500a Appendix I
[Ord. No. 818 §§I-III, 4-21-1980]
No person shall construct, or cause or allow to be constructed any building or other permanent improvement of any type within that portion of the Hermann Industrial Park, the description of which Industrial Park is on file in the office of the City Clerk, which lies at or below the flood level of five hundred twenty (520) feet above mean sea level.
The provisions of Chapter 415 relating to the creation of floodway and floodway fringe districts within said City, are hereby made applicable to such portions of said Industrial Park as designated above within which no construction is allowed or which falls within the definition of a floodway or floodway fringe district as defined in said Section 415.050.
Any person who violates the provisions of this Section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
[Ord. No. 577 §§1-5, 5-13-1969]
All lots, buildings and structures in the City shall be numbered in accordance with the following plan:
East and west numbers shall commence at Market Street.
South number shall commence at Wharf Street; however, no north or south designation shall be used.
Odd numbers shall be on the east and north sides of the streets, and even numbers shall be on the south and west sides of the streets.
Each block shall be assigned a hundred number designator, commencing with one hundred (100); and there shall be one (1) number to every thirty (30) feet of frontage, which shall be called, for the purposes of this Section only, a lot.
Single-family dwellings shall use one (1) number only and that number shall be the number of the lot where the main entrance of the dwelling is situated.
In the event more than one (1) building or entrance to one (1) building is situated on one (1) lot, then the number of that lot shall be assigned as follows:
The first building or entrance to a building fronting on the street on the lot shall carry the lot number, and the second building or entrance to a building fronting on the street on the lot shall carry the lot number and the fraction one-half (½).
Buildings or entrances not fronting any street but used as a separate unit from any building or entrance fronting any street shall be given the lot number and a letter designator, commencing with the letter "A."
The City Clerk shall keep or cause to have made a chart showing the proper number for every thirty (30) foot space in the City of Hermann. All unplatted areas or replatted areas shall be numbered when platted and a copy shall be filed with the City prior to the plat being accepted by the City.
It shall be the duty of the owners and occupants of every building in the City of Hermann to have placed thereon address numbers which are unobstructed and of sufficient size to be easily viewed from the street of address. For purposes of this Section, address numbers will be deemed of sufficient size if they are at least four (4) inches in height.
[Ord. No. 2199, 8-10-2020]
More than one (1) display of assigned numbers may be utilized at the discretion of the building owner or occupant.
The City Clerk shall provide written notice of any violation of this Section. The notice shall be addressed to the building owner “and any occupants” and delivered by regular US Mail and by hand delivery or posting on the premises. If the violation is not cured within ten (10) days of the date of the City Clerk’s notice, then the building owner and occupants shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day that the violation has not been cured after the expiration of the ten (10) day notice period shall be considered a separate offense.
Any person having a number posted prior to the enactment of this Section may make application to the Board of Aldermen to suspend the application of this Section to him and upon showing good and sufficient cause the Board of Aldermen may suspend the application of this Section to any one (1) person, however such suspension shall not exceed one (1) year.
With respect to any later buildings, houses or structures built or added after May 13, 1969, and numbering of such buildings, houses or structures would cause conflict with previously numbered buildings, house or structures, or any other conflict of numbering, the Board of Aldermen shall determine the number and renumbering of the buildings, houses and structures in question and its ruling shall carry the same fine as provided herein for failure to comply with this Section.
[Ord. No. 760 §§1-5, 11-13-1978]
All private sewer line connections into the City's main service lines shall be accomplished only by the use of saddles which are approved by the City.
No sewer connection shall be made without prior notice to the City Water and Sewer Superintendent at least twenty-four (24) hours before the connection is made.
City-approved saddles may be purchased from the City at a price equal to the City's cost.
All connections shall be left uncovered to allow for a proper inspection by the City.
Any property owner, acting personally or through an agent, who violates this Section shall have sewer service terminated and shall have the burden of complying with all aspects of this Section prior to recommencement of service.
Editor's Note — Ord. no. 1251 §2, adopted March 10, 1997, repealed §500.040 and did not set out any replacement provisions. Former §500.040 derived from ord. no. 1118 §§1 — 4, 12-1-1992.