[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Shamokin as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 2-7-1950 by Ord. No. 10 (Ch. 13 of the 1967 Code)]
All directors of departments are the agents of the Council only, and all their acts shall be subject to direction, review, approval or revocation by the Council.
As Director of Public Affairs, the Mayor shall have supervision over the Police Department and all policemen, officers and employees therein, and the City Solicitor. He shall have charge and control of the City Hall and the matron thereof. He shall also issue any permits for the erection and construction of any buildings or the alteration, repair or making additions to old buildings, and for the occupation of the streets for any purpose as required by the ordinances of the City.
The Director of Public Safety shall have charge of the Police Bureau and establish rules and regulations therefor. He shall have supervision of the Fire Department and the buildings and personal property connected therewith and owned by the City, and all officers therein who are paid or appointed by the City Council, the fire alarm system and all officers and employees not otherwise herein provided that have to do with the safety and health of persons and property and traffic regulations in the City.
The Director of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements shall superintend and take charge of all public works and the municipal cleaning of streets and public places; the erection, making, repairing and reconstruction of all street improvements, pavements, sidewalks, walls, sewers, bridges, viaducts and conduits, and shall cause to be made frequent inspections of telegraph, telephone and other poles and wires within the City limits.
He shall have supervision over all public utilities as to their occupancy of streets and other public property. He shall have supervision over the warehouse and the property contained therein. He shall take charge of all buildings, tools and property used in connection with the Street Department, and shall issue or cause to be issued such permits for making excavations in the highways of the City as are required to be taken out under existing ordinances.
In addition to the above, the Director of said Department is authorized and empowered to temporarily employ from time to time, in such number and for such periods of time as in his judgment may be necessary for the work of the Department, mechanics for the repair, care and maintenance of vehicles and machinery of the Department, for masonry and other skilled labor of all kinds required by the work of the Department, and laborers of all classes for repair and construction work, street cleaning and other work of the Department; they shall perform such work as shall be assigned them by the Director of the Department or the Road Foreman. The employees, laborers and mechanics authorized by this section, when their compensation is not otherwise fixed by ordinance, shall be paid for time employed at such rates per hour as may be fixed by the Director of the Department, having regard to the best interests of the City, and he shall have authority to change said rates whenever in his judgment it shall be to the best interests of the City to do so.
All employees, laborers and mechanics provided for or authorized herein shall be paid in such a manner as the Director shall establish. They may at any time be required, with the consent of the Director of the Department, to perform work and service of like character in and for any other department. The Director of the Department shall have full control over all employees, laborers and mechanic and may hire, suspend and discharge any of them, in his discretion, with the consent of the Council.
The Director of the Department of Accounts and Finance shall have charge of the supervision over all accounts and records of the City, and all officers, boards or departments required to keep accounts or records or to make reports. He shall inspect or cause to be inspected all records and accounts required to be kept in any of the offices or departments of the City, and shall cause proper accounts and records to be kept and proper reports to be made. He shall cause to be audited by the City Controller, at frequent intervals, the accounts of every officer or employee who received or distributes money.
The City Clerk, City Controller, Treasurer and their respective offices and departments, and all employees therein, and all bookkeepers and accounts are assigned to the Departments of Accounts and Finance and shall be under the supervision and direction of the Director thereof.
The City Clerk shall assist the Director of Accounts and Finance in the keeping of such books and accounts as such Director is required to keep by law.
The Director of Parks and Public Property shall have charge of and supervision over all public parks and the comfort stations of the City.