[R.O. of 1943, Ch. 6 §1]
There is hereby created for Hermann a City Board of Health to be composed of the Mayor and the Board of Alderman of Hermann, to cooperate with and carry out all regulations within the City of Hermann, as provided for by the State Board of Health, for the prevention and control of communicable diseases. The Mayor of the City shall be Executive Health Officer, and the attending physician in all cases of communicable diseases shall be the medical adviser of the Board of Health, provided that in case the Board of Health in any case is not satisfied with the advice obtained by the attending physician or for any other cause it may procure the services of any other physician to act as adviser in the case.
[R.O. of 1943, Ch. 6 §2]
It shall be the duty of the City Board of Health in all things, so far as possible, to be guided by the regulations of the State Board of Health, and to cause to be carried out in all cases of communicable diseases the requirements of said Board, as to prevention and spreading of such diseases, as to full or modified quarantine, as to placarding of places where communicable disease exists, and as to the closing of schools and other public meeting places; and in general to be an active agency for the promotion of health, as well as for the prevention and extermination of communicable diseases in accordance with all regulations of the State Board of Health.
[R.O. of 1943, Ch. 6 §3]
Aside from the regulations prescribed by the State Board of Health, the City Board of Health shall have the power, and it shall be its duty, to enter private enclosures, to examine cellars, stables, pig stables, privies, gutters and all other places in the City where it is informed, or it has reason to believe, any filth or refuse detrimental to the public health may exist, and to order the owner or occupant of such premises to remove or cleanse the same, and in case of failure of the owner to comply with such demands, to remove such filth and refuse, which shall be done at the cost of the owner.
[R.O. of 1943, Ch. 6 §4]
Every physician who practices within the city limits and shall be called upon to treat any case of smallpox or any other communicable disease, as specified by the State Board of Health, shall as soon as may be (if possible by telephone) report to the Board of Health such case and in so reporting shall give the name of the person afflicted, and the house where the patient be kept; and for every case of neglecting to so report be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00) and not more than fifty dollars ($50.00).
[R.O. of 1943, Ch. 6 §5]
At the direction of the Board of Health, the Chief of Police shall post on the entrance door to the building in which the patient may be kept a placard, not less than six (6) inches in width and not less than ten (10) inches in length, on which there shall be on top in large letters the name of the disease, followed by warning as follows: "All persons are by this means notified of the presence of the above disease, and are warned of the danger of coming in contact with it." It is unlawful to deface, mutilate, cover up or remove this card without the authority of the Health Officer, or to interfere with said Health Officer or his agent; and the Health Officer shall when necessary remove and isolate all persons as have been exposed to such a disease and shall require a proper and thorough disinfectant of buildings and other places in which infection may exist.
[R.O. of 1943, Ch. 6. §6]
No person shall interfere with or obstruct the entrance to any building or apartment by any member of the Board of Health, or by any officer thereto authorized by such Board; and no person shall interfere with or obstruct the inspection or examination of any occupant in any building in Hermann, by any member of the Board of Health, or by any officer thereto authorized; and no person shall without authority given by the City Board of Health, or agent authorized by it, be permitted to tear down, remove or deface any placard posted on any building, giving notice of any communicable disease existing in such building.
[Ord. No. 903 §1, 6-27-1983]
Violation of any provision of this Chapter shall be a misdemeanor. Each day any such violation occurs shall be a separate offense.