[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Shamokin 3-15-1954 by Ord. No. 66 (Ch. 77 of the 1967 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any liquid used as fuel, having a flash point of not less than 110° F., by closed-cup tester.
Any device designed for burning gas, provided the tank therefor is of more than 100-pound capacity.
Any device designed and arranged for the purpose of burning or preparing to burn fuel as specified in § 259-1 of this chapter and having a tank or container with a capacity for more than 20 gallons connected thereto.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or their agents to install any oil-heating burner or gas-heating burner within the City of Shamokin unless the provisions of this chapter are fully complied with prior to such installation. Before an installation is made of an oil- or gas-heating burner, an application addressed to the City Clerk of the City of Shamokin, Pennsylvania, shall be first made, in writing, by the person, firm, corporation or agent who desires to make such installation, which application in every instance shall be signed by the applicant.
The said application shall specify the size, location, design and method of operating any such burner or device or tank and the manner of installation thereof, and the applicant shall submit with the said application satisfactory evidence that the proposed installation complies with the laws of this Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
The City Council may approve any oil- or gas-heating burner listed by the Underwriters' Laboratory or any other nationally recognized inspection board or laboratory. Oil- or gas-heating burners not listed by the Underwriters' Laboratory or any other nationally recognized inspection board or laboratory shall not be approved.
For the purpose of this chapter, oil- or gas-heating equipment shall consist of all equipment connected to oil- or gas-heating burners and located within the building, including internal and external supply or storage tanks, and provisions for filling and venting same, piping, wiring and all accessories.
Upon such application being presented by action of the Council, the same may be referred to the City Engineer and Fire Chief or his designee for investigation, who shall, at the request of the Council, make examination of the proposed locations and installation applied for; shall determine whether installation is in full compliance with the laws of the State of Pennsylvania and the provisions of all ordinances of the City of Shamokin. The City Engineer shall make a written report to the Council of the result of his findings, and upon favorable action of the Council on the situation and upon the report of the City Engineer, the Mayor shall grant a permit for the oil or gas. Upon the approval of such application and upon the payment of a fee of $25 for each domestic burner or tank installed, and $50 for each commercial burner or tank or pump installed, the Mayor shall grant proper permits for the erection, installation and operation of such burners or devices or tanks as applied for in the original application.
All installations of oil or gas heating equipment must be in compliance with the specifications of the National Board of Fire Underwriters which are now on file in the office of the City Clerk, which said specifications are herein approved.
All pavements and streets that have been dug up for any installation shall be replaced in good condition on any such permit.
All permits granted under this chapter shall be effective from date thereof and for a period ending one calendar year thereafter. If the applicant desires thereafter to continue the maintenance and operation of said burner or device or tank, the holder of such permit shall present the same to the City Clerk, and upon payment of a fee of $5, the Mayor shall endorse thereon a renewal for a period of another calendar year and so on until the said applicant shall show the Council that they no longer use said devices or tanks or burners. Any person or firm presently maintaining and operating an oil or gas burner or device or tank as described in this chapter shall register the same within a period of 30 days from the effective date of this chapter with the City Clerk and receive therefor a permit for the same, and which said permit shall be renewed annually upon the payment of a fee of $5.
All fees paid for permits or renewals for the maintenance and operation of these burners or devices and tanks issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the general fund of the City Treasury.
Any permit granted under the provisions of this chapter may be revoked, or renewal thereof refused, where it shall appear that any such burner or device or tank has not been erected and installed in compliance with the terms of this chapter.
The City Engineer and/or City Inspector shall make periodical investigations on all devices or tanks hereinbefore set forth, within the City limits, and shall report to the Council any violation of the laws or rules committed or existing in connection therewith and any causes found for revoking permits granted under the provisions of this chapter.
Any person, firm, association, partnership or corporation who shall hereinafter maintain, erect, operate or install any burner or device or tank for domestic and commercial purposes for the use of fuel oil or gas as aforesaid, in violation of this chapter and without having first obtained a permit therefor as provided in this chapter, shall forfeit and pay to the City of Shamokin, for the use of the City of Shamokin, a fine of $100. Any firm, person, association, partnership or corporation who shall hereinafter maintain or operate any such burner or device or tank for domestic or commercial use of fuel oil or gas without a permit for the same as herein required shall forfeit and pay to the City of Shamokin, for the use of the City of Shamokin, a fine of $10 for each and every violation; each violation shall be taken to be completed on any day, and a repetition or continuance of such maintenance or operation on any succeeding day or days shall constitute separate and independent violations, each punishable by a like penalty. The fines provided for herein shall be recoverable by action before any Magisterial District Judge of the City of Shamokin, and in default of payment thereof, with costs, the defendant shall be imprisoned in the Northumberland County Jail for a period of one day for each day of penalty or penalties and costs imposed and unpaid, not exceeding, however, a total of 10 days in any one case.
No burner or device or tank as hereinbefore set forth shall be moved or relocated without the written permission of the Council.
If any sentence, clause or section or part of this chapter is for any reason found to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, such unconstitutionality, illegality or invalidity shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, sentences, clauses or sections or parts of this chapter. It is hereby declared the intent of the Council that this chapter would have been adopted had such unconstitutional, illegal or invalid sentence, clause, section or part thereof not been included therein.
All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent with this chapter are hereby repealed insofar as they are in conflict with this chapter.
This chapter shall go into effect immediately after the date of adoption.