[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Shamokin 6-7-1951 by Ord. No. 41 (Ch. 59 of the 1967 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or any agents thereof, to do, authorize, aid or abet any of the following described actions or matters, such regulations or restrictions being intended to promote the general health, comfort and sanitary conditions of the City:
To place or cause to be placed, thrown or maintained, in or near any of the highways of the City, any liquid or solid vegetable or animal matter that will decay or become offensive or will render offensive any of the drains, streams or sewers within the City.
To place or cause to be placed, thrown or maintained, in or near any of the highways of the City, any matter or thing that will cause danger or discomfort to the traveling public or to the inhabitants of the City.[1]
Editor's Note: See also Art. II, Littering, of Ch. 202, Dumping and Littering.
To permit weeds and similar vegetation, not edible or planted for some useful or ornamental purposes, to grow or remain upon the premises owned by them in the City or upon the sidewalk, curb or gutter adjoining.
To keep or suffer to remain on the premises owned or occupied or used by any person, firm or corporation any decaying or offensive or unwholesome matter of any kind or to permit the same on any vacant lot or in any stream or highway adjoining.
To keep or suffer to remain on the premises owned or occupied or used by any person, firm or corporation any debris, mud or water pools which are hauled onto the streets of the City of Shamokin by motor vehicles or otherwise from said premises and which litter the streets of the City of Shamokin thereby and render offensive the drains and sewers of said City by blocking the same.
To operate any motor vehicle or conveyance over the streets of the City of Shamokin while dripping mud, water or debris of any kind onto the streets of said City.
To place or maintain as owner or tenant, on their premises, any liquid or solid vegetable or animal matter or mud or debris of any kind that will decay or become offensive or will render offensive any of the drains, streams or sewers within the City or block or tend to block the same.
[Amended 5-12-1987; 6-11-1990]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof before any Magisterial District Judge, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $300, and costs of prosecution, and/or suffer imprisonment for up to 180 days, or both. The continuation of such violation for each successive day shall constitute a new and separate offense, and the person or persons allowing the continuation of the violation may be punished as provided above for each separate offense.