Cross Reference — As to public right-of-way use regulations, §640.070 et seq.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to tunnel under or to make any excavation in any street, alley or other public place in the City without having obtained a permit as is required by this Chapter or without complying with the provisions of this Chapter or in violation of or variance from the terms of any such permit.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993; Ord. No. 1148 §1, 5-24-1993]
Applications for permits required by this Chapter shall be made to the City Clerk on a form to be obtained from the City Clerk and shall describe the location of the intended excavation or tunnel, the size thereof, the purpose therefor, and the person, firm or corporation doing the actual excavating work and the name of the person, firm or corporation for whom or which the work is to be done; and shall contain an agreement that the applicant will comply with all ordinances and laws relating to the work to be done, including but not limited to the provisions of this Chapter.
After filing of such application with the City Clerk, the City Administrator shall review the same and determine if the application and the work described therein conform to the requirements of this Chapter and other applicable provisions of law or ordinance. If the City Administrator finds such application to be in order, he shall promptly issue the permit requested by the applicant. If the City Administrator finds the application to indicate any irregularity for which the permit must be denied, he shall promptly inform the applicant of such denial and state the reasons therefor.
In the event of the temporary absence of the City Administrator from the City of Hermann or a vacancy in the office of City Administrator, the duties and authority imposed upon the City Administrator by this Chapter shall be exercised during such absence or vacancy by the Water and Sewer Superintendent or Street Superintendent, with respect to excavations or other applicable work within their respective areas of responsibility.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
No such permit shall be issued unless and until the applicant therefor has filed with the City Clerk either of the following alternate means of financial security:
A bond in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) executed by the applicant as principal and
Underwritten by a corporation licensed to do business in the State of Missouri as a surety company, or
Secured by the deposit of cash by such applicant with the City Collector; conditioned to indemnify the City for any loss, liability or damage that may result or accrue from or because of the making, existence or manner of guarding or constructing any such tunnel or excavation; or
A certificate of insurance issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Missouri, certifying that the applicant is the insured in a general liability or protective liability insurance policy or policies sufficient to protect the City against claims for damages because of bodily injury or death of any person, and because of claims for damages for injury to or destruction of tangible property including loss of use resulting therefrom, and specifically including any property of the City; and against any and all other claims, demands, causes of action, expenses of suit, and other costs of any type which are ordinarily and customarily insured by general public liability and property damage insurance policies underwritten in the State of Missouri. Said policy or policies of liability insurance shall provide such insurance in amounts of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for injury, including death, to any one person, not less than three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) for all personal injuries, including death, in any one accident or occurrence, and not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for property damage in any one accident or occurrence. Said policy or policies of insurance shall contain a provision that such insurance may not be canceled by the issuer thereof without not less than ten days (10) advance written notice to City and the applicant.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993; Ord. No. 1651 §1, 2-12-2007]
No permit authorizing the excavation within any paved street, alley, or other public place shall be issued unless and until the applicant therefor has deposited with the City Clerk a cash payment in the sum of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00), to reimburse the City for the cost of the replacement by the City of the pavement removed or damaged during such excavation.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
It shall be unlawful to make any such excavation or tunnel in any way contrary to or at variance with the terms of the permit therefor. Proper bracing shall be maintained to prevent the collapse of adjoining ground. Excavations shall not extend anywhere below the surface beyond the opening at the surface.
No injury shall be done to any pipes, cables or conduits in the making of such excavations or tunnels; and notice shall be given to the persons maintaining any such pipes, cables or conduits or to the City department or officer charged with the care thereof, which are or may be endangered or affected by the making of any such excavation or tunnel before such pipes, cables or conduits shall be disturbed.
No unnecessary damage or injury shall be done to any tree or shrub or the roots thereof.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
If any sidewalk is blocked by any such work, a temporary walkway shall be constructed or provided which shall be safe for travel and convenient for users. The temporary walkway is subject to inspection by the Street Superintendent and shall not be open for use until approved by him.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
Any person, firm or corporation making any excavation or tunnel in or under any public street, alley or other public place in the City shall restore the surface to its original condition if there was no pavement prior to the excavation. Backfills shall be properly compacted using a mechanical tamper, and any bracing in such tunnel or excavation shall not be left in the ground.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
The Street Superintendent shall from time to time inspect or cause to be inspected all excavations and tunnels being made in or under any public street, alley or other public place in the City to see to the enforcement of the provisions of this Chapter. Notice shall be given to the Superintendent at least four (4) hours before the work or refilling of any such tunnel or excavation commences.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
It shall be the duty of every person cutting or making an excavation in or upon any public place to place and maintain barriers and warning devices necessary for safety of the general public.
The permittee shall take appropriate measures to assure that during the performance of the excavation work, traffic conditions as near normal as possible shall be maintained at all times so as to minimize inconvenience to the occupants of the adjoining property and to the general public.
Warning signs shall be placed far enough in advance of the construction operation to alert traffic within a public street, and cones or other approved devices shall be placed to channel traffic, all in accordance with the instructions of the Street Superintendent.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
The excavation work shall be performed and conducted, insofar as possible, so as not to interfere with access to fire hydrants, fire stations, fire escapes, water gates or stops, underground vaults, valve housing structures, and all other vital equipment as designated by the Street Superintendent.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
The permittee shall not interfere with any existing utility facility without the written consent of the City Administrator or his designee. If it becomes necessary to relocate an existing facility, the work shall be done by its owner. No facility owned by the City shall be moved to accommodate the permittee unless the cost of such work be borne by the permittee. The cost of moving privately owned facilities shall be similarly borne by the permittee unless it makes other arrangements with the person owning the facility.
The permittee shall support and protect by timbers or otherwise all pipes, conduits, poles, wires or other apparatus which may be in any way affected by the excavation work and shall do everything necessary to support, sustain and protect such components under, over, along or across said work. The permittee shall secure approval of the method of support and protection from the owner of the facility. In case any of said pipes, conduits, poles, wires or apparatus shall be damaged, the permittee shall promptly notify the owner thereof. All damaged facilities shall be repaired by the agency or person owning them and the expense of such repairs shall be charged to the permittee. It is the intent of this Subsection that the permittee shall assume all liability for damage to facilities and any resulting damage or injury to anyone because of such facility damage, and such assumption of liability is a contractual obligation of the permittee. The only exception will be such instances where damage is exclusively due to the negligence of the owner of the utility.
The permittee shall inform himself or itself as to the existence and location of all underground facilities and protect the same against damage. The permittee may apply to the City for an employee to determine and inform the permittee of the location of any such utility facilities, in which event the City shall cause such facilities to be located for the permittee within forty-eight (48) hours after the request.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
The permittee who causes or who contributes to the causation of any damage to City utility lines or facilities or who requests the relocation or removal thereof as provided in this Chapter shall pay according to the following fee schedule for all necessary repairs, replacements or relocations performed by the City:
City's actual wage cost + 25%
Equipment use
Prevailing commercial rental rate for comparable equipment
City's replacement cost + 10%
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
The permittee shall at all times and at his or its own expense preserve and protect from injury any adjoining property by providing proper foundations and taking other measures suitable for the purpose. Where in the protection of such property it is necessary to enter upon private property for the purpose of taking appropriate protecting measures, the permittee shall obtain consent from the owner of such private property for such purpose. The permittee shall, at its own expense, shore up and protect all buildings, walls, fences, or other property likely to be damaged during the progress of the excavation work and shall be responsible for all damage to public or private property or highways resulting from its failure properly to protect and carry out said work. Whenever it may be necessary for the permittee to trench through any lawn area, said area shall be reseeded or the sod shall be carefully cut and rolled and replaced after ditches have been backfilled as required in this Chapter. All construction and maintenance work shall be done in a manner calculated to leave the lawn area clean of earth and debris and in a condition as near as possible to that which existed before such work began. The permittee shall not remove, even temporarily, any trees or shrubs which exist in any public area without first obtaining the written consent of the City Administrator or his designee.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
All material excavated from trenches and piled adjacent to the trench or in any street shall be piled and maintained in such manner as not to endanger those working in the trench or pedestrians or users of the streets, and so that as little inconvenience as possible is caused to those using the streets and adjoining property. Where the confines of the area being excavated are too narrow to permit the piling of excavated material beside the trench, the permittee shall haul the excavated material to a storage site and then rehaul it to the trench site at the time of backfilling. It shall be the permittee's responsibility to secure the necessary permission and make all necessary arrangements for all required storage and disposal sites.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
As the excavation work progresses, all streets shall be thoroughly cleaned of all rubbish, excess earth, rock and other debris resulting from such work. All clean-up operations at the location of such excavation shall be accomplished at the expense of the permittee and shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent. From time to time, as may be ordered by the Street Superintendent and in any event immediately after completion of said work, the permittee shall, at his or its own expense, clean up and remove all refuse and unused materials of any kind resulting from said work; and upon failure to do so within twenty-four (24) hours after having been notified to do so by the Street Superintendent, said work may be done by City employees and the cost thereof charged to the permittee.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
Fine material, free from lumps and stone, selected from the spoil shall be thoroughly compacted around and under the substructure installed or located within the excavation to the upper level of such substructure. Above the upper level of the substructure, backfill material shall be placed to the subgrade of the pavement in six-inch lifts and compacted to at least ninety-five percent (95%) Standard Proctor density. All backfilling under asphalt, concrete or gravel areas shall be made with one (1) inch minus limestone rock. No broken pavement, large stones, lumber, rubbish, braces, roots and other debris shall be used in the backfill. Such backfill shall be done in a manner that will permit the restoration of the surface to a density condition not less than that existing prior to excavation unless otherwise specified.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
After an excavation is commenced, the permittee shall prosecute with diligence and expedition all excavation work covered by the excavation permit and shall promptly complete such work and restore the street, alley or public place to its original condition, or as near as may be possible, so as not to obstruct the public place or travel thereon more than is reasonably necessary.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
No monument set for the purpose of locating or preserving the lines of any street or property subdivision, nor a precise survey reference point, nor a permanent survey benchmark within the City, shall be removed or disturbed or caused to be removed or disturbed without first obtaining permission for such action in writing from the City Administrator or his designee. Permission to remove or disturb such monuments, reference points or bench marks shall only be granted upon condition that the person applying for such permission shall pay all expenses incident to the proper replacement of such monument by the City.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
The Street Superintendent shall make such inspections as are reasonably necessary in the enforcement of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 1139 §1, 4-12-1993]
Any person who violates any provision of this Chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day that any such violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
[Ord. No. 64 §1, 7-15-1974; Ord. No. 1243 §1, 11-19-1996]
No new well for water shall be drilled within the City limits of the City of Hermann unless prior written approval of such well is obtained from the Board of Aldermen.
[Ord. No. 64 §2, 7-15-1974; Ord. No. 1243 §1, 11-19-1996]
The Board of Aldermen may, but shall not be required to, approve an application for a permit to drill a new water well only if each of the following criteria is met:
The new well is necessary, because of unavailability or inadequacy of the public water supply, for the particular residence, industry, or commercial enterprise; and
The new well complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations.
[Ord. No. 64 §3, 7-15-1974; Ord. No. 1243 §1, 11-19-1996]
Any person who or entity which drills or causes a well to be drilled within the City limits of the City of Hermann without a permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Each day any such non-permitted well is in existence shall be considered a separate offense.