[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Shamokin 1-9-2017 by Ord. No. 16-09. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The current landlord-tenant ordinance is hereby repealed and replaced by the following chapter.
This chapter shall be known as the "City of Shamokin Landlord Ordinance."
It is the purpose of this chapter and the policy of the Council of the City of Shamokin in order to protect and promote the public health, safety and welfare of its citizens, to establish rights and obligations of owners and occupants relating to the rental of all residential rental units in the City of Shamokin and to encourage owners and occupants to maintain and improve the quality of rental housing within the community. It is also the policy of the City that owners, managers and occupants share responsibilities to obey the various codes adopted to protect and promote public health, safety and welfare. As a means to those ends, this chapter provides for a system of inspections, issuance and renewal of occupancy licenses and sets penalties for violations. This chapter shall be liberally construed and applied to promote its purpose and policies. In considering the adoption of this chapter, the City of Shamokin makes the following findings:
In recent years, many formerly private homes have been turned into residential rental units. Those rental units have oftentimes been rented to individuals who, because they have no ownership in the property, have allowed the properties to deteriorate. In many cases, the owners of the properties live long distances from the City of Shamokin. As a result, property maintenance of many rental units in the City of Shamokin has been somewhat lax. In addition, problems have occurred because many tenants, who have no ownership interest in the real estate, have not been concerned about the following codes of the City of Shamokin, including codes which govern maintenance and safety of the property. This, in turn, has caused problems for other homeowners near the rental units.
In addition, there is a greater incidence of violation of various codes of the City of Shamokin in residential rental properties where owners rent properties as tenants.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The City of Shamokin, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania,
Any code or ordinances adopted, enacted and/or in effect in and for the City of Shamokin concerning fitness for habitation or the construction, maintenance, operation, occupancy, use or appearance of any premises or residential rental unit. Included within, but not limited by, this definition are the following which are in effect as of the date of the enactment of this chapter: the Uniform Construction Code (hereinafter "UCC"), the International Property Maintenance Code, International Plumbing Code, International Fire Prevention Code, International Electrical Code, Chapter 251, Floodplain Management, the International Building Code and any duly enacted amendment or supplement to any of the above and any new enactment falling within this definition.
The duly appointed Code Enforcement Officer(s) having charge of the office of the Code Enforcement of the City of Shamokin and any assistants or agents.
Any open area within a structure shared by occupants or that the occupants have the right to share including, but not limited to, kitchens, bathrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, attics, basements and any room used for parties, social events or the congregation of people, excepting bedrooms.
Any form or conduct, action, incident or behavior perpetrated, caused or permitted by any occupant or visitor or a residential rental unit that is so loud, untimely (as to hour of the day) offensive, riotous or that otherwise disturbs other persons of reasonable sensibility in their peaceful enjoyment of their premises such that a report is made to police and/or to the Code Enforcement Officer complaining of such conduct, action, incident or behavior. It is not necessary that such conduct, action, incident or behavior constitute a criminal offense nor that criminal charges be filed against any person in order for a person to have perpetrated, caused or permitted the commission of disruptive conduct, as defined herein; provided, however, that no disruptive conduct shall be deemed to have occurred unless the Code Enforcement Officer or police shall investigate and make a determination that such did occur, and keep written records, including a disruptive conduct report, of such occurrence.
A written report of disruptive conduct on a form to be prescribed therefor, to be completed by the police who actually investigate an alleged incident of disruptive conduct and which shall be maintained by the Code Enforcement Officer.
A person on the premises with the actual or implied consent of an occupant.
One or more persons, jointly or severally, in whom is vested all or part of the legal title to the premises or all or part of the beneficial ownership and a right to the present use and enjoyment of the premises, including a mortgage holder in possession of a residential rental unit. (Same as "owner.")
Shall have at least one representative from each of the following groups: landlords, appointment to be made at City reorganization meeting, City Council, to coincide with City Council's term, and the general public, appointment to be made at City reorganization meeting. This board shall meet within 30 days of a request from a landlord or tenant for an eviction or repeal of renting privileges. It will review the material and make a recommendation to Council on how to proceed. The Landlord Ordinance Appeals Board will not possess any voting power and will be used purely to make recommendations to Council.
The Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951, 68 P.S. § 250.101 et seq.
An adult individual designated by the owner of a residential rental unit.
The license issued to the owner of residential rental units under this chapter, which is required for the lawful rental and occupancy of residential rental units.
An individual who resides in a residential rental unit, whether or not he or she is the owner thereof, with whom a legal relationship with the owner/landlord is established by a lease or by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One or more persons, jointly or severally, in whom is vested all or part of the legal title to the premises or all or part of the beneficial ownership and a right to the present use and enjoyment of the premises, including a mortgage holder in possession of a residential rental unit.
A rental unit in which the owner resides on a regular, permanent basis.
A natural person, partnership, corporation, unincorporated association, limited partnership, trust or any other entity.
Any parcel of real property in the City, including the land and all buildings and appurtenant structures or appurtenant elements, on which one or more rental units are located.
A written agreement between owner/landlord and occupant/tenant supplemented by the addendum required under § 293-8, embodying the terms and conditions concerning the use and occupancy of a specified residential rental unit or premises.
Any structure within the City of Shamokin which is occupied by someone other than the owner of the real estate as determined by the most current deed and for which the owner of the said parcel or real estate received any value, including but not limited to money or the exchange of services. Each apartment within a building is a separate structure requiring inspection and a license.
Any human-made object, the use of which requires an ascertainable stationary location on land, whether or not it is affixed to the land. Each apartment within a building is a separate structure.
An individual who resides in a rental unit, whether or not he or she is the owner thereof, with whom a legal relationship with the owner/landlord is established by a lease or by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (Same as "occupant.")
It shall be the duty of every owner to keep and maintain all rental units in compliance with all applicable state laws and regulations and local ordinances and to keep such property in good and safe condition. The owner/landlord shall be responsible for regularly performing all maintenance, including lawn mowing and ice and snow removal, and for making any and all repairs in and around the premises. As provided for in this chapter, every owner/landlord shall be responsible for regulating the proper and lawful use and maintenance of every dwelling which he, she or it owns. As provided for in this chapter, every owner shall also be responsible for regulating the conduct and activities of the occupants of every rental unit which he, she or it owns in the City of Shamokin, which conduct or activity takes place at such rental unit or its premises. In order to achieve those ends, every owner of a rental unit shall regulate the conduct and activity of the occupants thereof, both contractually and through enforcement, as more fully set forth below. This section shall not be construed as diminishing or relieving in any way the responsibility of occupants or their guests for their conduct or activity, nor shall it be construed as an assignment, transfer or projection over or onto any owner of any responsibility or liability which occupants or their guest may have as a result of their conduct or activity under any private cause of action, civil or criminal enforcement proceeding, or criminal law, nor shall this section be construed so as to require an owner to indemnify or defend occupants or their guests when any such action or proceeding is brought against the occupant based upon the occupant's conduct or activity. Nothing herein is intended to impose any additional civil/criminal liability upon owners other than that which is imposed by existing law. This chapter is not intended to, nor shall its effect be, to limit any other enforcement remedies which may be available to the City of Shamokin against an owner, occupant of guest thereof.
Designation of manager. Every owner who is not a full-time resident of the City of Shamokin and/or who does not live within 20 miles of the boundaries of the City of Shamokin shall designate a manager who shall reside in an area that is within 20 miles from the City of Shamokin. If the owner is a corporation, a manager shall be required if an officer of the corporation does not reside within the above-referenced area. The officer shall perform the same function as a manager. If the owner is a partnership, a manager shall be required if a partner does not reside within the above-referenced area. Said partner shall perform the same function as a manager. The manager shall be the agent of the owner for service of process and receiving of notices and demands, as well as for performing the obligations of the owner under this chapter and under rental agreements with occupants. The identity, address and telephone number(s) of a person who is designated as manager hereunder shall be provided by the owner or manager to the City and such information shall be kept current and updated as it changes.
The owner or manager shall disclose to the occupant, in writing, on or before the commencement of the tenancy:
The name, address and telephone number of the manager, if applicable.
The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the premises.
Before an occupant initially enters into or renews a rental agreement for a rental unit, the owner or manager shall furnish the occupant with the most recent inspection report relating to the property.
The owner shall maintain the premises in compliance with the applicable code and shall regularly perform all routine maintenance, including lawn mowing and ice and snow removal, and shall promptly make any and all repairs necessary to fulfill this obligation.
The owner and occupant may agree that the occupant is to perform specified repairs, maintenance tasks, alterations or remodeling. In such case, however, such agreement between the owner and occupant must be in writing. Such an agreement may be entered into between the owner and occupant only if:
The agreement of the parties is entered into in good faith and not for the purpose of evading the obligations of the owner or occupant.
The agreement does not diminish or affect the obligation of the owner to other occupants in the premises.
In no case shall the existence of any agreement between owner and occupant relieve an owner of any responsibility under this chapter or other ordinances or codes for maintenance of the premises.
All disclosures and information required to be given to occupants by the owner shall be furnished at or before the commencement of the landlord-tenant relationship. The owner shall provide occupant with copies of any rental agreement and addendum upon execution.
Terms and conditions. Owner and occupant may include in a rental agreement terms and conditions not prohibited by this chapter or other applicable ordinances, regulations and laws, including rent, term of the agreement and other provisions governing the right and obligations of the parties.
Prohibited provisions. Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, no rental agreement may provide that the occupant or owner agrees to waive or to forego rights or remedies under this chapter. A provision prohibited by this subsection included in a rental agreement is unenforceable.
Provision of summary or ordinance to occupant. Following the effective date of this chapter, a summary hereof in substantially the form set forth in Appendix A, Tenant's Covenants and Obligations,[1] shall be provided to the occupant at or before the commencement of the landlord-tenant relationship. If a summary has been provided at or before the commencement of the landlord-tenant relationship, a summary does not have to be provided upon renewal. Where a rental agreement has been entered into prior to the effective date of this chapter, the owner shall provide the occupants with a copy of the summary within 60 days after enactment of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The owner shall secure a written acknowledgment from occupants that the occupants have received the disclosures and information required by this chapter.
Upon request by the City of Shamokin, the owner, within 10 days of the request, shall furnish to the City of Shamokin copies of any lease(s) required by the Landlord and Tenant Act that the owner has entered into for residential rental units, including acknowledgment that the occupants have received the disclosures and information required by this chapter.
Every owner of a residential rental unit must register the unit with the Code Enforcement Officer in accordance with the following schedule:
All owners of residential units must register the units with the Code Enforcement Officer within 30 days after the effective date of this chapter.
Any individual, entity or firm which converts any structure to a residential rental unit or units shall register the residential rental unit or units with the Code Enforcement Officer of the City of Shamokin within 30 days of the completion of the conversion of the unit or units or within 30 days of the time when any rent, including the exchange of other services for the unit or units, is obtained or within 30 days of the date within which a tenant or tenants occupy the unit or units, whichever time period is sooner.
It shall be the responsibility of the grantee in the purchase of the said rental estate, including the grantee's attorney or title company, to notify Shamokin City Hall within 72 hours of any purchase or transfer of a rental unit.
The owner of a residential rental unit must update the registration information on record with the Code Enforcement Officer within 15 days of any changes of the information set forth below.
All owners of any residential rental unit living outside of the twenty-mile limit set forth in § 293-6A must have a local manager who shall reside within 20 miles of the City of Shamokin and who shall be available as an emergency contact person.
Registration information shall be provided by all owners and shall include the following:
Owner name, address, telephone number.
Local manager name, address, telephone number (an emergency contact person).
Property address and number of units.
Maximum occupancy per unit.
Emergency telephone number.
Actual number of occupants.
Names and addresses of current tenants.
Any owner of a residential rental unit shall notify the City of Shamokin at City Hall within 10 days of a new tenant occupying, renting or residing in the landlord's or owner's residential rental unit.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the names and addresses of a tenant shall not be disclosed by any City personnel in the event that the tenant is the subject of a court order requiring that this information be kept confidential.
The owner shall reply promptly to reasonable complaints and inquiries from occupants.
The owner shall comply with all provisions of the Landlord and Tenant Act.
Within 10 days after receipt of written notice from the Code Enforcement Officer that an occupant of a residential rental unit has violated a provision of this chapter, the owner shall take immediate steps to remedy the violation and take steps to assure that there is not a reoccurrence of the violation.
Within 20 days after receipt of a notice of violation, the owner shall file with the Code Enforcement Officer a report, on a form provided by the City, setting forth what action the owner has taken to remedy the violation and what steps he or she has taken to prevent a reoccurrence of the violation. The report shall also set forth a plan as to steps the owner will take in the future if the violation reoccurs.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall review the report and, if adequate steps have been taken and the plan is adequate to address future violations, shall approve the plan. The owner shall, on his or her initiative, enforce the plan, and failure to do so shall be a violation of this chapter.
In the event that a second violation occurs within a license period involving the same occupant or occupants, the Code Enforcement Officer may direct the owner to initiate eviction proceedings against the occupants who violated this chapter in accordance with the Landlord and Tenant Act and to not permit the occupant to occupy the premises during the subsequent licensing period. All tenants who have been evicted, if asked, shall advise their new landlord that they have been evicted from a residence for violating the terms and conditions of this chapter.
Upon receiving notice of any code violations from the Code Enforcement Officer, the owner shall promptly take action, or cause the necessary action to be taken, to abate the offending condition and eliminate the violations.
In case the owner of premises shall neglect, fail or refuse to comply with any notice from the City or its Code Enforcement Officer to correct a violation relating to maintenance and repair of the premises under any code in effect in the City of Shamokin within the period of time stated in such notice, the City of Shamokin may cause the violation to be corrected. There shall be imposed upon the owner a charge of the actual costs involved, plus 10% of said costs for each time the City shall cause a violation to be corrected, and the owner of the premises shall be billed after same has been completed. Any such bill which remains unpaid and outstanding after the time specified therein for payment shall be grounds for the imposition of a municipal lien upon the premises as provided by law. Such a lien may be reduced to judgment and enforced and collected as provided by law, together with interest at the legal rate and court costs. The remedies provided by this subsection are not exclusive and the City and its Code Enforcement Officer may invoke such other remedies available under this chapter for the applicable codes, ordinances or statutes, including, where appropriate, condemnation proceedings or declaration of premises as unfit for habitation,; or suspension, revocation or nonrenewal of the license issued hereunder.
The owner shall permit inspections of any premises by the Code Enforcement Officer at reasonable times upon reasonable notice. The inspections shall be completed as follows:
The Code Enforcement Officer of the City of Shamokin shall inspect all units on a biyearly basis and record the inspection on a written inspection report. The inspection report shall be signed and dated by the owner of the residential rental unit or his or her manager and shall, in addition, be signed by all the tenants named on the lease at the time of the inspection, if available. Inspections may be made by the Code Officer anytime within the said year. In alternate years, the inspection shall be completed by the landlord or a representative of the landlord and the inspection form submitted to the Code Officer.
All owners of residential units in the City of Shamokin shall be required within five days of the passage of this chapter to install smoke alarms, regardless of the occupant load at the following locations:
On the ceiling or wall outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms;
In each story within a dwelling unit, including basements and cellars, but not including crawl spaces and uninhabitable attics.
Any parcel of real estate containing a residential rental unit which has been found to be in noncompliance with this chapter shall be subject to reinspection by the Code Enforcement Officer as follows:
Each residential rental unit referred to above shall be inspected annually. A particular residential unit which contains a violation of this subsection shall be reinspected as set forth above.
In addition, each residential rental unit shall be inspected each time one of the residential rental units is vacant.
In the event of a violation, a residential rental unit cannot be occupied unless and until the unit is approved as meeting the criteria of this chapter and any other applicable codes of the City of Shamokin as determined by the Enforcement Officer.
If after inspection of one or more of the residential rental units as set forth above the Code Enforcement Officer determines that there are violations of any codes of the City of Shamokin, the Code Enforcement Officer shall provide a notice of violation which shall, at a minimum, set forth the following:
Street address of the property.
Date of inspection.
Name of the inspector.
List of violations.
Notice of violations.
Within 10 days after receipt of a written notice from the City of Shamokin Code Enforcement Officer that there has been a violation of this section or any other applicable ordinances of the City of Shamokin, the owner shall take immediate steps to remedy the violation and take steps to assure that there will not be a reoccurrence of the violation.
Within 20 days after receipt of a notice of violation, the owner of a residential rental unit shall file with the Code Enforcement Officer a report on a form provided by the City of Shamokin setting forth what action the owner has taken to remedy the violation and what steps he or she has taken to prevent a reoccurrence of the violation. The report shall also set forth a plan as to steps the owner will take in the future if the violation reoccurs.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall review the report and, if adequate steps have been taken and the plan is adequate to address future violations, shall approve the plan. The owner, on his or her initiative, shall enforce the plan, and failure to do shall be a violation of this chapter of the City of Shamokin.
In the event that a second violation occurs within a twelve-month period, involving the same occupant or occupants, the Code Enforcement Officer may direct the owner to evict the occupant or occupants who have violated the ordinance of the City of Shamokin and to not permit the occupant to occupy the premise during any subsequent period. The owner or tenant may request a review by the Landlord Ordinance Appeals Board.
If, after a violation as set forth above, a parcel of real estate containing residential rental units has no violations of applicable codes of the City of Shamokin for a period of two years, said property shall then be deemed to be back in compliance with the terms and conditions of this chapter and shall not then be subject to the inspections set forth in this section until there are other violations.
If a parcel of real estate in noncompliance with the terms and conditions of this chapter or other ordinances of the City of Shamokin is sold, then the parcel of real estate shall remain in noncompliance until the sooner of the following has occurred:
The original two-year period with no violations passes with no further violations; or
If 12 months pass after purchase by the new owner with no violations of any ordinances of the City of Shamokin.
All owners or any real estate containing or upon which are erected any residential rental unit which are in noncompliance with this chapter and who desire to sell the parcel of real estate shall notify the purchasers, in writing, prior to the sale of the parcel of real estate that the parcel of real estate is in noncompliance with the terms and conditions of this chapter. Further, any property owner selling a parcel of real estate upon which is erected a residential rental unit or units which are found to be in noncompliance under the terms and conditions of this chapter shall notify the Code Enforcement Officer, in writing, within 30 days prior to closing on the sale of said parcel of real estate.
All owners of any parcels of real estate containing residential rental units shall permit access to the property so that the Code Enforcement Officer of the City of Shamokin or his designee shall be able to complete all inspections necessary to determine compliance with this chapter and any other applicable ordinances of the City of Shamokin. Refusal to allow entry of the residential rental unit by the Code Enforcement Officer of the City of Shamokin to inspect the said unit shall be a violation of this chapter.
For the purpose of enforcing this chapter, the Code Enforcement Officer or designee may seek to obtain a search warrant issued by a competent authority for the purpose of compelling an inspection or otherwise enforcing the terms and conditions of this chapter.
The Code Enforcement Officer may reinspect any property subject to a notice of violation upon expiration of the time to accomplish repairs or upon notice from the owner that the violations have been rectified.
The owner of any property containing or upon which is erected a residential rental unit shall pay a $25 fee for each and every reinspection to cover the cost of a reinspection each time a reinspection is required under the terms of this chapter or each time a reinspection is requested by the Code Enforcement Officer to determine compliance with this chapter or any other applicable ordinances of the City of Shamokin. The fee set forth herein may be increased or decreased by a resolution of the City of Shamokin Council.
Rescheduling fee for no show at the time of inspection.
All tenants who are renting a residential rental unit in the City of Shamokin shall supply the inspector a proof of identification in the form of a driver's license or photo ID, etc., at the time of inspection of the rental unit.
The City Code Enforcement Officer shall record the name of the tenant, the landlord's name, the date of registration, the address of the leased property and the type of identifying information presented (e.g., driver's license or photo ID) and shall have the tenant attest, in writing, that the information provided is true and current subject to the penalties provided for unsworn falsification to authorities.
If a tenant is unable to present this information in person on account of a disability or infirmity, the Code Enforcement Officer shall provide alternative means to provide this information in order to reasonably accommodate the tenant.
Each time a tenant enters into a new lease, he or she shall register with the City of Shamokin within 10 days of entering into the landlord-tenant relationship and/or occupying the premises and provide the information referenced above.
The owner shall maintain at the licensed rental unit and provide upon demand the following:
The current license and current inspection report issued by the Code Enforcement Office of the City of Shamokin.
The addendum to the license application required by this chapter, showing the names and the authorized occupants of the residential rental unit.
The total number of persons who may occupy the residential rental unit or units and any common areas located within the rental unit.
Generally the occupant shall comply with all obligations imposed upon occupants by this chapter, all applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Shamokin and all applicable provisions of state law.
Health and safety regulations.
The maximum number of persons permitted in any rental unit at any time shall not exceed one person for each 40 square feet of habitable floor space in said rental unit.
The occupant shall deposit all rubbish, garbage and other waste from his or her rental unit into containers provided by the owner, landlord or tenant (which is specified in the lease) in a clean and safe manner and shall separate and place for collection all recyclable materials, in compliance with the recycling plan submitted by the owner to the City of Shamokin or, if there is no recycling plan for the premises, then in compliance with the City of Shamokin's Recycling Ordinance and all other applicable ordinances, laws and regulations.
Peaceful enjoyment. The occupant shall conduct himself or herself and require other persons, including, but not limited to, guests on the premises and within his or her rental unit with his or her consent, to conduct themselves in a manner that will not disturb the peaceful enjoyment of the premises by others, and that will not disturb the peaceful enjoyment of adjacent or nearby dwellings by the persons occupying same.
Residential use. The occupant shall, unless otherwise permitted by applicable law or ordinance, occupy or use his or her rental unit for no other purpose than as a residence.
Illegal activities. The occupant shall not engage in, nor tolerate, nor permit others on the premises to engage in, any conduct declared illegal under the Pennsylvania Crimes Code (18 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.) or Liquor Code (47 P.S. § 1-101 et seq.) or the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act (35 P.S. § 780-101 et seq.).
The occupant shall not engage in, nor tolerate, nor permit others on the premises to engage in disruptive conduct or other violations of this chapter.
When police investigate an alleged incident of disruptive conduct, he or she shall complete a disruptive conduct report upon finding that the reported incident did, in his or her judgment, constitute disruptive conduct as defined herein. The information filled in on said report shall include, if possible, the identity or identities of the alleged perpetrator(s) of the disruptive conduct and all other obtainable information, including the factual basis for the disruptive conduct requested on the prescribed form. Where the police make such investigation, said police officer shall then submit the completed disruptive conduct report to the Code Enforcement Officer. In all cases, the Code Enforcement Officer shall mail a copy of the disruptive conduct report to the owner or manager within seven working days of receiving the report of the police.
Compliance with rental agreement. The occupant shall comply with all lawful provisions of the rental agreement entered into between owner and occupant. Failure to comply may result in the eviction of the occupant by the owner.
Damage to premises. The occupant shall not intentionally cause nor permit or tolerate others to cause damage to the premises. Conduct which results in damages in excess of $500 shall be considered a violation of this chapter.
Inspection of premises. The occupant shall permit inspections by the Code Enforcement Officer of the premises at reasonable times, upon reasonable notice. The tenant should be present or have given written permission when the inspection is performed.
Removal or defacement of notice. It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person to remove or deface any notice or document required to be posted within a rental unit and it shall be unlawful for any person to occupy the rental unit unless all notices and documents are posted as required.
Disruptive conduct. It shall be a violation of this chapter for any occupant or any other person to engage in disruptive conduct as defined by this chapter.
License requirement.
As a prerequisite to entering into a rental agreement or permitting the occupancy of any rental unit [except as provided in Subsection A(3)(c) below], the owner of every such rental unit shall be required to apply for and obtain a license for each rental unit.
A license shall be required for all residential rental units.
The following categories of rental properties shall not require licenses, and shall not, therefore, be subject to the permitting provision of this chapter:
Owner-occupied dwelling units, provided that not more than two unrelated individuals, in addition to the immediate members of the owner's family, occupy the dwelling unit at any given time.
Hotels and motels.
Hospitals and nursing homes.
Bed-and-breakfast units as defined in Chapter 510, Zoning.
The application for the license shall be in a form as determined by the City.
The owner shall maintain a current and accurate list of the occupants in each rental unit which shall include their name and current telephone number, which shall be available to the City of Shamokin for inspection upon reasonable notice. The owner shall notify the City of change in the occupancy or of contact information within 10 days of the change and shall provide the name of the person who is no longer residing in the premises in the event a person departs and the name, current address and current telephone number of new occupants in the event a new person is added.
In the event that a license is denied or repealed by the Code Officer, the owner shall have the right to appeal to the City Landlord Ordinance Appeals Board within 30 days of mailing of the notice of denial of the application. The hearing before the City Landlord Ordinance Appeals Board shall be governed by the Local Agency Law.[1]
Editor's Note: See 2 Pa.C.S.A. § 551 et seq.
Each license shall have an annual term running from January 1 of a particular year through December 31 of that same year.
Upon application for a license prior to issuance or renewal thereof, each owner/applicant shall pay to the City an annual license and inspection fee, in an amount to be established, from time to time, by resolution of the Council of the City of Shamokin. The initial fee for a license shall be $30 for each residential rental unit/apartment. The said fee shall be paid by February 15 of each year.
The license shall indicate thereon the maximum number of occupants in each rental unit.
No license shall be issued if the owner has not paid any fines and costs arising from enforcement of this chapter or any of the ordinances of the City of Shamokin relating to land use and/or code enforcement or if any licensing fees under this chapter are due and owing the City.
Search warrant. Upon a showing of probable cause that a violation of this chapter or any other ordinance of the City of Shamokin has occurred, the Code Enforcement Officer may apply to the district justice having jurisdiction in the City of Shamokin for the search warrants to enter and inspect the premises.
Grounds for nonrenewal, suspension or revocation of license, general. The Code Enforcement Officer may initiate disciplinary action against an owner that may result in a formal warning, nonrenewal, suspension or revocation of the owner's license for violating any provision of this chapter that imposes a duty upon the owner and/or for failing to regulate the breach by occupants as provided for herein.
Definition of options.
Formal warning. Formal written notification of at least one violation of this chapter. Upon satisfactory compliance with this chapter and any conditions imposed by the Code Enforcement Officer and/or the City of Shamokin Council, the formal warning shall be removed when the owner applies for license renewal at a time set by the Code Enforcement Officer or by the Council of the City of Shamokin.
Nonrenewal. The denial of the privilege to apply for license renewal after expiration of the license term. The City will permit the owner to maintain occupants in the premises until the end of the license term but will not accept applications for renewal of the license until a time set by the Code Enforcement Officer or by the Council of the City of Shamokin.
Suspension. The immediate loss of the privilege to rent residential rental units for a period of time set by the Code Enforcement Officer or City Council. The owner, after the expiration of the suspension period, may apply for license renewal without the need to show cause why the owner's privilege to apply for a license should be reinstated. Upon suspension, the owner shall take immediate steps to evict the occupants.
Revocation. The immediate loss of the privilege to rent residential rental units for a period of time set by the Code Enforcement Officer or the City Council and the loss of the privileges to apply for renewal of the license at the expiration of the time period. Upon the loss of the privilege to rent, the owner shall take immediate steps to evict the occupants.
Appeals. The owner may request a hearing on the suspension, nonrenewal or revocation with the City Landlord Ordinance Appeals Board. This hearing must be held within 30 days of the request.
Criteria for applying discipline. The Code Enforcement Officer, when recommending discipline, and for City Council, when applying discipline, shall consider the following:
The effect of the violation on the health, safety and welfare of the occupants of the residential rental unit and other residents of the premises.
The effect of the violation on the neighborhood.
Whether the owner has prior violations of this chapter and other ordinances of the City or has received notices of violations as provided for in this chapter.
Whether the owner has been subject to disciplinary proceedings under this chapter.
The effect of disciplinary action on the occupants.
The action taken by the owner to remedy the violation and to prevent future violations, including any written plan submitted by the owner.
The policies and lease language employed by the owner to manage the rental unit to enable the owner to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
In addition to applying discipline as set forth above, the Code Enforcement Officer may recommend and City Council may impose upon the existing or subsequent licenses reasonable conditions related to fulfilling the purposes of this chapter.
Grounds for imposing discipline. Any of the following may subject an owner to discipline as provided for in this chapter:
Failure to abate a violation of City codes and ordinances that apply to the premises within the time directed by the Code Enforcement Officer.
Refusal of owner to permit the inspection of the premises by the Code Enforcement Officer as required by this chapter.
Failure to take steps to remedy and prevent violations of this chapter by occupants of residential rental units as required by this chapter.
Failure to file and implement an approved plan to remedy and prevent violations of this chapter by occupants of the rental unit as required by this chapter.
Failure to evict occupants after having been directed to do so by the Code Enforcement Officer of the City as provided for in this chapter.
Three violations of this chapter or other ordinances of the City that apply to the premises within a license term. For purposes of this chapter, there need be no criminal conviction before a violation can be found to exist. Before a prior violation can be considered under this section, the owner must have received notice, in writing, of this violation within 30 days after the Code Enforcement Officer received notice of the violation.
Procedure for nonrenewal, suspension or revocation of license.
Notification. Following a determination that grounds for nonrenewal, suspension or revocation of a license exist, the Code Enforcement Officer shall notify the owner of the action to be taken and the reason therefor. Such notification shall be in writing, addressed to the owner in question, be sent certified mail and shall contain the following information:
The address of the premises in question and identification of the particular residential rental unit(s) affected.
A description of the violation which has been found to exist.
A statement that the license for said residential rental unit(s) shall be either suspended or revoked, or will not be renewed for the next license year beginning January of that year, or that the owner will receive a formal warning.
In the case of a suspension or revocation, the notice shall state the date upon which such suspension or revocation will commence and in the case of a suspension shall also state the duration of said suspension.
A statement that, due to the nonrenewal, suspension or revocation (as the case may be) the owner or any person acting on his, her or its behalf is prohibited from renting, leasing or permitting occupancy of the dwelling unit(s) from and during the period said action is in effect.
A statement informing the owner that he, she or it has a right to appeal the decision suspending, revoking or declining to renew the license to City Council through the Landlord Ordinance Appeals Board by submitting, in writing, to the City, within 30 days from the date printed on the notice, a detailed statement of the appeal, including the grounds therefor and the reason(s) alleged as to why the determination of the Code Enforcement Officer is incorrect or should be overturned, and a statement of relief requested by the appellant. Such notice of appeal shall be required to be submitted on a form to be prescribed therefor by City Council and signed by the appellant. There is hereby imposed a fee of $150 for the filing of such appeals, the amount of which shall be determined and established, from time to time, by resolution of City Council. Upon receipt of such an appeal in proper form, accompanied with the requisite fee, the City Administrator shall schedule a hearing of the Landlord Ordinance Appeals Board to be held within 30 days of the request. The recommendation from the Appeals Board will be presented to Council for action at the next regular Council meeting. If the appeal is reversed, the fee will be refunded.
The appellant, the Code Enforcement Officer and the owners of properties within a radius of 300 feet from the premises for which the license is at issue shall receive written notice of the hearing on the appeal.
The City Landlord Ordinance Appeals Board shall hold a hearing on the appeal which shall be conducted in accordance with the Local Agency Law, 2 Pa.C.S.A. § 551, et seq. The appellant and all other parties having an interest may be heard. Based on the facts and arguments of the appellant and of the Code Enforcement Officer and any police or other public officials involved, and any relevant factual presentations of other parties, the City Landlord Ordinance Appeals Board shall make a decision affirming, reversing or modifying the action of the Code Enforcement Officer from which the appeal was taken. Such decision shall be rendered at a public meeting either immediately following the hearing or within 30 days thereafter. The decision shall be reduced to writing, stating clearly the factual and legal basis for the decision, within 45 days after the hearing. If the Council of the City of Shamokin deems it necessary or desirable, it may continue the hearing to a subsequent time and date not later than 30 days from the initial hearing and, in such case, the time limits for rendering the decision and reducing it to writing set forth herein shall be calculated from the last hearing date (at which the substance of the decision is orally announced).
Delivery of notification.
All notices shall be sent to the owner and manager, if applicable, by certified mail. In the event that the notice is returned by the postal authorities marked "unclaimed" or "refused," then the Code Enforcement Officer shall attempt delivery by personal service on the owner or manager, if applicable. The Code Enforcement Officer shall also post the notice at a conspicuous place on the premises.
If personal service cannot be accomplished after a reasonable attempt to do so, then the notice may be sent to the owner or manager at the addresses stated on the most current license application for the premises in question, by regular first-class mail, postage prepaid. If such notice is not returned by the postal authorities within five days of its deposit in the US Mail, then it shall be deemed to have been delivered to and received by the addressee on the fifth day following its deposit in the US Mail, and all time periods set forth above shall thereupon be calculated from said fifth day.
Nonexclusive remedies. The penalty provisions of this section and the license nonrenewal, suspension and revocation procedures provided in this chapter shall be independent, nonmutually exclusive separate remedies, all of which shall be available to the City as may be deemed appropriate for carrying out the purposes of this chapter. The remedies and procedures provided in this chapter for violation hereof are not intended to supplant or replace to any degree the remedies and procedures available to the City in the case of a violation of any other code or ordinance of the City, whether or not such other code or ordinance is referenced in this chapter and whether or not an ongoing violation of such other code or ordinance is cited as the underlying ground for a finding of a violation of this chapter.
Notices. For purposes of this chapter, any notice required hereunder to be given to a manager shall be deemed as notice given to the owner.
There shall be a rebuttal presumption that any notice required to be given to the owner under this chapter shall have been received by such owner if the notice was given to the owner in the manner provided by this chapter.
A claimed lack of knowledge by the owner of any violation hereunder cited shall be no defense to license nonrenewal, suspension or revocation proceedings as long as all notices prerequisite to institution of such proceedings have been given and deemed received in accordance with the applicable provisions of this chapter.
Changes in ownership. It shall be the duty of each owner of a residential rental unit to notify the Code Enforcement Officer, in writing, of any change in ownership of the premises or of the number of residential rental units on the premises. It shall also be the duty of the owner to notify the Code Enforcement Officer, in writing, of any increase in the number of occupants in any rental unit or of the changing of a rental unit from owner-occupied to non-owner-occupied, which thereby transforms the dwelling into a residential rental unit for purposes of this chapter.
Owners severally responsible. If any rental unit is owned by more than one person, in any form of joint tenancy, as a partnership or otherwise, each person shall be jointly and severally responsible for the duties imposed under the terms of this chapter and shall be severally subject to the prosecution for the violation of this chapter.
Confidentiality. All registration and contact information shall be maintained in a confidential manner by the Code Enforcement Officer and shall only be utilized for the purpose of enforcement of this chapter by the Code Enforcement Officer and City Manager.
This chapter shall be enforced by the Code Enforcement Officer of the City of Shamokin.
Basis for violation. It shall be unlawful for any person, as either owner or manager of a residential rental unit for which a license is required, to operate without a valid, current license issued by the City of Shamokin authorizing such operation. It shall also be unlawful for any person, either owner or manager, to allow the number of occupants of a residential rental unit to exceed the maximum limit as set forth on the license, or to violate any other provision of this section. It shall be unlawful for any occupant to violate this section.
Any landlord or owner of a residential unit which violates any of the provisions of § 4.6[1] together with all of the subsections thereunder shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of $500 for each and every offense. Each day of the said violation shall be a separate offense.
Editor's Note: So in original.
Any landlord or owner of a residential rental unit which violates any of the provisions of § 4.12, § 13, § 4.14, § 4.15 and § 4.16[2] shall incur the following penalties.
For the first offense. Any owner or landlord violating any of the above-listed sections shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine of $100 for each and every offense. Each day of the said violation shall be a separate offense.
For the second offense. Any owner or landlord violating any of the above-listed sections shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine of $300 for each and every offense. Each day of the said violation shall be a separate offense.
For the third offense. Any owner or landlord violating any of the above-listed sections shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, be sentenced to pay a fine of $500 for each and every offense or shall be imprisoned for a period not to exceed 90 days or both. Each day of the said violation shall be a separate offense.
Editor's Note: So in original.
Any landlord or owner of a residential rental unto who violates Section 6[3] of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $1,000.
Editor's Note: So in original.
Any occupant of a residential rental unit who violates any of the provisions of § 5[4] shall incur the following penalties:
For the first offense, he/she shall pay the sum of $100 for each and every offense. For the second offense, he/she shall pay the sum of $300 for each and every offense. For the third offense, he/she shall pay the sum of $500 for each and every offense. Each day of said violation shall be a separate offense.
Fines as imposed through this chapter shall be collected as allowable by law.
Each day during which any owner of a residential rental unit violates any provision of this chapter shall constitute a separate offense.
This chapter and the foregoing penalties shall not be construed to limit or deny the right of the City of Shamokin or its agents or representatives to such equitable or other remedies as may otherwise be available with or without process of law.
In addition to the fines set forth herein, the City of Shamokin shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys fees incurred in enforcing this chapter. The said fees shall be added to any penalties set forth above.
If any section or provision of this chapter is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable, all the remaining sections and provisions of this chapter shall remain in full force and effect.
Editor's Note: So in original.