[Ord. No. 798 §2, 10-8-1979]
For the purposes of this Chapter, certain terms and words are hereby defined. Words used in the present tense include the future; the singular number includes the plural, and vice versa; reference to the male gender includes the female, and reference to any person or animal without specifying gender includes both male and female; and the word "shall" is mandatory and not directory.
Any dog shall be deemed to be at large when it is off the premises of its owner's real property and not restrained by a competent person.
All domesticated species or varieties of the genus felis, male or female, four (4) months of age or older.
A certificate issued at the time of the vaccination of the dog, and bearing thereon the signature of the vaccinator, the name, color, breed and sex of the dog, the name and address of the owner, the date of the vaccination, and type of vaccine administered.
Vaccine which is manufactured using the embryo of the chicken as a growth medium and also known as Flury Strain Vaccine.
A human being who is capable of controlling and governing that dog in question, and to whose commands the dog is obedient.
All domesticated members of the species canis familiaris, male or female, four (4) months of age or older.
To put to death in a humane manner.
Any dog, whether it has been registered or vaccinated for rabies or not, or other animal which has been bitten, been fighting with or has consorted with an animal known or suspected to have rabies or showing objective symptoms of rabies.
The City Board of Health of Hermann, or any person, persons or agent employed or designated by the Board of Aldermen to enforce this Chapter to whom such authority is delegated.
Those members of a family including servants and attendants living in the same dwelling unit.
The apprehending, catching, trapping, netting, tranquilizing, confining, or if necessary, the destruction of any animal by the Health Department or its agents.
Any premises designated by the City of Hermann for the purpose of impounding and caring for all animals found in violation of this Chapter.
Any place or tract of land whether indoors or outdoors, whether enclosed or not, in, at, or upon which, and whether for pleasure or for profit, dogs are kept, housed, bred, raised, fed, displayed, exhibited or sold. The owner of six (6) or more dogs, whether owned for pleasure or for profit, breeding or exhibiting, shall be deemed to be the operator of a dog kennel.
All domesticated species or varieties of the genus felis, male or female, under the age of four (4) months.
Vaccine which is manufactured using tissue of the nervous system as a growth medium.
Includes any person who, or firm or corporation which, owns, harbors, shelters, keeps, controls, manages, possesses, or has part interest in any dog, cat or kennel. The occupant of any premises on which a dog or cat remains for a period of seven (7) days or to which it customarily returns daily for a period of ten (10) days is presumed to be harboring, sheltering or keeping the aforementioned dog or cat, within this definition. Under no circumstances are the normal and ordinarily accepted definitions of the terms harboring, sheltering or keeping to be limited to the words of the aforementioned presumption. If a minor owns an animal subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the head of the household of which such minor owner is a member shall be deemed to be the owner of such animal for the purpose of this Chapter and under this Chapter shall be responsible as the owner, whether or not such household head is himself a minor. If not a member of a household, such minor owner shall himself be directly subject to the provisions of this Chapter.
All domesticated members of the species canis familiaris, male or female, under four (4) months of age.
Any veterinarian, or any other person acting under the direction or control of a veterinarian, who performs the services of vaccination and registration.
A dog, off the premises of its owner's real property, is under restraint within the meaning of this Chapter:
If it is controlled by a line or leash not more than six (6) feet in length, when said line or leash is held by a competent person;
When at "heel" of a competent person;
When within a vehicle being driven, parked or stopped;
When not more than fifty (50) feet from a competent person, if such dog is not annoying or worrying any human being or domestic animal, or trespassing on private property, or in a public area where dogs are forbidden.
Any object, regardless of the shape and material, which bears a registration number, effective date, and the words: "Hermann Dog Tag," which has been issued by authority of the Health Department.
The injection, by a veterinarian, or his authorized agent, of a specified dose of anti-rabies vaccine into the body of a dog, such vaccine having the U.S. Government License Number approval stamped on the label of the vaccine container and having been approved by the Health Department. Vaccine used for vaccination of dogs shall be stored and kept under conditions proper for the vaccine and shall show no signs of spoilage or otherwise be unfit for producing immunity against rabies.
The procedure of vaccinating for rabies and issuing an identification number and the appropriate certification. The above words shall be interchangeable.
Any veterinarian, holding a current Missouri license and operating on a participating basis with the Health Department, as required by this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 798 §3, 10-8-1979]
Every person who owns any dog, whether in a kennel or not, that is kept any time during the year within the City of Hermann, or who permits a dog to come upon, on or in the City of Hermann, or to remain in or about his home, place of business or other premises in the area affected by this Chapter, shall have such dog vaccinated against rabies, and registered as provided in Section 205.030 hereof. Such dogs must be vaccinated at least once a year if a nerve origin vaccine is used; or if a chicken embryo or other three (3) year type vaccine is administered, then at least once every three (3) years; or if other vaccine, approved by the Health Department or State Division of Health, is administered, then at the approved frequency for such vaccine. For the purpose of facilitating the provisions of this Section, the Health Department may hold dog inoculation clinics.
Puppies shall be confined to their owners' premises.
Every dog which has been vaccinated and licensed in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter shall at all times wear the registration tag in the manner herein prescribed in Section 205.030.
It shall be unlawful for any person to own any dog unless such dog is vaccinated against rabies and wears a current, unexpired registration tag, and the owner possesses a certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 798 §4, 10-8-1979]
An annual license fee is hereby imposed upon every owner of a dog which would be required under this Chapter to be vaccinated against rabies. Said annual license fee shall be one dollar ($1.00) for each dog. The annual license fee shall be paid to and collected by the City Collector on or before the first (1st) day of February of each year for the succeeding twelve (12) month period ending on January thirty-first (31st) of the next year. The full license fee shall be paid and collected for part of a year, and each dog which first becomes subject to the licensing requirements of this Chapter during any portion of the license year shall be vaccinated and licensed immediately.
Applicants for dog licenses shall present a certificate of vaccination executed by a veterinarian or registrar, as herein provided, verifying that the dog has been immunized against rabies for an effective period extending into or beyond the twelve (12) month period for which the license is sought.
The Health Department shall prepare certificates in triplicate for distribution to veterinarians in a form deemed best calculated to further the progress of the program provided for in this Chapter. Spaces shall be provided for the following information and for such other information as the Health Department may require to be filled in by the veterinarians legally authorized to vaccinate dogs:
The name and address of the owner;
The date the vaccination was administered and the type of vaccination administered;
The breed, markings, sex and name of the vaccinated dog.
It shall be the duty of every veterinarian to be a registrar under this program and when vaccinating any dog to fill out in triplicate copies the certificate obtained from the Health Department with the information required herein, and immediately present two (2) copies to the owner of the vaccinated dog. The owner shall present one (1) such copy to the City Collector at the time of applying for a dog license. The City Collector shall maintain cross files of certificates by the name of the owner and the number of the certificate. The remaining copy of the certificate shall be retained by the person performing the vaccination. The owner's copy of the certificate shall be retained by the owner of the vaccinated dog for inspection by an authorized representative of the Health Department or any Police Officer.
At the time of payment for the annual license, the City Collector shall also deliver to the owner a license and registration tag obtained from the Health Department, as evidence of such vaccination and licensing. Every owner of a vaccinated dog shall attach the tag evidencing rabies vaccination, registration, and licensing to the collar or harness of the vaccinated dog and such collar or harness shall be worn by that dog at all times. Any dog found without a tag shall be deemed to be not vaccinated and licensed.
The license and registration tags shall be sequentially numbered for each year, and shall be of proper size and shape and bear the words "Hermann Dog Tag" and figures indicating the year for which issued. Such tags shall be procured annually by the Health Department in such number as sufficient to provide one (1) for each dog to be licensed each year, and shall be delivered to the City Collector. The City Collector shall record on his copy of the vaccination certificate the number inscribed on the corresponding tag issued to the owner. The City Collector shall make proper accounting for all such tags issued to him and fees received therefor in the same manner as for other city licenses. Duplicate tags may be obtained by the owner of a dog upon signing an affidavit of loss of an original tag and payment of twenty-five cents ($0.25) to the City Collector.
[Ord. No. 798 §5, 10-8-1979]
Registration tags shall not be transferred from dog to dog, and no person shall affix a registration tag to a dog or puppy other than the dog for which the tag was issued at the time of its rabies vaccination-registration, nor shall any person affix a registration tag to a dog that has not been vaccinated against rabies, nor shall any person counterfeit, alter, obliterate or attempt to counterfeit, alter or obliterate any rabies registration tags.
[Ord. No. 798 §6, 10-8-1979]
All female dogs shall be kept securely confined in an enclosed place while in heat.
[Ord. No. 798 §7, 10-8-1979; Ord. No. 1397 §1, 6-9-2003]
The Health Department, Chief of Police, or other persons designated by them shall have the power to catch, confine and impound dogs and other animals as follows:
Dogs not wearing an unexpired vaccination-registration tag;
All female dogs, registered or unregistered, not securely confined in an enclosed place, while in heat;
All dogs and puppies which are at large;
All dogs or other animals infected or suspected of being infected with rabies and all dogs and other animals exposed to or suspected to be exposed to or infected with rabies, including dogs or other animals known to have been bitten by a rabid animal, whether the dog or other animal to be impounded is running at large or on a leash or whether it is confined to its owner's premises;
All unconfined or unleashed animals or dogs with vicious propensities;
Dogs not vaccinated for rabies within the previous twelve (12) months with nerve tissue vaccine; nor within the preceding thirty-six (36) months with chicken embryo or Flury Strain vaccine; nor if another approved vaccine was used, within the preceding time period for duration of effective protection against rabies which that vaccine gives;
Unconfined dogs in quarantined areas;
Dogs or other animals which have bitten a person or animal or which have been bitten by a dog or animal suspected of having rabies, or which are suspected of having rabies, or have been exposed to rabies;
Except for (1) above, no dog shall be exempted from the provisions of this Section by virtue of vaccination, tags, or a vaccination-registration certificate.
Dogs or other animals impounded in accordance with this Section shall be impounded in the City Rabies Shelter or elsewhere under the supervision of and in a manner satisfactory to the Health Department.
All dogs shall be vaccinated, registered and licensed, if not previously done, before being released to the owner. A fee covering the cost of vaccination-registration, licensing, catching, transportation and shelter service shall be collected by the City Collector for each dog to be released and a receipt for payment thereof given to the owner. Dogs that have been vaccinated, registered and licensed before being impounded shall be released to their owners within four (4) days after capture, upon payment of the cost of catching and transportation plus the shelter service fee specified in Section 205.080 herein, provided the Chief of Police or operator of the impounding facility is of the opinion that such release will not impair the safety of the public. Every animal impounded under provisions of this Chapter, which is found upon arrival at the pound to have a contagious disease or serious injury and whose owner is unknown or relinquishes ownership in writing, shall be immediately euthanized.
[Ord. No. 798 §8, 10-8-1979]
The City Administrator is authorized and directed to make and enter into a contract on behalf of the City of Hermann for the confinement, impounding, care, release, and disposing of dogs and other animals acquired pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter upon such terms as are approved by the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 798 §9, 10-8-1979; Ord. No. 1397 §1, 6-9-2003]
Any dog captured or impounded by the Health Department as authorized herein, and determined not to be rabid, may be redeemed by the owner or other person having the right of possession of such animal upon the presentation of a proper vaccination-registration certificate and upon payment of the costs incurred in catching and transporting said animal to the shelter plus the shelter service fee. The recoverable expense for catching and transportation an animal shall be seven dollars fifty cents ($7.50) for each one-quarter (¼) hour or portion thereof that was used in catching and transporting said animal. The shelter service fee shall be nine dollars ($9.00) for each day or fraction thereof. If the animal is not claimed in the manner provided herein within four (4) days after its capture, such animal shall be disposed of by euthanasia or sale as directed by the Health Department or Chief of Police. Before release by such sale, the buyer shall have the dog vaccinated, registered and licensed and pay the catching and transportation expenses and the shelter service fee provided herein.
Before disposing of any such dog by euthanasia, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, or person who impounded the dog, to notify the City Clerk that such dog has been impounded. The City Clerk shall then post a notice in his office briefly describing the dog and whether or not such dog has been licensed and tagged as required by this Chapter. If the City Clerk, Chief of Police, or other person impounding the dog knows the name of its owner, then written notice of the impounding shall be served on the owner, with the statement that if such dog is not claimed and redeemed as provided in this Chapter within four (4) days of the date of the notice then the dogs will be euthanized. If no owner or other person claims or offers to buy such dog and redeems it as provided in this Chapter within four (4) days after the posting and service of notice as provided above, the impounded dog may then be euthanized by the Chief of Police or his authorized agent.
[Ord. No. 798 §10, 10-8-1979]
The Chief of Police, or person designated by him, shall dispose of any dog or other animal infected with rabies and he shall have the power to examine and impound any animal bitten by or exposed to any other animal infected with rabies. He shall have the power to require the owner of such dog to take necessary measures to prevent further spread of rabies, and to dispose of an exposed animal if such necessary measures are not taken by the owner.
[Ord. No. 798 §11, 10-8-1979]
Any person destroying an animal infected with rabies or suspected of being infected with rabies shall immediately notify the Health Department and shall surrender the carcass of such animal upon demand. The owner or custodian of any such destroyed animal shall immediately provide the Health Department with full particulars thereof, including the time, date, location, the names and addresses of any person bitten by said animal, and also the name and address of the owner or person having custody of any animal exposed to the animal destroyed.
[Ord. No. 798 §12, 10-8-1979]
Any dog, cat or other animal which exhibits objective symptoms suggestive of rabies may, after written certification by the Chief of Police or a veterinarian to the owner, be impounded on or off the property of the owner. This animal shall be held for ten (10) days at the City's impounding facilities for clinical observation and, if alive at the termination of this period, shall be returned to the owner after payment of the shelter service fee provided for in Section 205.080. As an alternative procedure, the owner, at his own expense, may designate any licensed veterinary hospital for a similar ten (10) day period. If such animal should die during the observation period, regardless of the location, the head shall be removed and submitted to a qualified laboratory for examination.
Any dog, cat or other animal which has been exposed to rabies shall be immediately destroyed, unless the owner, at his expense, specifies one (1) of the following alternative methods:
Strict isolation in a kennel or animal hospital for six (6) months;
If no previous vaccination has been given to a dog within a period of three (3) years with chicken embryo (Flury Strain) vaccine, or within one (1) year with vaccine of nerve tissue origin, or if other vaccine approved by the Health Department was used and if the effective protection limit of the last such vaccination has passed, then the dog shall be placed on a schedule of immunization approved by the Health Department;
If a dog has been vaccinated previously with another vaccine approved by the Health Department within the duration of the vaccine's effective protection, the animal shall be re-vaccinated and restrained by a leash or confined at home for thirty (30) days.
All dogs under clinical observation for rabies must fulfill all conditions of this Chapter prior to release.
[Ord. No. 798 §13, 10-8-1979]
Any person within the City of Hermann having information or knowledge of any animal that:
Exhibits clinical symptoms suggestive of rabies,
Has been exposed to rabies, or
Is suspected of having rabies
shall report such knowledge or information to the Health Department.
[Ord. No. 798 §14, 10-8-1979]
Whenever rabies becomes prevalent in any locality within the City subject to this Chapter, the Mayor shall issue a quarantine order affecting any portion of such City, according to the necessity of the case and pursuant to the requirements and provisions of Section 322.040, RSMo. The Health Department or Chief of Police, during the first week after a quarantine order is issued, shall take proper measures to inform the people of the City of the existence of the quarantine order and of the penalties attached to the violation of the quarantine order. A quarantine order shall direct that all dogs, whether vaccinated and registered according to the provisions of this Chapter or not, shall be confined in the home of the owner of the dog, or tied up or placed on a leash under the direct physical control of a competent person not less than fifteen (15) years of age. Any dog found otherwise during such quarantine, and not immunized, shall be destroyed. Dogs and other animals subject to rabies which are impossible to capture or impound after the exercise of reasonable efforts and diligence shall be destroyed, if the Chief of Police so designates.
The quarantine may be terminated by the Mayor after the necessity therefor no longer exists. No quarantine shall remain effective for more than six (6) months from the date of the adoption of the quarantine order unless such quarantine order is specifically extended by order of the Mayor.
[Ord. No. 798 §15, 10-8-1979]
The owner of any dog, cat or other animal which bites any person, regardless of the circumstances, or irrespective of whether such dog is vaccinated and registered, shall be required to place such dog, cat or other animal in the custody of the Health Department for confinement in a manner satisfactory to the Health Department and in a manner that will prevent contact with people and other animals for a period of ten (10) days, following the evening or the day of the bite, for the purpose of clinical observation. All expenses shall be borne by the owner of the dog, cat or other animal. If such dog, cat or other animal develops clinical symptoms suggestive of rabies, it shall be allowed to die a natural death, or if, for any reason, such dog, cat or other animal should die while in confinement, its head shall be removed by the veterinarian and submitted to a qualified laboratory. If, at the end of such ten (10) day period, such dog, cat or other animal is alive and healthy, it may be released to its owner.
All dogs under clinical observation as the result of biting a person must fulfill all other conditions of this Chapter prior to release.
If, at the time of the biting, the dog, cat or other animal had not been vaccinated and registered, the procedure outline in Section 205.060 shall be followed.
It shall be the duty of any person bitten by any animal or the parent or guardian of any minor bitten by any animal to report the same to the Health Department immediately. Such report shall contain the name and address of the owner and of the animal, the day and time bitten, the location where bitten, and a general description of the animal.
It shall be the duty of every physician to report immediately to the Health Department the full name, age and address of any person under his care or observation who has been bitten by an animal irrespective of whether infected with rabies or not so infected or so suspected and every veterinarian treating or having under observation any animal infected with rabies, or suspected of being rabid, or suspected of having been exposed to rabies, shall report to the Health Department the owner's name, address, and if the animal is a dog, the vaccination-registration number.
[Ord. No. 798 §16, 10-8-1979) ]
It shall be unlawful for any person to conceal an animal or interfere with the Health Department, or persons designated by it, in the performance of its duties, as provided in this Chapter. The Health Department or Chief of Police, or persons designated by him, shall have the right of entry onto any enclosed lots or lands for the purpose of collecting any dog, cat or other animal, which is on such lot or land, in violation of this Chapter and whose presence on such lot or land constitutes a violation of any of the provisions of this Chapter, or whose presence or existence is a violation of the provisions of this Chapter. The Health Department or Chief of Police, or his duly appointed representative, shall have the right of entry upon any property or premises within any quarantined area during the period of such quarantine for the purpose of examining or obtaining any dog, cat or other animal suspected of having rabies, having been exposed to rabies, or having bitten a person or other animal. (Ord. No. 798 §16, 10-8-79)
[Ord. No. 798 §17, 10-8-1979]
No owner of any animal subject to rabies shall abandon such animal in the City of Hermann.
[Ord. No. 798 §18, 10-8-1979]
When any fierce or dangerous dog or any dog that has previously attacked or bitten any person or domestic animal, or displays a propensity to attack or bite man or domestic animal or cause annoyance to persons using public roads, streets, and sidewalks, or chase, worry or molest livestock, other dogs or children, or cause any damage or injury, which propensity is known or ought reasonably to be known by the owner of such dog, it shall be the duty of such owner to confine such dog on a chain, tether or leash, or confine to a yard completely enclosed by a fence of such height, strength and construction so as to prevent the dog confined therein from jumping over or through or crawling under such fence, and to post a notice on the premises, conspicuously visible to the public and reading in letters not less than two (2) inches high "Bad Dog Here" or "Beware - Bad Dog." Any vicious dog found off the premises of its owner may be seized by any Police Officer or other agent authorized by the Health Department and appropriate charges filed against the owner or application made to the Health Department for an order to euthanize the dog. After a hearing before the Health Department at which a preponderance of the evidence, by sworn testimony, establishes the vicious propensity of the dog, and the failure of its owner to exercise such control as is required by this Section, the Health Department may order such dog euthanized. However, such order of euthanization shall be stayed for five (5) days in order to allow the owner opportunity to commence proper legal proceedings in the Circuit Court to contest the decision of the Department.
[Ord. No. 798 §19, 10-8-1979]
It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog, whether properly tagged and certified or not, to permit or allow such dog to run at large on land within the City of Hermann.
The provisions of Subsection (A) of this Section shall not apply to dogs being used in authorized field trials or dog shows, or while on the private property of others with the actual, implied, customary or constructive consent of the owner of such private premises; nor shall the provisions or prohibitions in Subsection (A) of this Section apply to bloodhounds or other dogs used for tracking or other lawful purposes in conjunction with police activities.
[Ord. No. 798 §20, 10-8-1979]
In any prosecution charging a violation of Section 205.180 hereunder, proof that a dog was running at large in violation of said Section, together with proof that the defendant named in the complaint was at the time described in the complaint the person who owned such dog, shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the owner of such dog was the person who permitted such dog to run at large. Thereafter, the burden of injecting the issue that some other person was responsible for the violation shall rest upon the defendant.
[Ord. No. 798 §21, 10-8-1979]
Any animal which does not exhibit a valid vaccination-registration tag and which reveals the symptoms of any injury or disease clearly not those of rabies, may be subjected to disposal as provided in Section 205.080 at the earliest possible time by the Health Department or Chief of Police.
[Ord. No. 798 §22, 10-8-1979]
No owner shall refuse to deliver up to the Health Department or Chief of Police any dog, cat or other animal subject to rabies when reasonably requested to do so under the provisions of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 798 §23, 10-8-1979]
All dogs brought into the City of Hermann shall comply with rabies vaccination requirements. If said imported dog remains more than thirty (30) days, said dog shall be registered in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. Any legally acceptable certificate of rabies vaccination, the initial and residual efficiency of which has been approved by the Health Department or Missouri Division of Health, shall be exchanged for a current vaccination-registration certificate, license and tag upon payment of the licensing fee.
[Ord. No. 798 §24, 10-8-1979]
The violation of, failure to comply with or the committing of any act prohibited in any provision of this Chapter shall constitute an unlawful act, and any person convicted of such unlawful act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as otherwise provided by ordinance. Each day that any such unlawful act is committed or continues shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. No. 1708 §1, 9-24-2007]
No person owning or responsible for an animal shall permit the animal to defecate on any public property or right-of-way or on any private property other than property owned or leased by the person owning or responsible for the animal.
It is a specific defense to a charge of violating this Section that the person charged immediately removed the excrement and properly disposed of it in a sanitary manner.
[Ord. No. 1742 §1, 4-14-2008]
It shall be unlawful for any person to own, harbor or keep any dog or other animal that is a "public nuisance animal".
A "public nuisance animal" is defined as any animal or animals that unreasonably annoy humans, endanger the life or health of other animals or persons or substantially interfere with the rights of citizens, other than their owners, to the enjoyment of life or property. A dog shall not be considered a public nuisance animal solely because of its breed or description. The term "public nuisance animal" shall mean and include, but is not necessarily limited to, any animal that:
Damages the property of anyone other than its owners;
Molests or intimidates pedestrians or passersby;
Chases vehicles;
Excessively makes disturbing noises, including, but not limited to, continued repeated howling, barking, whining or other utterances, causing unreasonable annoyance, disturbance or discomfort to neighbors or others in close proximity to the premises where the animal is kept or harbored;
Causes fouling of the air by odor and thereby creates unreasonable annoyance or discomfort to neighbors and others in close proximity to the premises where the animal is kept or harbored;
Causes unsanitary conditions in enclosures or surroundings where the animal is kept or harbored;
Attacks other domestic animals.
[Ord. No. 1820 §1, 5-24-2010]
Every person who owns any cat shall have such cat vaccinated against rabies and registered as provided below. Cats must be vaccinated at least once every three (3) years provided that a three (3) year type vaccine is administered; if a vaccine effective for less than three (3) years is administered, then the cat must be vaccinated upon the expiration of the vaccine.
The cost of all rabies vaccinations shall be paid by the cat owner.
[Ord. No. 1820 §1, 5-24-2010]
An annual license fee of one dollar ($1.00) per cat is hereby imposed upon every owner of a cat. The annual license fee shall be paid to and collected by the City Collector on or before the first (1st) day of February each year for the succeeding twelve (12) month period ending on January thirty-first (31st) of the next year. The full license fee shall also be paid and collected for any part of the year.
Applicants for cat licenses shall present a certificate of vaccination executed by a veterinarian verifying that the cat has been immunized against rabies for the entire twelve (12) month period for which the license is sought.
It shall not be required for a vaccinated and licensed cat to wear any license or registration tag.
[Ord. No. 1820 §1, 5-24-2010]
Any cat or other animal suspected of being afflicted with rabies, or any cat which has not been vaccinated which has bitten any person and caused an abrasion of the skin of such person, shall be seized and impounded under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. If, upon the examination by a veterinarian, the cat has no signs of rabies at the end of impoundment, it may be released to the owner after vaccination and upon payment by the owner of the veterinarian's impound and vaccination fees. In the case of a stray cat, it shall be disposed in accordance with applicable laws and in a humane manner.
Any cat which has been vaccinated and which has bitten any person shall be confined by the owner or other responsible person until the cat is examined by a licensed veterinarian. If no signs of rabies are observed by the veterinarian, the cat may be released from confinement.
[Ord. No. 1820 §1, 5-24-2010]
In the case of cats known to have been bitten by a rabid animal, the following rules shall apply:
Unvaccinated cats. In the case of cats have not been vaccinated which have been bitten by a known rabid animal, the bitten or exposed cat shall be immediately euthanized in a humane manner.
Vaccinated cat. If the bitten or exposed cat has been vaccinated, the cat shall be handled as follows:
Immediately re-vaccinated and confined for a period of thirty (30) days following re-vaccination, at the cat owner's expense.
The cat shall be euthanized in a humane manner if the owner does not comply with item (a) of this Subsection.
[Ord. No. 1820 §1, 5-24-2010]
An authorized City representative may make and enter into a contract on behalf of the City for the confinement, impounding and care of cats including implementation of a TNNR program, which shall be the City's primary and favored program with respect to feral and wild cats and, in general, all cats running at large, upon such specific terms as may be set forth in the contract and in the ordinance or resolution authorizing it, provided that such terms shall not be inconsistent with this Chapter.
Any cat, including a feral, wild or roaming cat or a cat found off its owner's premises, about which a written complaint has been filed with the City of Hermann, may be impounded. All cats shall be given proper care and maintenance at the pound for a minimum of five (5) days unless reclaimed earlier by its owner. All cats running at large are subject to the TNNR program.
Notice of impoundment of cats, including any significant marks of identification, shall be posted with the City Clerk as public notification of impoundment. Any unvaccinated cat may be reclaimed by its owner during the period of impoundment by payment of prescribed pound fees and complying with rabies vaccination requirement. Any vaccinated cat may be reclaimed by its owner by furnishing proof of rabies vaccination and payment of all impoundment fees prior to release.
At the expiration of impoundment a cat may be claimed by payment of established pound fees and by compliance with the rabies vaccination requirement of this Section within seventy-two (72) hours of release.
If a cat is unclaimed at the end of five (5) days, the cat will be vaccinated for rabies, ear notched and neutered or spayed. Reasonable efforts shall be made for the cat to be adopted or placed in a barn home or in a no-kill shelter. If this is not possible, then the cat shall be returned to the area from which it was taken.