boxes and other points of entry. In general, curb inlets shall be installed at intersections and as required at intermediate points to limit gutter flow width during runoff occurring from the design peak discharge from the tributary watershed area to that which will not encroach on the following center width of streets:
Arterial streets
24 feet
Collector/commercial streets
14 feet
Local streets
10 feet
Because of the potential for street debris to clog inlets and to reflect potential cross section changes due to resurfacing, inlet capacity shall be rated at eighty percent (80%) of the theoretical inlet capacity unless otherwise approved by the City's consulting engineer.
Design shall provide that the hydraulic gradient at any opening through which surface water may enter (or backflow from) the system is five-tenths (0.5) foot or greater below the opening elevation.
The hydraulic gradient elevation shall be calculated at the entrance to the outlet line of each structure.
The crown(s) of pipe(s) entering a structure shall be at or above the crown of the pipe exiting from the structure to provide a minimum fall of the invert in the structure of two-tenths (0.2) feet for straight flow through the structure or five- tenths (0.5) feet fall for all other types of flow (bends more than twenty-two and one-half degrees (22.5°) deflection angle, multiple lines entering, enlargement transition, etc.) through the structure.
Open channels. Unless in a 100-year designated floodplain or a critical area as determined by the City's consulting engineer, open channels shall be designed for the 25-year frequency storm. Open channels shall be sized to adequately carry the design rate of flow without damage. Whenever practical, the channel shall be characterized as slow flowing, be wide and shallow and be natural in its appearance and functioning.
Channel capacities shall be computed using the Manning Formula for uniform flow.
Design flow rates shall be carried within the confines of the open channel with a minimum allowable freeboard of one (1.0) foot measured from the water surface to the top of bank.
Pipe culverts, box culverts and other structures entering channels shall not project into the normal waterway area.
Channel design shall include lining or treatment of the invert and sides as required to minimize erosion. Minimum treatment shall including seeding.
The following table lists the minimum lining for channel inverts and sides:
Channel Lining Table
Mean Flow Velocity (fps)
Type of Channel Lining
Less than 3 fps
3 to 5 fps
Staked sod
5 to 10 fps
Stone rip-rap (15" minimum depth)
10 to 15 fps
Grouted stone rip-rap, gabion revetment or concrete
Over 15 fps
Concrete or bedrock
Lining materials having equivalent erosion control properties to those shown in the foregoing table may be used in lieu thereof with the approval of the City's consulting engineer.
Channel sections shall be compatible with the type of lining and maintenance practical to be used. Side slopes shall be as flat as practical. Side slopes of 3:1 shall be considered a normal maximum. Under special circumstances where acceptable lining material is to be utilized, slopes of 2:1 may be considered. Such use in the channel design shall be only where approved by the City's consulting engineer. Friction factors used in the design shall consider the type of lining.
Alignment changes shall be achieved by curves having a minimum radius of:
R = Minimum radius of centerline in feet.
V = Average velocity of flow in feet/sec.
D = Depth of flow in feet.
Lining height on the outside (concave) side of curves shall be increased by:
D = Normal depth.
y = Increased vertical height of lining in feet.
Increased lining height shall be transitioned from y to zero (0) feet over a minimum distance of thirty (30) (y) feet downstream from the point of tangency (p.t.) ten (10) (y) feet upstream from the point of curvature (p.c.)
Natural channels. Shall conform to the criteria for improved channels except:
Mean flow velocity may be five (5) feet/sec without lining.
Freeboard requirements may be satisfied by dedication of an easement to the freeboard elevation plus one (1.0) foot vertically.
Culvert. Culverts under major and minor arterials shall have sufficient capacity to pass the runoff from the appropriate design storm considering twenty percent (20%) of the inlet opening plugged.
The culvert, including inlet and outlet structures, shall properly take care of water, bed-load and debris at all stages of flow.
Inlet. Culvert inlets shall be designed to minimize entrance and friction losses. Inlets shall be provide with either flared-end sections or headwalls with wingwalls. Projecting ends will not be acceptable. For large structures, provisions shall be made to resist possible structural failure due to hydrostatic uplift forces.
Outlets. Culvert outlets shall be designed to avoid sedimentation, undermining of the culvert and erosion of the downstream channel. Outlets shall be provided with either flared-end sections or headwalls with wingwalls. Projecting outlets will not be acceptable. Additional outlet control in the form of riprap, channel shaping, etc., may be required where excessively high discharge velocities occur.
Slopes. Culvert slopes should be such that neither silting nor excessive velocities and scour occur. Generally, the minimum slope of culverts shall be limited to 0.005 FT/FT.
Headwater. Generally, the headwater to diameter ratio (HW/D) should not exceed those recommended as follows:
Storm Frequency
10 year
< 1.0
25 year
< 1.2
50 year
< 1.5
100 year
< 1.5
Tailwater. The depth of tailwater at the outlet shall be subject to the criteria set forth in this criteria and in the technical specifications of the City of Hermann and shall be as approved by the City's consulting engineer.
Permanent drainage easements are required to provide adequate access for construction, inspection and maintenance of all storm drainage system components. All easements shall be dedicated to the City. For new subdivisions, all required easements and setbacks shall be shown on the final plat recorded with the Register of Deeds.
Drainage easements shall have minimum widths as described below. A wider easement width may be required at structures or if the easement is shared with other utilities or as determined by the City's consulting engineer.
Storm sewer. Easements for storm sewers shall be either twenty (20) feet wide or the outside dimension of the conduit plus ten (10) feet (centered on the conduit), which ever is greater. A wider easement may be required if the depth of cover exceeds four (4) feet.
Improved open channel. Easements for improved open channels shall be as wide as the top bank width plus ten (10) feet on each side and shall be continuous to the end of the channel.
Natural open channel. Easements for natural open channels shall be the areas between the high bank lines of the channel, plus additional width on each side of the channel as deemed necessary by the City to allow access for maintenance equipment. The minimum width for a natural open channel easement is thirty (30) feet.
The engineer must submit the following for review of a stormwater collection system:
Basic design criteria including the rainfall intensity, percentage of imperviousness, runoff coefficients for each tributary basin area in the drainage area, time of concentration, peak flow rates and any other pertinent design criteria.
Key map of the entire project to scale showing easements, sewer lines and facilities, both existing and to be constructed.
A drainage area map showing the ridge line of the area tributary to each inlet, sewer and channel section in the system. The map shall be accompanied by a table summarizing the basic design criteria.
Plans and profiles of each storm drain showing location, size, design flow, flow line elevations, gradients and materials; location, depths and sizes of adjacent or crossing sewer lines and utilities; and special construction requirements such as concrete encasement, backfill, size and class of pipe. Typical cross sections of swales, ditches, open channels.
Details of special structures, channel improvements, culverts, transitions, headwalls, aprons and junction chambers, all adequately detailed and dimensioned, including placement of steel in reinforced concrete structures.
[Ord. No. 1620 §1, 9-25-2006]
All detention basins shall be designed to detain runoff from a 2-year, 10-year or 25-year design storm. Post-development peak discharges for each design storm shall not exceed the pre-development peak discharge for each respective design storm. Detention basins shall be designed to safely pass the 100-year design storm without damage to the facility or downstream channel.
Stormwater shall be retained such that the rate of runoff leaving the post-developed site is no greater than the pre-development runoff rate. The difference between the two (2) runoff rates is the amount that should be detained.
Any formula may be used — HEC-1, etc. or Rational equation, etc. Developments over one hundred (100) acres must use the unit hydrography (SCS) or similar method. Calculations must be submitted to the City's consulting engineer for review.
Detention may be accomplished in nearly any method viable on the project site. This can include detention ponds, tanks, below ground systems or even parking lot or landscape island detention. Discharge may be by use of V-notch walls or small pipe. Innovative solutions are usually acceptable depending upon City staff review. Open basins must be soil lined and have soil placed on interior and exterior side slopes. Soil must be seeded and mulched. Riprap or rock lined basins and berms will only be allowable under unusual circumstances and with special permission from the City.
The maximum depth of water in a dry detention basin shall not exceed eight (8) feet.
A minimum of one (1) foot of freeboard shall be provided from the top of the basin to the maximum water surface elevation.
The principal outlet structure shall be designed to function without requiring operation of any kind or requiring use of equipment or tools or any mechanical devices.
The engineer must submit the following for review of a stormwater detention facility:
A drainage area map showing the entire area tributary to the detention basin areas shall be noted in acres.
Runoff curve numbers, Rational Method coefficients, etc. for the entire drainage area.
The time of concentration and travel time for entire basin or each subbasin.
Elevation vs. storage tables and curves for all design storms.
Pre-development and post-development inflow hydrographs for all design storms.
A tabulation of inflow hydrographs routed through the detention basin by the storage indication method and a tabulation of subsequent outflow hydrography, detention pond elevations and storage. Elevation at which the peak stage occurs should be included.
Site plan showing appropriate design information.
Structural details for the outlet control structures (if required).
Discharge velocities must not be erosive. The following minimum channel linings are required:
Velocity (feet per second)
Lining Type
Less than 3 fps
3 to 5 fps
Staked sod
5 to 10 fps
15" depth of stone rip-rap
10 to 15 fps
Grouted stone rip-rap, gabion revetment or concrete paved
Greater than 15 fps
Concrete paved or bedrock
Note: Velocities must be reduced prior to exiting the appropriate lining.
All storm sewers under street pavement must be concrete unless a specific waiver is granted from the City's consulting engineer. Flared end-sections are required on all CMP and RCP and concrete aprons and wing walls are required on all concrete box culverts.
Drainage easements must be dedicated to the City where appropriate.
An erosion control plan must be developed and implemented prior to beginning any land disturbance. The plan can include such items as silt fencing, staked straw bales or silt retention ponds to control the runoff during the construction.