[Ord. 2003-7 § 1, 2003]
It is hereby determined, declared and found that the Borough of Ship Bottom constitutes a seashore resort with parts thereof customarily constituting amusement or entertainment area according to the customary understanding of said terms in the community, which parts thereof are more particularly described as follows:
Area 1. All of the lands located within the area beginning 126 feet southwesterly from the southeasterly sideline of 28th Street, measured parallel with Long Beach Boulevard and 13 feet northwesterly from the northeasterly sideline of Long Beach Boulevard, and extending thence southwesterly, parallel with Long Beach Boulevard 26 feet, thence northwesterly parallel with 28th Street a distance of 28 to a point, thence southwesterly parallel with 28th Street a distance of 28 feet to the point of beginning.
Area 2. Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of 4th Street, 60 feet wide and the easterly line of Long Beach Boulevard, 100 feet wide, continuing thence north along the easterly line of Long Beach Boulevard 100 feet to a point; thence east along the southerly line of Lot 12, Block 131, 100 feet to a point; thence south along the westerly line of Lot 17, Block 131, 100 feet to a point; thence west along the northerly line of 4th Street 100 feet to the point of beginning. It being the intention to describe Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Block 631 on a map titled "Plan of Edgewater Beach," a subdivision filed in the Ocean County Clerk's Office on June 19, 1924 recorded as filed map C-146, and as shown on a survey prepared by Horn, Tyson & Yoder, Inc. dated December 22, 1999, and formerly known as Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 Block 131 on the tax map of the Borough of Ship Bottom and currently known as Block 131, Lot 13.01 on the tax map of the Borough of Ship Bottom.
[Prior code § 8-2.2]
No person, without first having obtained a license as herein prescribed, shall own or operate within the Borough any amusement game or games, as those terms are defined by the Amusement Games Licensing Law (Chapter 109, P.L. 1959), whether the games are games of skill or chance, or both, and whether the games are played and operated with or without numbers or figures. All applications for a license under this section shall be obtained from the mayor and council of the Borough, issued pursuant to the provisions of the above-cited law and subject to its provisions.
[Prior code § 8-2.3]
Each applicant for a license under this chapter shall file with the Borough clerk a written application in such form as prescribed by, and in accordance with, the Amusement Games Licensing Law, as amended and supplemented, and the rules and regulations promulgated by the Amusement Games Control Commissioner of the state of New Jersey.
[Prior code § 8-2-5; amended by Ord. 88-21 § 10, 1988]
An identification card fee shall be required for fingerprinting and the issuance of identification cards for each licensee and the employee of each licensee under the rules and regulations promulgated by the Amusement Games Control Commissioner.
[Prior code § 8-2.6]
In the event that any licensee shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter, the Amusement Games Licensing Law or the rules and regulations promulgated by the State Amusement Games Control Commissioner or the terms of such license, such licensee shall be a disorderly person and if convicted as such shall, in addition to suffering any other penalties which may be imposed by law or any other provision of this chapter, forfeit any license issued hereunder.