[Ord. No. 1620 §1, 9-25-2006]
For the purpose of this Chapter, "infrastructure improvements" shall be designated as those streets, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street lights, water mains, sanitary sewer lines, stormwater conveyances, natural gas lines and any other utility services and appurtenances that are necessary for the functional development of all residential and non-residential land uses in the City of Hermann.
All plans, project specifications and reports submitted shall be prepared by or under the direction of a professional engineer, licensed in the State of Missouri and shall be reviewed by the City for compliance with the minimum design requirements as established in this regulation and with all other applicable City codes and ordinances.
Attention is directed to the design engineer that whenever extraordinary or unusual problems are encountered in conjunction with a proposed project, additional information and analysis beyond the minimum requirements of these standards and criteria will be required.
The City of Hermann is not responsible for the accuracy and the adequacy of the design or dimensions and elevations as depicted on the plans (which shall be confirmed and correlated at the site of the work). The City of Hermann, through the approval of the plans and/or report, assumes no responsibility for the completeness and/or accuracy of the public improvement plan or report.
All developers and engineering consultants submitting plans for infrastructure improvement projects to the City for review are required to follow the procedures outlined in the following. No infrastructure improvements may be constructed in the City of Hermann without the prior approval of the office of the City's consulting engineer.
Private improvements, if any, shown on public improvement plans shall be clearly defined and marked as such. These improvements will not be maintained by the City of Hermann and, as such, an appropriate note shall be included on the drawings.
[Ord. No. 1620 §1, 9-25-2006]
Three (3) complete sets of prints and digital copies of the plans in .pdf and AutoCAD 2004 or later format of engineered plans and specifications shall be submitted to the office of the City's consulting engineer for review. The plans shall be in State plan coordinate system and U.S.G.S. vertical datum. The normal time for review shall be fifteen (15) working days. In the case of abnormally large sets of prints or of extremely complicated drawings, a longer time may be required for review.
The project plans will be routed through appropriate City departments to obtain a complete review of all facilities that may be affected by the proposed construction. In each review, comments and necessary revisions will be noted on the project plans.
Subsequent to the review of the plans, the design engineer, consultant or his representative shall be notified by telephone that the submittal is ready for return.
The design engineer or consultant will be required to make all necessary corrections or revisions as noted on the project plans. Upon completion of the revisions and/or corrections the plans will again be submitted to the City's consulting engineer's office for further review. Revised sheets submitted shall contain a revision block with identifying notations and date of revisions. All previous project plans must accompany each resubmittal. If the project plans are not submitted with the revised drawings, the plans shall be returned to the consultant without action until such time as they are included with the submittal.
Plans will not receive final approval until all supplemental easements, if necessary, have been duly recorded and a copy has been provided to the City. Additionally and in conjunction with submittal of final plans, all permits and/or application for permits shall be submitted to the appropriate agency for approval prior to final approval of the plans by the City's consulting engineer (i.e., Department of Transportation, Department of Natural Resources, etc.).
The length of time for final plan approval will normally be within five (5) working days. Upon notification of final approval of the plans by the City's consulting engineer, the number of sets of plans as specified in the appropriate Subsection of this Chapter shall be submitted for signing and distribution.
Public improvement plans and engineering reports are approved initially for one (1) year after the date noted on the returned cover sheet. After one (1) year, the plans or report shall become null and void and must be resubmitted prior to approval of construction of that project. Such plans and/or reports shall be resubmitted to the office of the City's consulting engineer in accordance with the foregoing outlined procedures and requirements.
The design engineer shall send one (1) set of plans to each of the private and public utility companies having territorial jurisdiction in the area of the improvement upon notification that the drawings have been approved.
[Ord. No. 1620 §1, 9-25-2006]
The following general notes shall be included on all plan submittal for water improvement projects. These notes are not meant to be all-inclusive and, in certain situations, the City's consulting engineer may require the use of additional notes.
Development plans are approved initially for one (1) year, after which they automatically become void and must be updated and reapproved by the City's consulting engineer before any construction will be permitted.
The City of Hermann plan review is only for general conformance with the design criteria delineated in the infrastructure development regulations and other applicable City codes. The City is not responsible for the accuracy and adequacy of the design or dimensions and elevations that shall be confirmed and correlated at the job site. The City of Hermann through approval of this document assumes no responsibility other than that as stated above for the completeness and/or accuracy of this document.
The contractor shall have one (1) signed copy of the plans (approved by the City of Hermann) and one (1) copy of the appropriate project specifications at the job site at all times.
Construction of the improvements shown or implied by this set of drawings shall not be initiated or any part thereof undertaken until the City's consulting engineer is notified of such intent and all required and properly executed bonds and permit fees are received and approved by the City's consulting engineer.
All existing utilities indicated on the drawings are according to the best information available to the engineer; however, all utilities actually existing may not be shown. Utilities damaged through the negligence of the contractor to obtain the location of same shall be repaired or replaced by the contractor at his expense.
All backfill shall be tamped.
All materials and workmanship associated with this project shall be subject to inspection by the City of Hermann. The City of Hermann reserves the right to accept or reject any such materials and workmanship that does not conform to the infrastructure design criteria specifications.
The contractor shall notify the City of Hermann Public Works Department twenty-four (24) hours prior to the beginning of construction.
Relocation or extension of any water line or service line thereof required for the construction of this project shall be the responsibility of the developer at his expense.
The proposed water line improvements shown by this set of drawings have been designed to provide the following fire flow requirements as determined by the City of Hermann: GPM (note to be placed on development drawings that contain areas zoned for higher densities than "R-1").
[Ord. No. 1620 §1, 9-25-2006]
A signature block shall be required on the title sheet of all plans and reports submitted for review and approval. All plans require the signature of the City's consulting engineer and the date of such signing for formal approval by the City.
[Ord. No. 1620 §1, 9-25-2006]
The following criteria are established to provide a uniform system of plan preparation that will aid the engineer in preparing plans for infrastructure improvements within the City of Hermann. It is not intended that the criteria be an ironclad set of rules that would restrict the engineer from utilizing imaginative design; however, all items as described below shall be shown on the plans in some manner.
All plans and specification for the construction of infrastructure improvements within either publicly-financed or privately-financed developments shall be prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Missouri and submitted to the office of the City's consulting engineer for review. Subsequent to the review, the engineer will be notified of approval of the plans as submitted or of any necessary changes.
Upon completion of the review and approval of the plans by the City's consulting engineer, three (3) sets of plans (as approved) must be submitted for signing and distribution.
In addition, one (1) set of approved plans shall be sent to each of the utility companies providing service in the proposed construction area.
The suggested plan sheet size is twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches with all sheets in a given set of plans being of the same size. Plan and profile views shall be drawn on double or single plan and profile sheets to minimum scales of one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet horizontal by one (1) inch equals ten (10) feet vertical, unless otherwise approved by the City's consulting engineer for special cases.
All engineered water improvement plans shall consist of the following minimum requirements that have been developed in accordance with standard engineering practice:
Title sheet. The following items shall be included on the title sheet.
Name of project.
Index of sheets included in plans.
A vicinity map adequately showing project location of the project area.
General description of project area (by Township, Range and Section).
A summary of plan quantities of principal items, such as pipe size and material, lengths, number of manholes, etc.
Additionally, a separate column shall be provided for listing of "as-built" quantities once the project has been completed and accepted by the City.
The project control bench mark shall be identified as to location and elevation.
Name, address and telephone number of consulting engineer and owner/developer.
List containing name and telephone number of each utility company and public agency listed below:
Electric power.
Water and sewer.
Cable television.
Public streets.
Highway Department (district office).
City's consulting engineer signature block.
Project engineer's name and seal.
Revision schedule.
General layout information. The following items shall be included for all improvement projects.
A legend of symbols and abbreviations shall be shown which shall apply to all sheets.
North arrow and graphic scale. Scale of the general layout map shall be one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet, unless otherwise approved.
Layout shall include names of subdivision, block designation, if any, lot designation or proposed block and lots, all street names and an accurate tie to at least one (1) quarter section corner.
An unplatted tract shall have an accurate tie to at least one (1) quarter section corner.
Boundary line of project area.
A list of the mandatory general notes to the contractor.
Location of all existing water lines properly designated within or adjacent to the project area.
Connection point or points to existing facilities (tied to a known point on existing facility) and the type of connection to be utilized.
Location of all proposed water lines and appurtenances with designation and sheet number on which they appear in plan and profile.
Site grading plan. The following items shall be included on the general layout sheet for all street and/or drainage improvement projects.
Property lines identified as to existing or proposed lot and block number.
Elevation and location of nearest datum.
Existing and final grading contours drawn at intervals not to exceed five (5) feet.
Plan and profile sheets. The following items shall be included on the plan and profile sheets for all improvement projects.
North arrows and graphic scale.
Elevation and location of all applicable bench marks (U.S.G.S. datum).
Existing and proposed streets with names and widths.
Property lines properly identified as to existing or proposed lot, block and subdivision.
All existing and proposed utilities such as power, gas, oil, water, telephone, sewer, cable television and other items shall be properly located in conformance with the best information available (from the records of the owner of such facilities or field location) and identified as to size, material and type of construction.
All existing and known proposed improvements within seventy-five (75) feet each side of centerline shall be shown at their proper locations. This shall include such existing items as paved streets, curbs and gutters, driveways, culverts, fire hydrants, utility poles, trees, shrubs, fences, walls, houses and other such items and shall be identified as to type, size, material, etc., as may be applicable. In case of new developments, some irrelevant items may be omitted.
All existing easement and right-of-way information recorded with the County.
All proposed easement and right-of-way information.
Minor construction notes shall appear on the proper plan and profile sheets.
Locations and widths of existing and proposed sidewalks.
In addition, the following items shall be included on the plan and profile sheets for sanitary sewer improvements:
Existing water distribution facilities including, but not limited to, pipe size and location, valves, fire hydrants, blow-offs, etc.
Proposed piping with all appurtenances plainly labeled.
Existing or proposed easements and/or tracts through off-site areas.
Stationing continuous for the entire length of the utility beginning at the downstream end of the project. Centerline of roadway shall be the basis for stationing whenever possible.
Existing utilities, particularly where crossed, with "as-built" elevations and stations.
Results of all rock borings shall be shown at the proper locations.
A uniform system of line designation shall be used subject to the approval of the City's consulting engineer's office.
Station, length and size of each subline.
Profile view shall show existing grade above centerline as a dashed line, proposed finish grades or established street grades by solid lines and shall show the flow line of any drainage channel, either improved or unimproved, within fifty (50) feet either side of centerline. Each line shall be properly identified.
Alignment of the proposed water line dimensioned from curb lines or right-of-way lines.
Designation by station of all fire hydrants and line valves.