[Prior code § 25-1; amended by Ord. 91-21 § 1, 1991]
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meanings given in this section:
Any device designed, when actuated, to produce or emit a sound or transmit a signal or message for the purpose of alerting others to the existence of an emergency situation requiring immediate investigation by alarm, police, fire or other agent, except that this definition shall not include residential battery-operated smoke alarms not connected with an outside source or location.
The Borough clerk or any other person authorized by the Borough council to be responsible for the enforcement of this chapter and the performance of any administrative duties regarding the regulation and control of alarm business, agents and systems in the Borough.
The activation of the alarm system by causes other than those to which the alarm system was designed or intended to respond.
The volunteer fire company or companies located within the Borough of Ship Bottom.
[Prior code § 25-2; amended by Ord. 91-21 § 1, 1991]
The Borough alarm administrator or his or her representative is authorized at reasonable times and upon oral notice, to enter any premises in the Borough to inspect the installation and/or operation of any alarm device as official municipal business.
All locations having fire alarms must submit in writing the names, address and emergency numbers of persons to contact, in the event that the alarm is activated, to the Borough alarm administrator within one week after installation of the alarm system and on or before January 31st of each year. The Borough alarm administrator shall maintain a compilation of such information and shall update and amend that information on a monthly basis. This list is confidential and shall be used by the police, fire or other emergency officials when necessary to make contact due to official business.
[Prior code § 25-3; amended by Ord. 91-21 § 1, 1991]
The Borough alarm administrator shall keep a written record (the police event/dispatch card) of all false alarms which summon an investigation.
After two false alarms within any calendar year, the Borough alarm administrator shall charge the owner or lessee of such alarm an administrative inspection fee as outlined in Section 8.04.040 of this chapter.
Involuntary Disconnection.
The Borough alarm administrator is authorized to have any alarm device that has been connected to the Borough offices or the fire department disconnected in the event that such alarm device or person in control of such alarm device is in violation of this chapter or in the event of more than 10 false alarms in one twelve-month period. Oral notice followed by written confirmation shall be provided by the Borough alarm administrator in the event of such disconnection to the first name, address and phone number submitted pursuant to Section 8.04.020(B) of this chapter.
Neither the Borough, the police department, the fire company or any other emergency-activated entity shall be liable for such disconnection, nor for failing to respond to any alarm.
In order to reconnect to the Borough offices or the fire department, the alarm subscriber must submit, in writing, to the Borough alarm administrator, proof that the problem with the alarm has been corrected. Approval may be given for reconnection on a sixty-day trial basis upon such written proof and, in the discretion of the administrator, further investigation, and in the event that the administrator has good cause to believe that no further false alarms will occur. Should such approval be granted and no further false alarms have occurred within the sixty-day probation period, the connection may remain conditioned upon continued compliance with this chapter. Any such approval shall be subject to payment of reconnection fees as set forth in Section 8.04.040 of this chapter.
The owner or lessee of any alarm system or business may appeal any adverse decision of the Borough alarm administrator to the full Borough council upon written notice at least 10 days prior to the regular governing body meeting at which the appellant wishes his or her appeal to be considered.
[Prior code § 25-4; amended by Ord. 91-21 § 1, 1991; Ord. No. 2016-30, § 2, 11-22-2016]
The following administrative inspection fees shall be applicable as a result of the excessive false alarms:
Zero to two false alarms: no fee;
Third false alarm: $200;
Fourth false alarm: $300;
Fifth false alarm: $400;
Sixth false alarm: $500;
Seventh false alarm: $600;
Eighth false alarm: $700;
Ninth false alarm: $800;
Tenth false alarm: $900;
An additional fee of $100 will be paid to the fire department for the cost of responding with equipment and trained firefighters to each false alarm after the third alarm to the same business or residence within the calendar year.