[Ord. No. 1143 §1, 5-11-1993]
No person shall park or cause to be parked any motor vehicle or other vehicle or place or cause to be placed any other obstruction upon or within the designated portions of the following streets:
Ord. No.
449 §1
Within twenty (20) feet of either side of the Gasconade County Court House driveway on the north side of East First Street.
517 §1
Within two hundred seventy-four (274) feet south of the intersection of Gasconade Street and West Eleventh Street on the west side of Gasconade Street.
574 §1
Along both sides of a continuation of Mozart Street (commonly known as Mozart Street) lying between West Eleventh Street and an alley which is parallel to and between West Ninth Street and West Eleventh Street.
Along both sides of West Eleventh Street beginning at the intersection of a street commonly known as Mozart Street on the east and ending at a point four hundred seventy (470) feet east of the intersection of West Eleventh Street and Washington Street.
674 §2
On the west side of Market Street between West Seventh Street and West Eighth Street.
804 §1
On the south side of Wharf Street from the intersection of Wharf Street and Guttenberg Street to a point fifty-three (53) feet west of said intersection.
804 §2
On the north side of Wharf Street from a point on said north side of street adjoining the street which is due north of the intersection of Wharf Street and Guttenberg Street to a location one hundred five (105) feet west of said point.
809 §1
On the west side of Market Street in the areas marked "No Parking" between Seventh Street and Seventh Street Alley.
On either side of Stone Hill Highway from the intersection of said street with West Twelfth Street south to the intersection of Stone Hill Highway with Jefferson Street.
Both sides of the southbound lane of Market Street between the north boundary of the City and Second Street, except for Firemen parking on the west side thereof while on official business.
Both sides of the northbound lane of Market Street between Second Street and the north boundary of the City, except for Firemen parking while on official business.
East side of the northbound lane of Market Street between Second Street and Third Street.
West side of the southbound lane of Market Street between Second Street and Third Street.
East side of Market Street between East Tenth Street and the alley located between East Tenth Street and East Eleventh Street.
East side of the northbound lane of Missouri Highway 19 from the north curb line of Thirteenth Terrace running north approximately one hundred ninety-five (195) feet to a point in the south curb line of a private driveway.
1424 §1
East side of the southbound lane of Market Street from the north line of West Third Street sixty-five (65) feet north.
1438 §1
East side of the southbound lane of Market Street from a point sixty-five (65) feet north of the north line of West Third Street ("beginning point") south to the north line of West Third Street.
1821 §1
In any area designated as a trolley stop by signs, painted stripes and/or any other method.
2055 §1, 4-24-2017
The north side of First Street commencing at the northeast corner of the intersection of First and Schiller Streets and continuing 75 feet to the east.