[9-22-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-16]
The definitions set forth in Chapter 16.08 shall apply to this chapter.
[9-22-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-16]
To the extent permitted by law, all public utilities and wireless communications facilities sited in the ROW shall comply with the following design and aesthetic guidelines.
All public utilities and wireless communications facilities sited in the ROW shall be located, designed, and screened to blend with the existing natural or building surroundings so as to minimize visual impacts through the use of the latest stealth technology, including color and camouflaging, architectural treatment, landscaping, and other available means, considering the need to be compatible with neighboring residences and the character of the community.
All conduits, conduit attachments, cables, wires and other connectors must be concealed from public view to the extent feasible.
Where feasible as new technology becomes available, the owner shall replace larger, more visually intrusive facilities with smaller, less intrusive, and more camouflaged utilities and facilities.
All pole-mounted equipment shall be installed as close to the pole as technically and legally feasible to minimize impacts to the visual profile, painted flat and nonreflective colors to match the underlying pole, placed behind existing signs, and oriented away from prominent views.
No aboveground or pole-mounted equipment in the ROW shall be finished with reflective materials.
Required electrical meter cabinets shall be screened to blend in with the surrounding area and employ stealth technology to the satisfaction of the Borough.
All required or permitted signage in the ROW must face toward the street or be otherwise placed to minimize visibility from adjacent sidewalks and structures.
The color of all antennas, equipment, base stations, and cabinets shall be consistent with the location.
Any graffiti shall be removed at the sole expense of the owner within 10 business days of notice of the existence of the graffiti.
[9-22-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-16]
A violation of this chapter shall be punishable as provided in Title 1, General Provisions, Chapter 1.08, General Penalty.