[Ord. No. 2018-09, § 1, 7-24-2018]
No building permits shall be issued for new construction on any lands west of Long Beach Boulevard unless said land is raised 20 inches above the centerline road grade, at the midpoint of the lot, for lots fronting the bay or lagoon; and 16 inches above the centerline road grade, at the midpoint of the lot, for interior lots. If any land referred to herein does not front on an improved municipal street, then the reference point for lot elevation purposes shall be taken from the nearest municipal improved street to said land as determined by the municipal engineer. All applications for a building permit shall include a plot plan showing the existing and proposed grades in conformance with this subsection. The use of retaining walls and silt bags will be required in order to contain the fill. Retaining walls and silt bags shall be installed prior to placement of fill.
[Amended 12-28-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-19]
In the case of additions, alterations or repairs to existing structures, the above requirements shall apply when:
In the case of additions, alterations or repairs to existing structures west of Long Beach Boulevard, the above requirements shall apply when the size of additions, alterations or repairs exceed 75% of square footage of the existing structure.
When any structure, on a building lot, is moved from its existing foundation for the purpose of installing piling or to raise the structure to a higher elevation.
[Ord. No. 2018-09, § 1, 7-24-2018]
In order to ensure proper drainage and to avoid impacts to neighboring properties, all residential construction is required to maintain proper drainage. In lots that require fill, a drainage system of perforated piping shall be installed to provide positive drainage and discharge to the municipal street. The developer of any lot may install a drainage system on one or both sides of the structure and all roof leaders shall be tied into the system for positive discharge at the roadway. Roof leaders on lagoon or bayfront lots may be discharged directly to the lagoon or bay via an individualized piping system. Typical layout details are provided at the end of this chapter.
The following details and diagrams are hereby inserted at the end of Chapter 15.23 and are attached as part of this chapter and on file in the Borough clerk's office:
Detail A, a typical layout diagram of lot grading with 20 inches of fill.
Detail B, a typical layout diagram of lot grading with 16 inches of fill.
[Ord. No. 2018-09, § 1, 7-24-2018]
In the event the building department determines that the plot plan must be reviewed by the Municipal Engineer, then the cost of said review shall be borne by the applicant.