[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Shamokin 12-24-1969 by Ord. No. 190 (Ch. 83 of the 1967 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
All subordinate police officers will take orders or assignments from their superior officers and at no time will attempt to alter any regulations, assignments or orders. They shall obey such lawful orders and assignments with a showing of respect for superior officers. Exceptions to this regulation may be in case of emergency when an officer may change or alter his actions in the best interest of the public.
The officer or desk clerk on duty at City Hall at the exact hours of 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. will take down and raise the flag of our country (foul weather excepted) flying on the pole in front of the City Hall Building and on the pole located on the park lot at Market and Independence Streets. The flag will be raised at 6:00 a.m. and lowered at 6:00 p.m., also at other locations where the City has the flag displayed.
There shall be no sleeping on duty.
There shall be no drinking of intoxicants while on duty in uniform or in plain clothes.
There shall be no smoking while on traffic duty or while in the presence of large groups of people. A more remote location is desirable.
No case of arrest shall be released to any Alderman without consent and approval of superior officers. The Mayor and Chief of Police will assign cases to various aldermen.
Any police officer called to testify in the county courts in any case or cases, whereby such absence might interfere with his duties, shall consult the Chief of Police relative to reassignment of working schedule.
Any immoral act committed by a police officer, on or off duty, which would bring dishonor or discredit to the City of Shamokin shall be cause for immediate dismissal by the Mayor and/or City Council.
The demeanor of individual policemen must at all times be unblemished. It is difficult to correct some other person for an infraction of the law if such officer's mode of living is not up to standard.
Police officers will be alert at all times and shall cause the arrest of any or all persons for infractions of the traffic or criminal laws; any reasonable doubt shall be given to the public. The officer is expected to be courteous and respectful in the execution of such procedures. The officer is protected by civil service regulations, and when in his judgment an infraction of the law has occurred, the arrest should be made regardless of who the person involved may be.
No individual employed as a police officer shall be employed in any other capacity whereby such employment might interfere with respective police duties. Emergency employment as an officer pertaining to protective measures is exempted, provided that such protective police duties do not interfere with respective police duties. No police officer will be allowed to act in the capacity of a special officer at sporting events if the hours of duty as a special officer conflict with his hours of duty as a regular police office employed by the City.
No policeman and/or officer of the police force shall have other jobs known as "moonlighting" unless he can have eight hours' rest before he begins his tour of duty on the police force. Any policeman and/or officer who is doing other work, who misses a shift as a police officer on the day he has worked the extra job, will not be compensated for the time missed as a police officer.
City-owned vehicles operated by individual police officers will be the responsibility of vehicle operators. In the event of accident or damages to such equipment, a written report shall be made and submitted to the Chief of Police. The operator of such vehicle during daylight hours shall ascertain proper air pressure for tires, gasoline supply, oil supply and other equipment, such as lights, siren, radio and other police equipment, as to working order. He shall also see to it that cruisers other than the one he is using are checked as above mentioned. Any repair found necessary will be accomplished by City mechanics, if minor, or local garage, if major, with the same priority as that given to the fire equipment. A report of such repair will be submitted to the Chief of Police and the Mayor. Also, a daily report as to mileage covered and vehicle use will be submitted on forms that will be provided by the Department.
Each individual police officer will make out his own reports applicable to arrests, accidents, traffic and criminal. Officers will make a report daily of happenings on his beat, either motor or foot patrol. Forms will be provided by the Department for this purpose. These reports need not be lengthy, but shall be authentic and of a true nature.
Any police officer assigned to special detail or special investigation work shall make a daily report written of such investigation to the Chief of Police and Mayor. Such report shall include complete information concerning all persons under investigation. Any police officer assigned to special duty or special investigation by the Mayor shall be reported by the Mayor to the Chief of Police so that rearrangement of his working schedule can be accomplished. Reports of such investigation shall be filed in City Hall for inspection by the City Council whenever the City Council so directs that such reports be submitted to that body.
[Amended 10-19-1970; 1-4-1971; 1-1-1974[1]]
All policemen shall work a forty-hour work week. This work week shall consist of three shifts of 8 1/2 hours each. To the best of the ability of the Police Chief and Mayor, these shifts shall be worked on a rotation basis. Policemen shall report 15 minutes before scheduled starting time and leave 15 minutes after scheduled quitting time. Off time for meals is 1/2 hour and will be included within this period of 8 1/2 hours.
All working schedules shall have the approval of the Mayor.
During special events or in an emergency, special shifts may be adopted by the Mayor.
In any case where a policeman works more than 40 hours' regular police duty in any one week, compensation shall be paid at 1 1/2 times his regular rate. This compensation shall be made in the closest pay period to the time worked.
Compensation shall be made in either pay or time off for time spent at hearings and in court during a policeman's off-duty time. One hour shall be granted for each hearing attended. When in court, 1/2 day or four hours shall be granted if the case is finished during the morning session, and one full day or eight hours if finished during the afternoon session. This compensation shall be made within 30 days.
A posted list shall be maintained at all times for the listing of hearings and court time, as well as any other time to which a member of the police force shall be entitled. Also kept on this list shall be the date and the time when each member uses said time. This list shall be maintained in a manner so that each member can observe said list. Said list shall also contain the information with respect to the holidays that each man uses.
All policemen shall perform only police and City duties during working hours. Police duties shall have priority over City duties, and all police duties shall be assigned through City Hall channels.
Any violation of any part of this agreement by any policeman shall result in a suspension to be handed out by the Mayor, who shall designate the length of said suspension.
Any suspension given out by the Mayor to a police officer shall be according to the Third Class City Code.[2] If suspension given by the Mayor shall exceed five days, the suspended officer may submit a written request to have a hearing before the Mayor and City Council.
Editor's Note: See 11 Pa.C.S.A. § 10101 et seq.
It is recognized by the parties to this agreement that certain rules and regulations are established for the Police Department of the City of Shamokin by ordinance. Where provisions of such ordinance conflict with either party's obligations under this agreement, the agreement provision shall prevail.
The pay period shall be every other Wednesday.
All overtime shall be equally shared by all policemen; provided, however, that if any policeman shall decline to work overtime when it is his turn to do so, he shall forfeit that turn, but shall have the opportunity to work when his turn is again reached. The turn of each policeman shall be set forth in a roster of overtime work prepared and maintained by the Chief of Police and conspicuously posted in City Hall for inspection. Overtime hours need not be evenly distributed among the policemen, but said overtime hours shall be distributed as equally as possible to the best of the ability of the Chief of Police.
Editor's Note: Effective for a two-year period commencing 1-1-1974.
[Amended 10-19-1970; 1-4-1971; 1-1-1974[1]]
Paid vacation time.
Paid vacations shall be granted as follows:
Six months to one year of service: one week.
Over one year to four years of service: two weeks.
Over five years to 19 years of service: three weeks.
Twenty years and over: four weeks.
Vacation time must be taken and will be posted on a seniority basis. On the first round, each man will post two weeks. When each man has posted two weeks, those eligible will post one week. On the next round, those eligible will post their last week. If a man is denied his posted vacation time by reason of emergency needs, he should be given equivalent substitute time. A vacation week is defined as five workdays plus two normal nonduty days. Only two men will be allowed vacation during one week. All vacation schedules shall be subject to the approval of the Mayor and the Chief of Police.
All policemen shall receive compensation in pay or time off for nine holidays per year. These holidays shall be as follows:
New Year's Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
In the event any policeman works on any of these holidays, he shall be compensated 1 1/2 times his regular rate of pay for all hours worked on said holiday. Any holiday time not used during the year will be compensated for in pay on the final day of the year.
Editor's Note: Effective for a two-year period commencing 1-1-1974.
[Amended 10-19-70; 1-1-74[1]]
Each policeman shall receive 15 days for sick leave each year. All days not used by the end of any year shall be accumulated until such time as he has accumulated 75 days. Upon retirement from the police force, each policeman shall receive compensation at the rate of $5 per day for each day of unused accumulated sick pay.
Any police officer who abuses this privilege shall be called before the Mayor and shall be subject to suspension for a period of up to five days.
A sick leave accounting shall be issued to each policeman at the end of each year, showing how many sick days he has used and how many sick days he has accumulated.
Editor's Note: Effective for a two-year period commencing 1-1-1974.
[Added 1-1-1974[1]]
In the event of the death of any member of a policeman's immediate family, he shall be entitled to three workdays off with pay at his regular rate of pay. Immediate family shall consist of mother, father, wife, children, brother or sister.
Editor's Note: Effective for a two-year period commencing 1-1-1974.
No police officer shall change shifts or working schedules without the approval of the Chief of Police and Mayor.
Police radio cars shall report out of service only as per scheduled lunch period (1/2 hour), for an emergency in performance of duties or when, in the opinion of the operator, it is in the interest of the public. The operator shall report by radio to the station at City Hall of his actions. A log of all calls shall be kept by the officer or Clerk on duty at that time.
No publicity shall be released to the press or radio pertaining to police matters unless authorized by the Mayor or Chief of Police.
All radio operators in both the station and cars shall try to standardize their speech, such as: Cars shall always use their number when calling the station, and if they wish to continue conversation they shall use the term "over," and when they wish to break off conversation they shall do so by the phrase "Car number. . . . . . . ., over and out." The station operator shall call cars by number only, and if wishing to continue conversation shall use the word "over," and if wishing to close conversation shall use the term "over and out." Radio cars shall report by radio to the station every hour, giving car number and location. All patrolmen and other members of the police force shall report locations every 1/2 hour from the cruiser or a call box. Any incidents or happenings which will tend to increase the efficiency of the police force shall also be reported at any time.
[Amended 10-19-70; 1-1-74[1]]
All police officers during their tour of duty shall be neat in appearance. Officers shall report for duty 15 minutes before starting time in order that instructions, information and inspection may be accomplished. Uniforms are expected to be neat in appearance. The senior officer making the inspection shall have authority to dismiss an officer until such time as corrections are made. Inspections may also be made any time during a tour of duty.
Either a summer or winter uniform will be provided each year. Uniform selections shall be subject to the approval of the Mayor and Council. Winter uniforms will be provided for the odd years and shall be ordered not later than July 1 of that year. Summer uniforms will be provided for the even years and shall be ordered not later than February 1 of that year. The uniform allowance shall include two trousers, four shirts and one hat. Any nonuniformed officer shall receive a clothing allowance equal to the cost of outfitting one policeman. One pair of shoes shall be provided each year.
Any damage to uniforms made while on City duty shall be repaired or replaced at the City's expense. Such damage must be reported to the senior officer on duty and entered on the duty sheet before going off duty.
The wearing of uniforms or shoes during off-duty hours without permission shall subject the policeman to a suspension as determined by the Mayor.
Editor's Note: Effective for a two-year period commencing 1-1-1974.
It shall be the duty of all police officers to search prisoners thoroughly before confining them to cells. The desk officer shall see to it that all state officers and constables follow the same procedure before confining any prisoner to the cell block, and that state officers, constables and police officers, other than those employed by the City of Shamokin, fill out a form that will be provided in order that the prisoner's home address, nature of arrest and probable disposition are listed for information of the Police Department of the City of Shamokin.
Police officers shall pass on information to fellow officers which would be of value in the performance of their respective duties. It is forbidden to withhold information pertaining to police business that would hinder the Police Department or any fellow officer in the making of an arrest. Any infraction shall be liability for dismissal.
Conduct unbecoming an officer shall be dealt with accordingly by the Chief of Police, Lieutenant, Mayor and/or City Council.
Policemen shall obey the orders of the Mayor and make reports to him, which reports shall be read by him before the Council whenever required. The Mayor shall exercise constant supervision and control over their conduct.
Beat boundaries shall be determined by the Chief, Lieutenant or Mayor. In the event of emergency situations, the Safety Director or a City Councilman may make necessary changes in the best interest of the public.
The desk position will be run on the following twenty-four-hour schedule:
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight.
12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m.
The cruiser will run on the following twenty-four-hour schedule:
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight.
12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m.
Officers with beats bordering on Independence Street, and one cruiser will police the Business District on the evenings that stores remain open until 9:00 p.m. These officers will then resume their regular duties or assignment made by the officer in charge.
When business establishments are open until the hour of 9:00 p.m., officers on foot patrol will be responsible for traffic regulations at Anthracite, Cleaver and Ninth Streets, or other assigned intersections, until the hour of 9:00 p.m., after which they will resume their respective beats, or as assigned.
During daylight tour of duty, the cruiser officers shall make a close check of motor violations, and in particular double parking in meter zones, parking on yellow lines and in no-parking zones; stop signs and red lights, speeding and reckless operation of motor cars and all types of trucks, also covering and top loads of trucks in violation of City ordinances.
Desk duty will be handled by the Chief of Police, Police Lieutenant, Police Sergeant or any patrolman assigned by the Mayor when desk clerks are not available.
The police desk shall be manned by a person appointed by the Mayor to serve as desk clerk.
Article XLIV, Section 4408 (Third Class City Law).
"All employees subject to Civil Service shall be subject to suspension by the Direction of any Department for misconduct, or violation of any law of this Commonwealth, and ordinance of the City or regulations of the Department pending action of the City Council upon the charges made against any of such persons. On hearing before City Council, they may be fined or suspended for a period not exceeding 30 days, with or without pay. This includes the Federal 'Hatch Act.'
"They may be discharged by City Council if found guilty of the charges made against them. The Director of each such department may for misconduct or violation, as aforesaid, suspend any employee of such Department for a period of five days, with or without pay, without preferring charges and without a hearing by Council; provided, however, that if it should become necessary to reduce the number of men in said Department for economy, seniority rights shall prevail, and any and all removals for such cause or causes shall be from members last appointed, and the member or members serving the shortest time shall be removed first; but members with longer times of service may be discharged for cause.
"Any policeman aggrieved by the action of Council in fining, suspending or discharging him shall have the right to appeal by petition within 30 days after receipt of a written notice of such action, of which it shall be the duty of Council to give to the Court of Common Pleas of the county, which Court shall hear the charges against the policeman so named. The issue before the Court shall be whether the action of the Council shall be affirmed or modified in any respect, or whether the charges should be dismissed. Where any policeman has been suspended by action of Council and the charges dismissed on appeal, the policeman shall receive full compensation for the entire time of suspension."
Policemen shall be given the benefit of day duty in an equitable manner consistent with the needs of the City for police service during the day and night.
No police officer or patrolman shall accept or receive directly or indirectly from the Fraternal Order of Police any money or thing of value in lieu of the loss of wages imposed by reason of suspension without pay of any officer or patrolman of the City of Shamokin by the Mayor or Council of said City.
Policemen and/or officers of the police force who wish to report off their regularly scheduled duty because of sickness or other legitimate reasons shall give four hours of previous notice before their scheduled starting time. Notice shall give the reason for absence from the regularly scheduled tour of duty. In case of sickness, a doctor's certificate must be furnished; and, in case of emergency, the reason must be given and the same passed on by the Mayor or Chief of Police.
[Amended 8-27-1979 by Ord. No. 263]
Any patrolman and/or officer of the Police Department having been duly elected Second Assistant Fire Chief, First Assistant Fire Chief or Fire Chief will agree, in writing, to fulfill his duties and responsibilities as a patrolman and/or officer of the Police Department should an alarm of fire or other emergency requiring the services of the Fire Bureau be sounded. He may, however, be relieved from his duties and responsibilities as a patrolman and/or officer of the Police Department during the fire or other emergency by the Chief of Police or the Director of Public Safety.
Whenever a police training and/or school training program has been scheduled by the Mayor and City Council, all police officers shall attend such training program or school at the designated time. This includes physical fitness, marksmanship or other programs intended to increase the efficiency of the police force. Special provisions for the alteration of schedules of policemen on duty during scheduled training programs may be made by directive from the Chief, Mayor and Council.
[Added 10-19-1970; amended 1-1-1974[1]]
The City shall institute a Blue Cross and Blue Shield major medical plan for policemen and their dependents on a noncontributory basis. The City, at its own cost, shall also provide a minimum life insurance policy of $2,000 on the life of all policemen.
Editor's Note: Effective for a two-year period commencing 1-1-1974.
[Added 10-19-1970; amended 1-4-1971; 1-1-1974[1]]
Wages, effective January 1, 1974, shall be as follows:
Chief of Police
Lieutenant of Police
Sergeant of Police
Probationary patrolman
After six months of service, a probationary patrolman shall receive the full wage of a patrolman.
Beginning January 1, 1975, each policeman shall receive a salary increase of 5.6% or the equivalent to the rise in the national consumer price index of the United States Department of Labor, whichever is greater.
Editor's Note: Effective for a two-year period commencing 1-1-1974.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.
[Added 1-1-1974[1]]
The parties agree not to discriminate against any policeman on the basis of race, creed, sex, religion or political affiliation or for any grievance he may initiate against the City.
Editor's Note: Effective for a two-year period commencing 1-1-1974.
[Added 1-1-1974[1]]
Any grievance arising between the City of Shamokin and the Shamokin police force or between the City and an officer shall be taken up in accordance with the following procedure:
No later than seven calendar days following the event causing the grievance, the police representative or the grievant shall take the matter up with the Chief of Police.
In the event that the matter is not settled by the Chief of Police within seven calendar days, the grievance shall be presented, in writing, to the Mayor. The Mayor shall render his decision, in writing, within seven calendar days after submission of the grievance.
In the event that the decision of the Mayor is unsatisfactory to the police representative or the grievant, the grievance may be submitted to the American Arbitration Association. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding. The costs of arbitration shall be borne equally by the parties.
Editor's Note: Effective for a two-year period commencing 1-1-1974.