[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Shamokin 12-10-2012 by Ord. No. 12-10. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known as the "City of Shamokin Antique Dealers and Secondhand Goods Dealers Ordinance."
The following words, when used in this chapter, shall have the meaning as set forth below:
Any person who either wholly or in part engages in or operates the trade or business of buying, selling, exchanging, or transferring used or secondhand goods.
A Pennsylvania driver's license or Pennsylvania nondriver's identification, valid U.S. passport, or military identification.
Items of personal property that have been previously purchased at retail.
All antique dealers and secondhand goods dealers who either a) maintain a business establishment within the City of Shamokin or b) enter into a transaction for the purchase, sale or exchange of any secondhand good or goods within the City of Shamokin shall obtain a license from the City of Shamokin Police Department on an annual basis for the term commencing the first day of January of each and every year, and pay an annual fee set by City Council of the City of Shamokin by resolution from time to time.
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in business as an antique dealer or secondhand goods dealer without a license.
Acquisition of secondhand goods by purchase, exchange, or transfer or any other means.
All antique dealers and secondhand goods dealers shall keep complete and accurate records of any and all secondhand goods acquired by purchase, exchange, transfer, or any other means on forms provided by the City of Shamokin Police Department.
The records shall contain the following:
The name, address, and telephone number of the person selling, exchanging, or transferring the item of personal property.
The nature of the identification shown by the person and any applicable identification number.
The description, including make, model, and serial number, where applicable, of the item purchased, exchanged, or transferred.
The price for which the item was purchased. If the item was traded or exchanged, the value of the item that was traded or exchanged.
The date of the transaction.
Disposition of secondhand goods by resale, exchange, transfer or any other means.
All antique dealers or secondhand goods dealers shall keep complete and accurate records, on forms provided by the City of Shamokin Police Department, of all secondhand goods that are disposed of by resale, exchange, transfer or any other means.
The records shall contain the following:
The name, address, and telephone number of the person who received the item of personal property by purchase, exchange, transfer, or any other means.
The nature of the identification shown by the person and any applicable identification number.
The description, including make, model, and serial number, where applicable, of the item purchased, exchanged, transferred or disposed of by any other means.
The price for which the item was purchased. If the item was traded or exchanged, the value of the item that was traded or exchanged.
The date of the transaction.
Delivery of records to the Police Department. A legible, accurate, and complete copy of the above records shall be delivered, in person, by first-class mail, or by facsimile transmission, to the City of Shamokin Police Department every Tuesday before 10:00 a.m.
In the event the individual selling, exchanging, or transferring the item of personal property is under the age of 18 years, he/she shall be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. The parent or legal guardian must also provide proof of identification as set forth above, which shall be recorded in the records of the antique dealer or secondhand goods dealer.
If any item of personal property is to be changed, modified or altered in any way, including but not limited to melting or smelting, the antique dealer or secondhand goods dealer will photograph the object and immediately notify the City of Shamokin Police Department by telephone. The notification shall include a description of the item. The item of personal property shall not be altered within the 48 hours following the notification to the City of Shamokin Police Department or until the expiration of the holding period as set forth in § 136-8, below, whichever is later.
Upon demand, inventory records relating to items of personal property subject to this chapter shall be made available to the City of Shamokin Police Department for inspection. A written record containing the above information must be kept of all transactions in the course of business, and retained subject to this chapter for a period of not less then three years from the date of the transaction.
All antiques or secondhand goods dealers must retain all items received in the course of business at the business location where the transaction occurred. All property must be kept in the original condition as it was initially received at the time of purchase, exchange, transfer or other method of acquisition. All coins, coin collections, jewelry, and precious metals (gold, silver and platinum) shall be kept in such original condition for a period of 10 business days from the date of purchase, exchange, transfer or other method of acquisition. All other property shall be kept in such original condition for a period of five business days from the date of purchase, exchange, transfer or other method of acquisition. Such property will be made available for inspection to any police officer engaged in the performance of his/her duties.
All antique dealers and secondhand goods dealers shall provide either oral or written communication to the City of Shamokin Police Department within two business days of any unusual or suspicious transaction or attempted transaction that is customarily associated with the sale, exchange, or transfer of stolen property. Such communication shall be made when the transaction includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Coins, stamps, or similar collectibles;
Any item that appears to be new or in the original packaging; or
More than one dozen compact discs, audio tapes, video tapes, or similar items customarily stolen from motor vehicles, that are offered within a twenty-four-hour period.
No antique dealer or secondhand goods dealer shall accept any item of personal property where a serial number or identifying mark has been defaced, altered, or marred.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to secondhand goods purchased at auctions, estate sales, yard sales, or flea markets.
The license of an antique dealer or secondhand goods dealer may be suspended or revoked for violation of any provision of this chapter after proper notice setting forth the reasons for the suspension or revocation.
The license of an antiques dealer or secondhand goods dealer may be suspended or revoked for making false reports to law enforcement authorities with regard to items of personal property and/or with regard to the requirements of this chapter.
Any person aggrieved by the suspension or revocation of his or her license may appeal the decision to the City Council of the City of Shamokin under the provision of the Local Agency Act.[1]
Editor's Note: See 2 Pa.C.S.A. § 551 et seq.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof in a summary proceeding, be sentenced to either pay a fine of not less that $100 nor more than $1,000, which shall be paid to the use of the City of Shamokin, with costs of prosecution, or to be imprisoned for not more than 10 days, or both.
Nothing in this chapter shall prevent any person who provides false reports or information to the City of Shamokin Police Department from being prosecuted for making false reports to law enforcement authorities under applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.