[Ord. No. 2010-08, § 1, 4-27-2010]
The Borough of Ship Bottom has adopted a municipal emergency operations plan in the event of an emergency or natural disaster which may require the evacuation of the inhabitants of the Borough of Ship Bottom. The Borough has also adopted, by resolution, the Long Beach Island Re-Entry Plan (established March 2010) which provides for the coordinated re-entry of Long Beach Island when necessary during emergencies. The primary objectives of post-storm re-entry management is to identify immediate needs of disaster areas and once identified, provide a systematic return to Long Beach Island of human and material resources that will prevent loss of life and stabilize infrastructure so as to start an emergency assessment/recovery process. The secondary objective of post-storm re-entry management is to provide a network of management systems with the ability to control and coordinate emergency operations within municipal jurisdictions and with other assisting agencies. Every effort will be made to allow evacuees to return to their homes and businesses. Re-entry to all areas evacuated will be authorized based on public safety and security concerns, the extent of dangers, and operational requirements for search and rescue. The decision to establish general re-entry will be evaluated through continuous coordination among the various municipalities, county and state agencies, and municipal law enforcement. Re-entry will be permitted in accordance with the Long Beach Island Re-entry Plan, a copy of which shall be maintained in the office of the municipal clerk. Re-entry placards issued by Long Beach Island Municipalities and Stafford Township will be used to restrict and identify all vehicles and personnel entering onto Long Beach Island and Cedar Bonnet Island.
[Ord. No. 2010-08, § 1, 4-27-2010; amended by Ord. No. 2014-14, §§ 1, 2, 12-23-2014]
Re-entry placards are currently window hangers identifying which section of Long Beach Island or Cedar Bonnet Island the vehicle is allowed to return. The sections are divided up into Long Beach Island North, Long Beach Island Central (Ship Bottom, Surf City, Cedar Bonnet Island), and Long Beach Island South.
The Borough shall issue re-entry placards to property and business owners. One placard will be issued to each property owner or business owner. The Borough will mail out the placards to the property owners and business owners. Placards should be kept with the vehicle. Only hang on mirror when needed for re-entry.
Placards will be valid for five years; at which time the Borough will issue new ones.
Property/business owners who lose their placards may go to the Borough clerk and purchase a new placard upon showing proper identification and a tax bill or lease. The fee for replacement placards shall be $50.
One placard shall be issued per property/business owner regardless of how many vehicles owned.
No placards will be issued 72 hours before a storm is expected to reach the area.
Hardship cases may appeal to the governing body in writing for consideration.
New property owners may obtain a re-entry placard from the Borough at no cost. The Borough will verify the new ownership utilizing the tax record database. Renters who are renting homes as a permanent residence may show a copy of the lease to obtain a placard. Placards will not be issued to seasonal rentals.
Contractors will be issued individual placards once approved by the Borough. The placards will be sequentially numbered and will be issued by the Borough at a location that will be established on the mainland. The placards will have an expiration date and will be accepted in every municipality.
Commercial vessels may be issued placards and/or flags to transport people and material across Barnegat Bay subject to the approval of the Borough. Authorized commercial vessels shall arrive and depart from a Borough designated dock area or port. Information pertaining to the designated landing area or port shall be provided by the Borough to the United States Coast Guard, New Jersey State Police and any other marine security detachment. The transportation of people and material by commercial vessel to any area, dock, pier, wharf or other landing area not designated by the Borough shall be prohibited.